The destructive effects of /r/drama's MDE infestation

60  2018-08-20 by Arbys_Official


And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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Let them live their trad fantasy. Meanwhile, Sam Hyde is a dengenerate, I just wanted to say that.

Sam Hyde is a woman beating pedophile.

Washington Post dot com.

Glad to hear he has a few redeeming qualities then

Sam hyde is an interdimension time travelling child abuser


Who's sourg?

Imagine being so mind-broken by the desolated state of your sex life that you think anyone getting laid must be a hedonistic narcisist lmao

This is the same group of people touting themselves as genetically superior while being completely oblivious to the fact that natural selection is actively selecting against them due to their incel retardation

The future of MDE when tradshit makes a comeback:

So it's like mermen alpha males sex all merwomen, then send unwanted boys outwards to impregnate the world at large?

Yeah, but the unwanted boys aren't capable to impregnate anyone.

Even if they are the unworthy offspring, they still are the offspring of the bloodline that supposedly exiled three quarters of the unworthy males for 200 years, unlike everyone else.

By now mermen's Lost Boys should be like the Pilots from the Alien franchise, yes rejects inferior to their own race, but literally head and shoulders above the incestous 56% goblins of the rest of the human race.

"Dubbed the "Lost Boys," — exiled boys far outnumber girls — they live in low rent apartments or on the street, in the backs of cars in St. George, or Salt Lake City, even as far away as Las Vegas and Phoenix. They live rough-and-tumble lives, sometimes getting in minor trouble for drinking and fighting, others falling deep into tragedy and drug addiction, some even work as prostitutes on the Vegas strip."


"They don't have the spontaneity you expect in a young person, they look like war refugees," Jensen said. The biggest difficulty for the "kids from the creek" is lack of social skills. "No responsibility for their actions is taught — God said they should do it, or the brethren said do it, or the Prophet said do it — there's no personal responsibility.",8599,1664868,00.html

... but literally head and shoulders above the incestous 56% goblins of the rest of the human race.


At least chicken farmers are kind enough to mechanically macerate their unwanted boys

That shit is creepy af. I watched half of a documentary on it and turned it off because I was weirded out.

Nah, they’re just women or chads.

There will never be a moment in your life where a member of the opposite sex looks at you with anything but apathy or disgust.

Hahahaha that’s the norm for men.

And yet, the majority of men get laid. That makes you look even worse than before, retard.

Surveys say most men lose their virginities in their 20s or earlier. That’s just because men either lie or they see prostitutes. Even if that isn’t the case, a woman doesn’t necessarily find a man attractive just because she has sex with him.

Maybe not, but they don't find you attractive and they don't fuck you. You are literally worthless to the human species. I bet you know this too, but you are too much of a pussy to follow through on the only thing that can cure your life-long depression.

What I’m telling you is that if they fuck you, it doesn’t mean anything.

What I'm telling you is that they don't even fuck you, so you are more worthless than moldy bread. You can't even achieve something that means nothing lol.

You just think anyone who says anything negative about women is an incel because that’s the new whiteknight buzzword after neckbeard got old.

I think retards who post in braincels are incels. If you're not and you still post in that sub, you are pathetic beyond comprehension.

Only one thing is clear, killing yourself will benefit humanity and benefit you since it will be the only worthwhile thing you have ever done.

I’ll stay alive out of spite

I think you are spiting yourself more than anyone else


you literally post in braincels lmao

That doesn’t mean anything

a woman doesn’t find necessarily find a man attractive just because she has sex with him

Lmao the COPE. Attraction plays a part always unless you have a bank account with 6 figures or more in it.

Broke 4/10 manlets have sex, how does that happen if girls need to be attracted to have sex?

Those girls are attracted to them. You might think they’re ugly, but they’re not ugly to the girls they fuck.

Hahaha that’s bluepilled, girls only want conventionally attractive chads.

Incels like you simply wouldn’t understand. The ego and lack of meaningful human relationships make it impossible.

Go outside. I’m not even that good looking and I’ve had meaningful relationships with women. Sex isn’t the only thing women look for. Not even saying that as a white knight fag but as someone who almost married young.

If your girlfriend doesn’t enjoy having sex with you, it’s /r/deadbedrooms. That’s what happens to sub-8s.

So what happens if I'm sub-8 and the girl I'm banging cums?

doesn't answer the question

It means you’re not sub-8, or it was a shit orgasm, or she was fantasizing about chad. Who knows?

But it’s not. You just don’t go outside.

two twitter screenshots are a collective representation of humanity and women.

I bet you think it’s possible to make really cool crystals with ammonia and bleach too. /s

Look at all the likes and retweets, that’s all the women agreeing with them.

Twitter likes and shares are indicative of a larger societal trend.

Man you must be bitter

Twitter likes are given by people in society.

Keep moving those posts. The likes are ~20,000. Even in a moderately sized city (600,000). That’s about three percent of people. And twitter is world wide.

How much evidence do you guys need? Will the men of the world ever swallow the blackpill?

take a stats class please for the love of christ

I'll swallow the blackpill

But then I remember I'm regularly getting laid and all I had to do was not have a "boo hoo women r evul" attitude

They don't live in a society

No, it's more that people like that are desolate empty shells of human beings who are slaves to their primal urges and emotional state, and that there is another, better way.

Keep repeating that every night before you cry yourself to sleep. You might even come to believe it one day.

Lmao what a fag

"post bussy"


Are you asking for someone else?

this, but unironically

MDE is like your alcoholic uncle that stays clean for 2 days, then criticizes you for drinking a soda.

MDE is like your alcoholic uncle that stays clean for 2 days, then molests you because you drank a spiked soda.

