
305  2018-08-20 by workaccountrabbit


Holy fuck

This is one of the dumbest and most hypocritical things I've ever seen. Absolutely stunning lack of self awareness on display here and basically just destroyed MeToo.

Honestly the entirely gussyhate manosphere just came in their pants at this victory.

Peak feminism btw.

MGTOW et al has to be on the biggest high of the year.

I feel it and I'm not even MGTOW

The only one who doesn’t feel it is Anthony Bourdain.

Too soon


not his fault he was murdered by the deep state

(((Deep state)))

I'm married now i wanna become MGTOW

Holy shit, I've never been to that Sub.

It's really just women bashing the hole time? Is this where all the incels went?

I haven’t ventured there in quite a while. The last time I did I got the impression it was disillusioned MensLib groupies realizing no amount of whiteknighting would get them into m’lady’s pants.

MGTOW are male version of feminists. Two sides of the same coin. They're delusional genetic dead ends. Don't be sad for them, just hope they don't breed.

just hope they don't breed

thats kind of their whole thing

Yes. It is woman bashing almost 100%. MGTOW has subscribed to the tried-and-true formula of

  1. Getting personally butthurt by a member of group X.
  2. Extrapolating the pathologies and evil of the offending individual out to their entire group.
  3. Pretending all of group X exists to oppress the group they belong to.
  4. Obsessively mining for information that confirms their hatred of group X and ignoring evidence that complicates their narrative.

But freal, fuck gussy. Femoidcide now.

I would classify them different from incels.

Incels are niceguys who don’t want to admit they’re niceguys, so they cover it up with a mask of “I hate women!” when in reality if someone wanted to fuck them they’d take that opportunity in a heartbeat.

MGTOW’s do legitimately hate women and are fine with not having sex their entire lives.

Is this where all the incels went?

The new main incel sub is /r/Braincels. They apparently have some beef, even though they're both about hating gussy.

It's way older than any incel community. It's part of the original reddit manosphere that was just women bashing the whole time, with their most prominent sub being /r/theredpill. The incel communities are a relatively recent development.

Is anyone actually surprised?

Nope...not even a little bit...I'm suprised that she's getting dunked on this hard though.

I'm surprised she's idiotic enough to surrender her hate mob on a silver platter to her critics in such a stunningly stupid way.

No but I thought it would be more subtle than this lol

They'll forget this in a week and be back on-board for the next witch-hunt.

Tribalism-fueled outrage turns out to be overgeneralized and too severe when applied symmetrically to the original tribe that was pushing it. Shocking. Unprecedented throughout all of human history.

Literally no-one could have seen it coming.....except for all those sexists who have been screaming it out loud the last half decade using misogynistic "logic". No one could see the performative "progress" done for profit full of narcissism, lies and hypocrisy....no one at all...

Surprised she hasn't deleted this. She really gunna double down?

Of course, that's what retards like her always do


I hope some crazy shit gets injected into this to form a fresh drama wave. Imagine, of you will, that Q gets #metoo'd


Dude what's mine say?

This is good for dramacoin

Oh god I hope so. It is hilarious

It's now deleted, after being featured in a Bari Weiss NYT opinion: https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/99esxw/the_nyt_throws_their_metoo_playbook_out_the/

Isn't Rose legitimately insane?

I'm pretty sure she was in a fairly bad car accident, with some serious head trauma. It seems exploitive to focus on her statements so much.

There’s the spin we need.

Didn't work for Roseanne.

Whose accident actually put her in the nut house


Lifelong blow addiction probably helps.

Aren't you thinking about Rosanne Bar? She supposedly suffered brain damage from her car accident.

Rose McGowan was in a car accident as well, but it doesn't seem quite as serious.

Say you were molested and you get a pass for literally anything

It’s like a hard reset. 100% winrate

I must have seen the words "Cycle of abuse" repeated about eight-hundred times in some of the other threads.

I’m so glad this garbage is caving in on itself

I’ve got family on the registry because of an ADMITTED - years later - false accusation

But because he took an Alford plea he has no appeals process. And he doesn’t have the money to try to fight it

A quick story about an appeal that I read at the prison library’s Lexus Nexus:

Man and wide are in the midst of a nasty divorce.

