Unfolding drama as r/news mods delete every article that gets posted about the mayocide in South Africa.

195  2018-08-20 by SlarSlar

Happening currently, watch the new submissions. They're deleting comments criticizing them as well.



Link is white

Rhett is much whiter tho, easily 56% white.

Whitey is getting super triggered today. They should leave the threads up so he has a chance to post his 1488 spergs and get benned.

nothing on removeddit, no archive?

what a nothing burger

For some reason removeddit or ceddit dont work for me.

removeddit doesn't work on my mobile Brave but does work on my stock mobile Samsung browser. Sometimes trying a different browser works if it's worth it to you

removeddit doesn't work on my mobile Brave

I think it's something to do with privacy settings. I had no issues with Firefox on Removeddit until I played around with the settings and now it doesn't work.

Ceddit works for me but I have to turn off the "shield" in brave first.

Are you using Firefox in private browsing mode with tracking protection enabled?

Thanks, it works when I use it in private browsing.


Hello new friend!

78,031 readers

We really do need to go private again.

In a few months we'll real 100,000. Hopefully I would've ropes before then because I don't want to see how bad this sub will get as more rapefugees pour in.

It's just a "joke" about killing white "people", haha.

Haha yeah, just a joke, haha

hahahahah lol good joke lmao

White "people" totes deserve to live lmao haha

haha "no" haha


Imagine unironically being pissed off by the mayocide meme

Imagine not understanding a joke comment

I know, it's a really funny meme, haha

Imagine thinking its a meme

Mommy someone was edgy on the interweb! 😭😭😭😭

Imagine putting emphasis on key words and people still miss it.

White fragility lol

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Hello new subscriber, r/drama is a friendly community that respects each other and is always kind and welcoming. If you have any question about it and its members, absolutely any question, don't hesitate to go fuck yourself.

Excuse me?

He told you to go fuck yourself, you need a manual or what?

I don’t understand what I’ve done to deserve it, or why everyone’s being so mean.

The culture of this sub is always friendly and open to new members, do not let the few bad apples discourage you from posting. It also helps a lot if you're not a pathetic fucking pussy. Welcome to r/drama. :)

[removed too quickly to be archived]

Haha no. You made your bed, now starve in it.

They won't, they'll just start crying about "humanitarian help" and then start migrating to the west.

Who would have ever guessed that giving the power of a once prosperous country to a group of illiterate primitives would lead to a negative outcome.

Yeah I don’t care much for the Dutch either

Colonies under British colonial rule: Some measure of stability and economy

Colonies under Dutch rule: Rape, starvation

Colonies under native rule: Rape, starvation

Conclusion: Dutch = natives

Well, us Afrikaners are mostly of German extraction.

imagine defending yourself as a mayo African

The electoral college is dumb i know.

You’re right about Yugoslavia and Serbs but I don’t see what that has to do with anything

Yugoslavia was never prosperous

GDP per capita was higher than South Africa

That's not achievement.......

You're being too hard on the US, bud. They're not that bad.

South Africa will soon go the way of Zimbabwe, before the Chinese come in and exterminate everyone.

Your words to god's ears.

based Chinamen

something something perfectly balanced

And the lefties will cite statistics of hugely increased economic output to call it a win for communism somehow.

its only fair that the chinese finally get their chance at exploiting the negro.

Why do these African countries have a habit of completely destroying themselves lmao

The same reaosn why Bangladesh seceded: Stupidity.

Bangladesh did nothing wrong, staying with Pakistan would've been a pretty big mistake.

How come?

They constantly pursue hostile relations with a country that surrounds Bangladesh on three sides

Bangladesh doesn't exactly have the best relations with India right now.

Literally every country has better relations with India than Pakistan though

Pakistan is the The Hills Have Eyes-esque hillbilly cannibal tribe of Asia.

Nepal doesnt, Bhutan doesn't, Bangladesh doesn't, lastly, China doesn't.