Ngl, I do kind of agree with them about pleasure-seeking and materialism at the expense of investing time and thought into things that are more meaningful. That said, they don't understand that searching for meaning by radicalizing over an ideology developed around an imageboard, epic memes xD, and a tubby degenerate isn't any better than finding it in pleasure-seeking and that being an MDEgenerate is preventing them from finding meaning in tradshit because they're repulsive to everybody around them and spend too much time complaining online to do and/or become anything of value.

But is that just because you can't get any?

I settled down before tinder became a thing, so no. The ways that I've seen people use it worry me, tho.

Hedonism is literally the only value in human existence.

Only if you extend it to splurging on hedonium produced by understanding how something works, making a cool thing, showing off the cool thing to other people, raising a child, and other such things, which means the definition universal and therefore equivalent to the empty set.

Yeah that sounds like a lot of mumbo jumbo to not say "do things that feel good because they make you feel good," which is the only right answer.

You see, some of us struggle with decisions like "do I do this thing that feels good right now or do I do another thing that would make me feel good later".

"Oh just do the thing that feels good" misses the entire conundrum.

Do whichever one makes you feel better for the most amount of time. Honestly, not that tricky a concept.

As opposed to what, exactly?

idk, whatever opposition you have to hedonism

Which hedonism, let's all shoot up heroin and that's the solution, or that it's really hard to find a solution that maximizes utility especially when people have different opinions on how to do that, and what is the true utility, so the actual politics?

That doesn't answer my question.

Hey if you can't figure out a wikipedia article, that shit's on you.

Which hedonism, let's all shoot up heroin and that's the solution, or that it's really hard to find a solution that maximizes utility especially when people have different opinions on how to do that, and what is the true utility, so the actual politics?

The actual philosophy of hedonism where pleasure is the only value and we should strive to maximize it at all times.

If heroin gave you endless pleasure without the catastrophic (and extremely unpleasureable for everyone) consequences of heroin addiction then I'd say rock heroin. But getting heroin addicted doesn't maximize your pleasure over time, so no bueno.

Honestly how is this hard to grasp.

In your existence, maybe.

But I'm not a liberal.

Also what crazed boomer rambling did you pull that very carefully cropped picture out of?

But I'm not a liberal.

How would you describe yourself then? Hedonism tends to be associated with a liberal mindset.

If you ask the tankies, I killed Rosa.

Social Democrat or Fascist?

s u c c dem

Also I still need to know which schizophrenic wrote that book you made a jpg from.

lmao, the anti-gay dude??

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.

She deserved it tho


tbh I know absolutely nothing about rosa aside from succdems supposedly being responsible for her death during during the german revolution

It's always hilarious when some retarded stalin fellator starts screaming at me about rosa as if killing a single person during a war is a historical crime on par with the millions of deaths caused by literally every fully socialist state ever

I'm guessing literary studies is more your wheelhouse but you should really learn to interpret quantitative research.

I'm not surprised you got a hard-on for soft sciences.

That study is done on a scale of -1 to 7, cleetus

Lol imagine thinking jumping from one addiction to another is the only value of human existence, kill yourself

But that wouldn't give me pleasure.

It would increase mine

Just because I don't live a joyless existence like they do doesn't mean I'm a hedonist, though. Hedonism, narcissism, and bugshit is just all shorthand for stuff they either don't like or is unattainable to them because they're mostly shut-in self-radicalizing misanthropes.

That's completely true. It seems like a big reason why they are the way they are is out of jealously for people who are able to do all of the fun stuff they can't.

pleasure-seeking and materialism at the expense of investing time and thought into things that are more meaningful.

This is subjective though. Something meaningful is whatever gives that person a lasting sense of fulfillment & purpose.

I agree, but it sounds like they were talking about short-term pleasure-seeking that is often used in substitute of pursuing something that provides a lasting sense of fulfillment and purpose, e.g. buying new toys, watching animu series, staging photos for instagram, fiddling around on tinder all day, etc. None of those are inherently bad things at all, and the fact that MDEgenerates act like they're above them is laughable given that they participate obsessively in things that provide them with short-term pleasure (spouting memes at each other for upvotes and watching a failed comedian), but a lot of people get hooked on them because they haven't been able to find something that does provide them with deeper, long-lasting meaning.

Oh for sure, it's just difficult to tell if they're trying to fill that hole or not unless they're someone you know well or it's painfully obvious.

Also mde_irl

I think Snally's idea is that materialism kinda just leads to temporary fulfillment and can't really give someone a sense of purpose cause they're not connected to something larger than themselves.

But that's just like her opinion man.

ummm sweaty, I don't need you to mansplain.

Ngl, I do kind of agree with them about pleasure-seeking and materialism at the expense of investing time and thought into things that are more meaningful.

I'd like to "correct the record" so to speak, and make sure that you are aware that I am NOT in anyway, form or fashion associated with any of the ideology you spoke of after the part I quoted. While you're still right about that part in relation to "those people", I am not that.

The record has been corrected. 👍

I have a fantasy where all these MDEgenerates just found their own tradshit website and fuck all the way off Reddit forever, but that involves anyone from MDE having a marketable skill so the dream falls apart there.

Those comment scores are completely twisted. We have to send MDEgenerates to the gallows.

When MDE sends its people, it doesn't really matter who's coming, because all of them are scum that should be purged from internet forums.

I'm a pround proponent of the MDEcide.

Wasn't there an MDE thread posted here in which they all talked about how going down on women is far too beta for alpha chads like themselves?

Just for the record, I have no association with MDE and think they are all extremely, extra retarded.

Give them another chance, they seem like your kind of people.

I think not.