Man is the bread winner. Nice house. Nice cars. Signed a prenup, because he’s not dumb

Woman hasn’t worked in years. Wants all the nice things. Convinces their little girl to say daddy raped me

Prosecutor says this happened on a certain date

Defense argues that not only was he out of state at the time, but has receipts and was physically with his boss, who can testify for him

So prosecutor changes the date.

Prosecution says the little girl was raped, vaginally

Father says okay - examine her

Prosecution denies it for EIGHT MONTHS while the defendant rots in jail - stating it would be traumatic for the child

FINALLY the judge approves the examination

The child is a virgin

Prosecution brings in its own doctor, who testified - and I fucking QUOTE - “She is not necessarily a virgin, as the hymen has been known to grow back”

Defendant fights it tooth and nail for 2 years before being found guilty at trial. He refused their plea deal and was given the maximum allowed sentence because of it

6 years later his appeal goes through. Denied

13 years into his prison sentence - he’s on his 3rd and final appeal - and the prosecution has offered him his original plea deal:

Admit guilt and go home TODAY

Or fight it and serve life (with the possibility of parole) in prison - with a lifetime of supervised release, if he ever gets out

I did 3 years and have read shit in people’s appeals that reads like something out of TheOnion. There’s not much else to do in prison - so I spent a good deal of time just learning stuff

The system is fucked - or, more accurately - is operating with mechanical precision, exactly as intended

If only you could put that energy into your relationships

I am a bot. Contact for questions

you're right bot, maybe if he put more effort into relationship his woman wouldn't have #metooed his ass.

i'm gonna be honest this one isn't good.

No I

no u

U tho

me too good sir

u 2 as well

ROFL I haven't seen this pasta before, where did you find it? Reads like /r/braincels to me.


please help I can’t tell what’s real

This is absolutely the narrative useful idiots will craft.

Unless you’re Milo

I think she was raised in a literal cult. She's got issues.

A cult that supported itself by having all the female members turn tricks. It's no surprise that she got some wacky ideas about patriarchy.

She's right about the patriarchy tho.

SRS listen to her appear on Rupaul's podcast, it perfectly highlights how crazy she really is

Like seriously, this is damning proof that not having a Y chromosome makes you dumb.

Honestly the entirely gussyhate manosphere just came in their pants.

They probably did, being so deluded into thinking this will change a thing and like it hasn't happened a million times already and nothing changes.

Yeah this is "equality" in action folks lol

This is a move taken right out of Lena Dunham's playbook.

believing women is the first choice we make every single day when we wake up

Usually I decide to take a leak first. I guess feminists have evolved beyond the need to pee.

Or she's a bedwetter and her parent's told her it was normal.

oh no

Honestly the entirely gussyhate manosphere just came in their pants.


So just assume all accused people are guilty? Why bother with trials? What if someone accuses you tomorrow Samantha. Accusation= proof after all.

You don't need that much proof tbh u/riemann1413 is a known booty fondler.


Post fish pix


Riemann needs to post his fish


/u/riemann1413 where are the fishies


Aye bby...

user reports:
1: Spank me daddy

Blow me mommy.

Justcool393 sexually assaulted me, AMA.

That's more like just not cool.

Did it feel good though?

Did u cum

What slutty clothes were you wearing when you seduced him

Masterlawlz tried to rape me but stopped when I kept consenting.

Comedicsans asked if I wanted to join the metoo movement

That is literally the embodiment of rape.

That's bullshit we both know Lawlz is only sexually attracted to airplanes

crique pinged me non stop to get gooch pictures. I obliged him.

This I actually believe, lol.

Why Be Gentle when you could instead BE CAUTIOUS?


I'm starting to unironically believe this

Lol "let's just wait and see how the evidence shakes out" says the Listen and Believe crowd. This is like Ted haggard levels of stunning hipocrisy.

dat pay gap tho

Unbelievable. Wait and see when a person you like is accused but destroy them in the court of public opinion when it's anyone else. When you can't maintain a moral code through all issues, your platform is useless.

The #MeToo movement was never about ending sexual assault. It was just a license for women to slander men and further reinforce negative stereotypes of men as the less trustworthy, suspicious gender. The proof was there from day one when women angrily shouted down men who shared their stories of being sexually abused and further fortified by complete radio silence of any story of a woman's wrong doing.