Do you think India has nukes pointed at them?

How about towards Pakistan?

They do; do you not know that Pakistan is also a nuclear-armed country?

When did I say otherwise? I am fully aware of which savage countries managed to get their hands on nukes.

I'm saying that Bangladesh wouldn't be so fucking irrelevant and in fear of India if they stayed West Pakistani.

In what world is Pakistan a country to look up to or aspire to? It is filled with terrorism problems and corruption and the government can't even manage to control their own country much less attempt to have a fiefdom they have zero land or air access to without India's permission.

I'm saying that Bangladesh wouldn't be so fucking irrelevant and in fear of India if they stayed West Pakistani.

They were East Pakistani you dumb cunt.


Wasn't Pakistan planning on keeping Bangladesh as some sort of cattle-like lesser slave state? And they fought for their freedom and overcame their masters with the help of the freedom loving Indians?

Correction big mayostake.

Nah, it’s cause they recognized that Pashtun dances were in fact more gay than Tajik dances

They're full of Africans.

Because Europeans have never had a problem of fucking themselves over, multiple times.

Ok? I mean, I don't really see the comparison. It's clear Europe/The West is ahead of fucking Africa.

Dumb argument.

At least blame whitey for holding Africa down or whatever.

Did I say Europe wasn't ahead? Any idiot can see that. Nice strawman, but I'm talking historically. Thought that was pretty clear.

To be fair it might be slightly harder to progress when there's giant fucking predators and even more giant psychotic herbivores all over the place.

more giant psychotic herbivores all over the place.

Agreed. Somebody should do something about r/trollx.

But whales aren't herbivores though.

Fun fact, Europeans DID have lions but we killed them all before we had guns because we're not retarded and realized they were a fucking nuisance. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_lions_in_Europe

It's clear Europe/The West is ahead of fucking Africa.

Man Bulgaria and Moldavia wanna have a word with you

implying Bulgarians are humans

nothing cringier then watching redditers pretending they're posting on /pol/

Lmao Europoors import their ability to shoot themselves in the foot and blame the Africans smh

You call Europeans poor yet most average western Europeans have it so much better than the average American. Ironic.

Wow listen to this europoor

I can't wait for America to become bored of protecting all those filthy europoors and finally let their rightful masters the Russians rape them into the next century

Lol retard, most of Europe is richer than Russia, and Europe as a continent hates Russia, we are much more powerful than them; you need us much more than we need you, you’re obsessed with us, you are the country after all that lost to the Vietnam farmers, leave us and our beautiful culture alone you poor, obese, divided mess of a country

we are more powerful then them

Fine leave NATO you stupid ungreatful mess. Do it and see how long it takes to have slav dick in your loose faggot bussy.

You’re the faggots threatening to leave, which will never happen you pussies because you guys need us way more than we need you. You leave NATO, OMG wow the shock, now guess what, you lose all of your influence in the most important region in the world, say bye bye to all those bases in Europe, say bye to all those vital secrets and information kept between Europe and America, say bye to most of your go geo political influence and then say hello to the new superpower, China who would love the idea of a USA with no influence from Europe, they’d definitely jump at the gun at trying to become our buds, and if failing so (we hold true to human rights) they’ll still become the worlds most powerful country from it.

I honestly think we should leave NATO because you are an irrelevant continent.

Besides, you can do better on your own, right?

Okay, do and fuck off, America is a plague to this world, we don’t need you and we don’t want you, Europeans are together you have no one, even your own neighbours hate your guts.

Okay have fun with Russia! They've always been your real friend anway

Fuck Russia and fuck America , we hate you both

Okay sweaty

Ur so dumb you took my b8 m8

Europeans are together

This faggot actually thinks Europeans are willing to die for their Muslim cock loving neighbour.

How can Europe be an irrelevant continent when the EUs GDP is stronger than any other country?

