I'm going to kill myself

2  2018-08-20 by CatherineEHalsey

"One less white conservative in the world" just like u/iqtaanqalunaaurat said. "Whites aren't people". Thanks to encouragement from u/iqtaanqalunaaurat, and the wonderful r/ShitRedditSays and r/GamerGhazi communities, I now have a plan to kill myself, since I know it will be so well received. I know I should kill myself because I'm white, because I'm Republican, because I'm male. I know you want me to kill myself because I've seen the things you say. I'm white. I'm male, I'm a Republican. I'm going to use a 9mm handgun, even though a shotgun has a higher success rate, aiming at the temple, in order to end my own life. Did you know that, of the people who've survived attempted suicide with a firearm, the majority of them were using handguns, while only 5% were using shotguns? Why a gun? Despite what movies and television shows would have us believe, overdosing on prescription medication only has a lethality rate of around 12%. 12%!, that's nowhere near good enough. An "exit bag" holds around 23%, while ODing on illegal drugs pulls up at around 50%. Of course, each of these carry a certain amount of pain with them as well. A shotgun to the head has over a 99% success rate, and only ranks around a 5/100 in terms of "agony". I don't have access to a shotgun, so I'm going with the next best thing. I've already been through the mental health system, they came to my door the day I planned to end it. I got to ride in the back of a cop car and everything. They put me in an institution, they kept me for three days. I know they cannot help me, that they will not help me, because I am a conservative and deserve to die. They said I was schizophrenic. I've stopped taking my medication because a Republican white male like me doesn't deserve it. I don't deserve therapy, I don't deserve anything but death. Pay the people who have to clean up my gray matter a bonus for me. I took the time, I hurried up, the choice was mine. I'm done with that, time to go, no more to come. I voted for Donald Trump, He is the Tetragrammaton. May He bathe the world in nuclear fire, Amen.


Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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Wtf ?

If you’re being serious please reconsider this. Feel free to DM me. Don’t off yourself because of some retarded larpers ree’ing about white males.

I’m also a white, male, conservative and happy to talk to you. There’s three things that give us common ground. And a gun owner. So four.

Think very carefully what you’re about to do and why.

Womp womp.

dog just go dedicate your life to r/greatawakening. its retarded but its better than killing yourself

Rather bite the bullet than do that fam

post bussy

No you are not. If you were going to you would have done so quietly without a fuss.

You're not a commie so there's no reason why you shouldn't live.


Pull yourself up by your bootstraps.