MeToo only ever about was shitting on men. Ending sexual assault never has to be gendered, the only reason it is is because the people pushing it are bigoted pieces of shit.

Maybe just maaaaaybe people that are known to be emotionally volatile to extreme degrees shouldn't be the leaders of movements, groups, the united states, ect. Too bad our society is addicted to the feeling of outrage, so that won't happen anytime soon

Maybe just maaaaaybe people that are known to be emotionally volatile to extreme degrees shouldn't be the leaders of movements, groups, the united states, ect. They tend to be ego driven and hypocritical to the extreme.

women everybody

Donald Trump is a woman.

Donald actually seems a bit more effeminate than Hillary sometimes

It the chemicals in the spray tans

Its the gay chemicals in the water.

He's a messy bitch who lives for celebrity gossip and drama, and hasn't done a single day of manual labor in his life. He's a gold-plated aging queen.

Donald Trump looks like a drag queen that gave up halfway through while Hillary looks like a MtF that gave up halfway through

Donald Trump is the best woman. All experts are saying what a great woman he is. His uncle, master gynecologist from Yale, confirmed it a long time ago. Everybody agrees.

Or the president....

Narrated Abu Bakrah (RA):

The Prophet (ﷺ) said: "A people who make a woman their ruler will never be successful."

Volatile egotists are the only ones crazy enough to actually want to lead things like that.

Surprisingly it's mostly women giving her shit. I just want to point out the fact that the victim in this case got 380k, that's twice they amount of hush money Trump paid stormy Daniels....that high of a number screams "guilty"

She seems to be a total piece of shit, and she did several illegal (in California) things that night -- giving alcohol to a minor, sex with a minor (17), taking photos (potentially naked??) -- but I don't think rape is among those things. I think the sex was consensual.

California's got a crazy age of consent law (apparently). I'm at work right now, though, and don't want to get caught checking if the age of consent in California is 18, cos I feel creepy doing that even not at work.

California age of consent is a hard 18. No Romeo and Juliet laws or any grace period. 17 and 364 days is still technically statutory rape.

That's surprising.

Disappointingly unwoke.

She has a prior hit and run, in Italy I believe.

Who is this? I’m out of the loop.

Asia argento.

Source on the accusation about child rape?

dat pay gap tho

that's twice they amount of hush money Trump paid stormy Daniels

well Daniels wasn't underage.

Peak rich mayo feminism at play here.

Unironically, here's the truth - acting has always been prostitution, such that in many traditional societies all over the world, from Shakespearean England to Ancient Greece to Egypt to India to China, the terms were conflated.

Actual sexual exploitation (eg. of kids in the church) is a big problem, but some famewhore, male or female, sleeping with a producer or whatever in the hope of getting rich or famous isn't rape. Ironically, in the end it's McGowan who is the real predator, actually preying on an underage kid she groomed for years, at least according to these allegations.

Hmmm I would say modeling fits your first paragraph better, but acting has and always will be mired in vices and superficiality. Which is why it's infuriating to see these absolute cunts tell people what to think and vote.

Yeah the lines of agency get blurred when kids get shoved onto sets before the age of accountability, but any adult that willfully enters the business knows what they are getting in to and deserves the Scarlet A.

hasn't she proven she's a solely self interested terf type like over and over again. this is pathetic. argento is a garden variety entitled groomer and mcgowan is delusional.

This chick is obviously mentally ill and these women following her are as bad as the buttcoin people following Mcafee and Kim Dotcomm.

I was just reading a fantastic article relating to this and Anthony Bourdain. Which are weirdly linked. I havent kept up with this shit for one minute but this article pretty much paints McGowan as a fucking narcissistic crazy person. It is a penthouse link, so fair warning, but no nudity can be seen on the link.


That is an interesting article. I hadn't seen the letter Rose McGowan wrote after Bourdain's death, making it all about Asia Argento. Wtf.

A seen the letter either

Really, i hadnt read about any of the stuff in that article. Which all of it is pretty fucking insane.

Holy shit, someone who reads Penthouse for the articles? /r/Drama really attracts all types.

ill give you an updoot for actually edit your comment to redeem the article i posted.

Didn't penthouse stop noods for a while

I think that was Playboy?