Bitch don't waste your time arguing with defect people...I'm just sayin :P.

the most important region in the world

is china bro

Oi, m8, you gut a loicence to be this retarded?

we are much more powerful than them

oh sweaty... oh no no no no

it goes Chinese > Americans > Japanese > Russians

Erm no, in terms of power it goes America > EU > China > Russia

That's if you think only in terms of money, which is a mistake. Money that you can't protect just makes you a target. Once America abandons you, you're meat.

Eh? In terms of what? In terms of money the EU is on par with America, if we needed to build up an army or spend more on GDP we could muster up one just as powerful as yours, but what would be the point? You guys are protecting us at the minute and that’s true but why would you not want to protect Europe? Imagine Europe is gone who do you guys have lol, the guys up north all seem like pretentious douchebags that hate you and try to insult you at every chance, South America all hate you and Australia only really care about themselves. No Europe and you guys have very little friends, plus France and the UK alone have 500 nukes so that’s enough to deter any kind of invasion, because we’d never sit back and let a western European country be invaded.

It doesn't sound like you understand how building an army works.

Also. Countries can't be friends. You only think in those terms because it makes being a protectorate easier to deal with. A significant portion of Americans, who currently control all three branches of our government, are in favor of dropping you.

Erm allies? I’m pretty sure if a european country got destroyed by China or Russia America would be inclined to come in and help anyway. Not Eastern Europe but definitely Western Europe, especially considering most Americans identify as having German, English, Irish, French blood. You think Americans don’t care about Europe? Get real, republicans will never leave NATO nor do any of them want to, trump doesn’t want to be just wanted us to pay more, leaving NATO would be the end of the strongest alliance, and mark the end of America’s geo political influence and probably piss off most Americans

Half of Americans when polled say the US should no defend any European nation if they get attacked, unless they up their spending commitments.

Alliances aren't friendships because they're practical deals between states, they aren't friendships with an emotional element. America is only going to continue to grow more hostile towards Europe.

How do you not know this? Most Americans only exposure to Europeans is Europeans talking shit about them on the Internet, or European leaders attacking them/their candidate. Why wouldn't the right-leaning half of America hate euros?

That’s an extremely vague title though. Any European nation is way to subtle, would America go to war for Luxembourg or Belgium? I doubt it, but change that question to strictly - one of the follow : Britain, France, Germany and a few others and I’d assume that the majority would. Also I wouldn’t say ‘half of Americans’ you mean half of the people on a small sample question, half of which are most likely Trump supporters and blindly follow whatever he says is bad or good for America.

What? They’re practical deals and a huge element of emotion between them, hence why we share the same views on freedom and human rights, democracy etc, people have gone to wars over alliances, they aren’t something as easy to say as ‘deals between governments’ that’s ridiculous, during WW2 before America joined you guys were still supplying your allies Britain in huge waves, despite knowing it could lead to an declaration of war from Germany and how bad it severed ties.

And seriously? You guys are way worse for that, the whole Sweden being a migrant rape cuck country, the fact that we’re all Muslims with no freedom of speech and liberal, you guys are worse than us lmao, but go ahead and leave NATO it’ll hurt you more than us, it’s you who gets hard thinking of being the world superpower.

Doesn't understand how studies work

Thinks countries are actual buddies like in polandball comics

Doesn't understand the practical and financial motivations for selling stuff to the allies before American citizens were willing to join WW2

I thought you euros were supposed to be smart?

Meh let’s agree to disagree I think Europe’s better you think America’s better

They're both trash sweaty

What? I think America is shit. That doesn't have anything to do with this.

Surely you're too stupid to realize Russians are subhumans. Poland alone ruled Moscow once but since you're from America(aka English speaking version of Russia) you think history starts in 1945.

