/r/stevenuniverse, Rebecca Sugar pedophilia accusations, Ed Edd and Eddy child porn, fusion is rape, and other crystal gems.

29  2018-08-20 by julian_varga


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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OP is retarded

Well he found his place in stevensuniverse fan subreddit then.

SU fan/crit

commie retard

of course

That show and it's fans are already retarded without this silliness.

You should go outside and ensure your personal safety immediately. Seriously, your posts make it seem like you’ve got a carbon monoxide leak in your place.

This is that same, stupid brand of so-called moral crusading where people see someone doing a lot of good, progressive, inclusive stuff that makes a lot of people happy, and they feel the need to drudge up every problematic thing that person’s ever done in an attempt to pervert all the good they’ve done since.

If you have ever done anything slightly wrong then you are exactly the same as Hitler. Therefore, anyone who isn't perfect should never expect praise and should in fact expect a Twitter campaign to get them blacklisted.

Didn't she post that drawing of Eddy and Edd fucking on /co/?

It's art and it's beautiful you fucking nazi

she’d better have

Finally pedo acceptance

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Good bot

Good human.

Op go home

Seriously imagine caring this mucha bout a retarded kid's show.

Lmao OP posts in r/LSC

That's worse than being a Steven universe fan.

Nothing is worse than being a Steven universe fan.

What about being three Steven Universe fans

and a brony

Wrong, case and point, Juggalos.

Disagree. Juggalos at least have sex. Smelly, nasty, methed-out sex, but sex none the less.

Steven Universe fans, I imagine, merely rub their bellies together and wiggle their fingers while squealing.


👆that right there is my surprised face.

ITT a bunch of triggered brave, stunning and beautiful crystal gems.


>makes troll topic

>runs to /r/drama to show how he trolled them epicly

the absolute state of this sub

Too blatant, too stupid

lol have you guys seen what she looks like

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When will you post face?

never because im not a faggot narcissist, i dont use social media either unless you count reddit shitposts

but if youre going to be a public figure you should probably make sure your face isnt that retarded and you dont look like a jewish lesbian

at least wear a mask for the sake of decency you feel me

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The actual reason is that you have no friends lmao.

lol imagine counting facebook links as actual friends

im old enough to have always thought that shit was for fags

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did e;r make a new video or something ?

ER ended on April 2, 2009

You’re an idiot and your only point is that fusion not being sex was only brought up because a main character tricked two other characters into it under what amounted to fake death threats

it clearly is sex, no matter what triggered snowflakes and Rebecca "the younger the better" Sugar says.

Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit, huh? I was agreeing with you. You’re still a knuckle-dragger

go eat your tendies before they get cold

Breadline is that way, mi commandante