Oh yeah i think you're right there mate

can we stop to appreciate how Penthouse's web articles are clean readable plain HTML with no flashy ads and no interstitials, not even navigation outside the article itself

Holy shit yes. Maybe penthouse is trying to portray itself as a legit article publisher?

Thx 4 this sir

I wish that I could upvote this a thousand times

I can't believe I read that, but thanks for the link. That was as good as advertised.

The shear hypocrisy of this twat.

And yet her twatter army shits on Wesley when he's defending Chris Hardwick😒.

I’m still waiting for them to apologize tbh.

Rose is such a pathetic, conniving nasty-ass whore. The perfect representation of #metoo.

Nature matches young males and older females.

Patriarchy matches young females and older males.

In Tribes, adult women taught sex to boys and girls.

Who knows if Jimmy participated at the time & now that his childhood acting career is fading, he needs $$ and Publicity.

Best take on this tbh

How can someone be this stupid? The cognitive dissonance is unimaginable.

Jesus christ.. The nerve of these people.

I really want to know pizzashill's take on this.

/u/pizzashill, gib take.

I've been dealing with these people for years. This isn't even slightly surprising.

But as much as I'd like to claim this is one-sided, the same thing happens when men are accused.

When a man is accused, all the feminists rally against him and decide "we should believe this accusation" with no proof.

All the men rally and say "let's wait for the facts!"

When a woman is accused, all the feminists say "let's wait for the facts."

All the men believe it right away.

I personally don't take any sexual assault accusation seriously until an investigation is done.

😍 the radical rape apolocentrist drama needs

What's the big deal about rape anyway? I've forced myself upon thousands of betas, it's never bothered me once

It bothered me when you didn’t call back 😤


That's why I always steal his keys, so he has to call me back.

He will tell us about the mad foid pussy he’s smashing.

Waiting for evidence? McGowan confirmed evil sexist bigot!1!

And now if shes self aware she just learned why so many hollywood insiders were slow to join in on metoo, they didn't want to believe their friends were scum. But I'm betting its more likely she just continues to have a huge blind spot because hypocrisy is a near requirement to be a celebrity.

Can someone give context? Who is this person and why should I care?

Hoooly shit, so now evidence does matter? Now it's all "it's just an allegation, wait for the facts". What a fucking cunt.

Did I get shadowbanned?


Yeah, I had to manually approve your comments.

Presumption of innocence and due process are good again? I can't keep up with $CURRENT_YEAR.

Only for the right kind of people

i'm not sure what people were expecting. Rose Mcgowan is nuttier than squirrel shit.

Literally does NOT surprise me

How to get custom title here?

Perfect. Can someone reach out to her people and find out whether she'd be interested in being a mod here?

Why are people surprised that Rose McGowan is a dumb, hypocritical cunt?

Women like her give the rest of us a bad name. Double standards, much?

I'm surprised anyone cares. I thought the whole movement was based on accepted hypocrisy--that they knew what they were doing was hypocritical, but that they just didn't care. It's kind of surreal to realize that people are more idiotic than evil.

keep in mind their hastag won the time magazine's accolades and countless other feminist accolades. People were hyping this shit worldwide as a real legitimate movement.

Now, their leaders are basically ignoring the rules they themselves propagated.

Sure, I just thought everyone knew the game was rigged from the start.

whats the back story?

thanks you sir


could someone please explain what she is referring too?

Nature matches young males and older females. Patriarchy matches young females and older males. In Tribes, adult women taught sex to boys and girls.


Rose McGowan sucked and fucked her pay into movies and shows, and is one of the biggest no talent ass clowns in LA. Now that she is aging, and washed up, and wants to make a few dollars, she is yet again whoring herself out as a victim.

Everyone will realize she is a phone


Rose McGowan WAS PHONE?


Fuck did I miss now?!?!???

Turns out Rose McGowan is a piece of shit and listening to her because she was famous was stupid.

Deranged types such as McGowan and other rabid dumbasses are part hypocritical part stupid.

Listen and believe everyone

McGowan has always been somewhat insane. Remember when she said it was violence and misogyny for Apocalypse to strangle Mystique in that shitty X-men film?

She used to be hot tho

Isn't she on coke? lol

"Listen and believe". Okay, I'm listenin'.