‘Almost every’ shares a link where 4 Western European countries are above the US, not only that but the costs of living are much higher in the US, many Western European countries have better wages and better work lives (6 weeks paid leave - sick leave - paternity leave) of course the backwards USA doesn’t have that, like I said most of Western Europe > USA all day

Rent, gas and goods are more expensive. Cost of living is much higher in Europoor land

I’ve been to America, it really isn’t anything special lol. I’ve also been to most of Europe, I can comfortably say ‘europoor’ is much better to live in, especially Greek islands, Spain, literally anywhere in Scandinavia > US , UK and France are pretty cool too, Germany’s sweet

In terms of climate, many places in America have better climates than europe

no people would rather live in Iceland than Hawaii.

Yes I’d agree in terms of climate; might wanna check your sources though, we have Greece and Spain which are extremely hot during summer, we just holiday there if we want a summer holiday.

The only real difference is that we don't have Hawaii or any deserts.

You have true tropical climates like south Florida? Or swamps like Louisiana?

Florida is sub tropical, but would you really consider Florida climate or swamps good climates?

Okay but still, I guess it just comes down to preference. I personally don't enjoy Florida heat and I like being near the ocean. The Mediterranean is wonderful. Just bad people living around it.

It is preference. Miami is WARM all year round. not moderate, WARM and lush. There is a pleasure in being able to be live in a place that has temps in around 80 degrees F even in Mid January. (And also, the area around Florida beaches have cool ocean breezes that offset the heat somewhat.

‘Almost every’ shares a link where 4 Western European countries are above the US,

The only western European country above the US on that list is Luxembourg. The others are northern Europe.

Assuming you meant the western half of Europe, the countries at the top of that list are also tiny ones. One of them is literally a city state. All of the big countries (ones with more then +40 million people: Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain) rank lower then the US.

Also, if you're going to count little regions with 5-10 million people, there are several states with higher median incomes then any country in Europe.

not only that but the costs of living are much higher in the US

It's adjusted for for that. That what the "PPP" means.

Northern Europe? Are you fucking stupid? Your American education system is showing up again so let me educate you: SWEDEN, NORWAY, DENMARK, FINLAND ARE IN WESTERN EUROPE. I can’t believe I’m arguing with someone that thinks something such as ‘northern Europe’ exists and doesn’t even realise Scandinavia is Western Europe, along with France , UK, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland. So no assuming you learn to educate yourself and realise that Western Europe consists of those countries you also need to realise what you’re arguing is completely invalid. You’re using PPP of a much larger country, that makes no sense.

If you want a fair analysis that would most likely be me and you, let’s compare middle class. This proves the middle class have it MUCH better than the middle class in America, if you were in Western Europe you’d have the highest % of people stuck in the lowest earning bracket. You’ve also got to ask yourself, why do most Americans have nearly close to nothing in savings? You guys may EARN more, but Western Europe have much better and efficient social systems that WORK, cheaper or sometimes free education and free healthcare. We also have extremely good care for our elderly and mental health. Our prisons and justice system are 100% better too.

Northern Europe? Are you fucking stupid? Your American education system is showing up again so let me educate you: SWEDEN, NORWAY, DENMARK, FINLAND ARE IN WESTERN EUROPE. I can’t believe I’m arguing with someone that thinks something such as ‘northern Europe’ exists

According to the UN:



According the CIA fact book:


You seem to be using the Cold War definition of western Europe.

You’re using PPP of a much larger country, that makes no sense.

What are you talking about? Do you not know what PPP means?

You’ve also got to ask yourself, why do most Americans have nearly close to nothing in savings?

Because a large portion of people in the US are decadents of immigrants who just a few generations ago were incredibly poor and (unlike Europe) don't have that have that generational wealth to cost off of from an era of colonialism.

Even then mean wealth per adult in the US is higher then most of Europe and median wealth per adult is higher then Germany and Sweden

Geographically speaking they’re Northern Europe, obviously but then so are the UK or Ireland in some sources, economically speaking Western Europe has always been Scandinavia split down, which is engrained into us because of the USSR, anyone that was part of it were seen as Eastern Europe, Baltic, Slavic states and Russia. That’s how it’s always been and that’s how every European knows it; regardless of what the CIA say lmao, but yes, geographically speaking they’re Northern Europe, but when it comes to speaking economics everyone recognises that as Western Europe, especially Scandinavians themselves. But that’s just something you’re brought up knowing in Europe so I don’t blame you for not knowing.

And like you keep saying, well done, the average American I’m not denying is wealthier than the average European, but you have to ask yourself is money all that matters? Why do you think Europeans are some of the happiest people? Just compare work life, yes you guys earn more, cost of living is pretty extensive in America though, but factor in what Europeans get, paid leave, sick leave, paternity leave - first world practise that is ridiculous America don’t have, you guys always have focused on being ridiculously hard workers - props to you for that, but at the cost of what? Being depressed? Having nothing saved up? Not able to relax? I’ve known and spoke to so many Americans over time, most of them are average people struggling to get by, some of them can’t afford healthcare, education etc. Like come on dude, you even charge people 2k for a few nights in the hospital if they’re suicidal, America don’t care about their people and even you can’t deny that, the system is fucked; America has always been for making money and that’s it and not to mention you’re literally a divided country that can’t seem to come together for anything politically.

So yea, I’m British so we’re kinda like you for the most part, except I have family in Sweden and Germany, they (especially in Sweden) live life how it should be lived, they have a perfect work and life balance, they travel to the states, to Europe maybe 4-6 times a year for holidays, this is just personal experience, take of it what you will, I’d say regardless of wealth or ‘statistics’ the average Scandinavian, and large parts of Western Europe has it better than both of us, if not in how rich they are then their lifestyle, way of life and culture. You get me?

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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Jesus, Western Europe isn't strictly geographical, it's cultural

Do you think that the "western world" is every country west of Turkey? Australia is part of the western world, Greece is part of the western world, but Bulgaria or Romania is not part of the western world.

You’re using PPP of a much larger country, that makes no sense.

Just so you know, GDP and PPP are different things.

costs of living are much higher in the US

It's too bad that the Dutch fascination with euthanasia hasn't rubbed off onto the rest of Eurotrash yet. Letting someone be born with your number of chromosomes is inhumane.

80 iq + heat -25 iq

Are you using Eurocuck units or Amerifag units?

Is r/drama against mayocide now ?

We need a new wave of imperialism

It was removed earlier. They banned the OP for mentioning it too.

Ah, ok.

I was banned from there for saying "if you pull a gun on a cop you deserve to get shot" apparently that's racist and promoting violence.

Bitches need to read Hobbes.

It doesn't count as inciting violence if you ask for the state to do it

How is that racist? Dont be an idiot and pull a gun on a cop its common sense

I have no idea. Apparently a black convicted felon with a gun in his hand being shot buy a black cop is evidence of white supremacy. The mods of the default subs are some very "special" people.

It doesn't take much to get banned there.

R/news mods also love to ban and censor very progun views as well.

Lol that got you banned? All I got banned for was calling someone a fucktard...

There's already a thread about it that was posted before the one you linked.

Isn't /r/news for US news? Is it getting deleted from worldnews?

Yes. I wrote a comment in one earlier and was getting a lot of responses then nothing. I just did a search for it and found this page.


Users often report submissions from this site and ask us to ban it for sensationalized articles. At /r/worldnews, we oppose blanket banning any news source. Readers have a responsibility to be skeptical, check sources, and comment on any flaws.

You can help improve this thread by linking to media that verifies or questions this article's claims. Your link could help readers better understand this issue. If you do find evidence that this article or its title are false or misleading, contact the moderators who will review it

So, a bot put this at the top of the comments. Is the post removed now or the comments locked? It could be /r/news removes posts with sensationalized titles or from that source.

I found this comment in undelete:

I live in South Africa, and the "news" is all propaganda spread by right-wing groups here to get the white population riled up and on their side. There has been no land grabs whatsoever, and any plans for land grabs are still years off, behind proper parliamentary approval and in a structure that will probably be financially beneficial for the parties involved.

Weird. I'd like to know what's really going on.

I'd like to know what's really going on with the reasons for removal and any bullshit involved.

It's so annoying that all the news is basically skewed towards the owners agenda. I'd actually like to hear a non biased(or one that at least tries) source on what is going on here.


Here's a source I have some respect for. The NR has always seemed willing to call out some of the bullshit on their own 'side', from what I've seen so I have some trust they don't engage in total agenda pushing or bullshit. It's weird that places like the NYT haven't published on it. Just a couple of months ago they were talking about this and corruption in the government so it seems they don't avoid the topic for PC reasons.

It's not being reported on because it's not fucking happening.

I'm inclined to view this news with a pinch of scepticism too but "plans for land grabs are still years off" is a hilariously shit rebuttal.

You're probably right. I was just looking for more context but didn't want to spend a whole lot of time on it because I'm not much into the /r/news censorship drama.

No, it has international news as well. /r/worldnews was created because /r/news tends to be US centric. But that doesn't mean /r/news must be about the US.

/r/news accepts bothUS and international news, /r/worldnews is only international news.

r/worldnews is ironically more obsessed with US politics than r/news

Yeah, I don't get that. Did they change the rules or something? I remember a big fiasco over them not allowing posts about major events in the U.S. Now there's threads every time Trump says something

Because fuck Trump, I'm sure.

That or they don't care because even maxwellhill is posting US political stories, the absolute madman.

Huh, I only ever noticed national news there the few times I've been. I see know it is the rules you can post US or international news.

Yes. You can't get it anywhere on /r/worldnews currently.

no but the r/news mods are seriously fucked up

Lol such white fragility, time to taste what you have subjected POC to for hundreds of years, paybacks a bitch

Fuck you.


We will fuck your women lol

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punishing mayos by starving yourself lmao

lol you soft fat white beaten dogs

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If whites are so evil then you should probably stop using all the devices, inventions and technologies invented by the white man. Starting with the internet then your computer, phone, car etc etc etc.

You know the old fruit from a poisonous tree saying? Yeah, commit Sudoku dipshit.


wow cultural appropriation, smh

You whites are the ones committing demographic suicide you are literally dieing out lol

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we wuz inventors and shiet

eurangutans have poisoned the planet with their technology

Tough talk from someone who literally lost every race war they participated in.

We will turn your technology against you, the sky will rain white tears

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No you won't. You'll just shoot each other over sneakers.

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Nothing to see here. Move along. In real news today, a white woman called the police on a black guy in Kentucky.

The mods at news need to be removed

The admins need to get off their ass and do something. This is corruption at its finest

Shit stain /r/worldnews mods are doing it too.

It's getting more insane

Here is original

Here is uncensored

The mods there locked another post on it for 12 hours but it still managed to get to the top of the front page with only 9 comments. They re-opened it and banned hundreds of comments calling them out. It's now locked again.

Those mods should move to South Africa if they didn't think it was a worthy story and needs to be censored.

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Jews and leftists run all the main subs.

I'm betting the majority of you losers would struggle to find South Africa on a map since it's not a map from a video game.

Mate, seeing the subreddits you frequent and the state of your burger vocabulary, I'm surprised you can fucking type and breathe.

Projection at it's finest.

I wonder what is the final outcome of this strategy, does it really get people to not talk about the forbidden subject, or is it just attracting more interest toward it?

I'm going out on a limb here but, just like in Mr. Robot, how long before China starts annexing African countries and the world joins in? We might be seeing the beginnings of a push for "colonizing" Africa.

Click-bait mayocide is not happening Fake News! But... yes practically every white-own farms are being expropriated. Communism?

I can't wait for the nukes to fall over this fucking shithole.