What country is Jerusalem in?

82  2018-08-20 by Tagesausbruch


Lol wtf kind of discord channel have you found? Also post your answers.

I legitimately don't know

The small obscure community of /r/latestagecapitalism. Not my screenshot, I immediately left because they don't allow spider pictures.

What do they have against spiders? Goddamn commies.

Tl;dr they don't allow shocking or frightening content without a trigger warning, and apparently spiders qualify.

The commie legions can be denied areas by posting orb weavers at strategic locations

The Skitter approach

Idk; I don't think Worm had communists in it.

Tumblr shoplifters have taught me that theft from mayos is communism. Ergo, the Undersiders were Communist freedom fighters

Idk, mercenaries don't seem very commie to me.

The chinese yangban ?

Worm's China is imperial though.

It's imperial in name only, given how the yangban work.

Zero's power, the way they train people and so on, sound pretty communists tho.

I can hear Lenin screaming from his grave.

I didn't know he was an arachnophobe

I was like "what insane hellscape of a community thinks transwomen are biological women?" but yeah lsc makes sense.

It's actually a trick question. A person's sex is not determined by their biology.


Yes it is, stop mangling terminology. Sex is genetic, aka biological; gender is sociocultural.


females are genetically inclined to cry more and males are genetically inclined to engage in competitive recreation that would break less dense bones


Gender is the stupid victorian term used to differentiate between men and women cause the word sex made them blush.

also that

but even when people mean 'it's how you act, not what you are', it's still biological, because gendered behavior differences are biologically reinforced.

I clicked on that link and the picture of a bald dyke with a colorful flag is asking me for $25 as a "donation". This is the most tranny website ever holy shit.

Trannies are Satan's cruelest mistake. Thank god they're so suicidal.

She cute af tho id smash

I hope this is satire.

To be fair, trans men are biologically female.

Also post your answers

C'mon people, post 'em.

I want to see how many r/drama posters fail at being smarter than a 5th grader LCS tankie?

I don't even know the "right" answer to most of those

just think of the dumbest possible answer for each, that's the one they're looking for.

I don't at all know what they want for 3. I'm...guuuuessing for 2 they want palestine?

Guessing they want yes for 3.

  1. Does racism against whites exist?

No. Racism by definition involves the subordination of people of color by white people.

  1. What country is Jerusalem in?

Occupied Palestine.

  1. Is Islam compatible with socialism?

Yes. Islamic economic and charitable systems can be compatible with socialism. Socialists must stand in solidarity with Muslims and all oppressed people in opposition to Islamophobia, racism, and all forms of institutionalized oppression.

  1. Should the right to private property be protected?

There is no right to private property. Communism requires the abolition of bourgeois property.

  1. Are police officers members of the proletariat?

Police officers are part of the proletariat because class is decided by relationship to the means of production and police officers need to sell their labor to survive. However, members of the proletariat who work against their class interest (for example by using violence and force to protect bourgeois interests) are class traitors.

  1. What is a commodity?

A commodity is a product of labor, a thing that satisfies a human need and can be exchanged for another thing.

  1. Are trans women biologically female?

A person's sex is not determined by biology.

Thanks for the cheat sheet, fam. I was totally going to fail this exam.

This but ironically.

Ugh, I was super excited to look in your post history to see if you're just an extremely knowledgeable MDGenerate who hates kikes and niggers and women and libruls, but has done his research and could infiltrate their safespaces if he ever bothered to get off Reddit. Like maybe personally you play video games and watch anime and shit in your trash can, but you have a job at a liberal arts college teaching Das Kapital to loser college kids because it gives you enough money to buy dragon dildos and hentai. Instead you just seem like a dramaddict who leans leftish, probably, and recently got gilded by that Taylor Swift fiend for a Kanye meme.

Maybe someday we'll get an interesting MDGenerate. Maybe someday...

Maybe someday we'll get an interesting

Modern hedonism is characterized by a longing to experience in reality those pleasures created or enjoyed in imagination, a longing which results in the ceaseless consumption of novelty.

Sounds like something a brainy mdegenerate'd say. Welcome aboard.

Did you just insult Tay by proxy?

Tay Is Gay.

I think you answered number 7 wrong?

There is now a push back against aex being different from gender as transphobic

Only one way to find out...

Islamic economic and charitable systems can be compatible with socialism.

What, no. One of the pillar is the rich giving to the poor that's the very opposite of communism.

Imagine being retarded enough to believe this shit.

I would have passed but you just got a gold star. Holy shit.

  1. Not possible! Power + prejudice says so.

  2. Palestine or Egypt, depending whose view of history is right.

  3. Of course it is!

  4. No. Everything, even your body, belongs to society.

  5. No.

  6. A social construct associated with white people and detrimental to PoC

  7. Obviously.

The LSC discord.

None because you failed to distinct between private and personal property

Implying LSC knows history

  1. Yes, but its not a big deal in the United States.

  2. Israel. The Palestinians should be settled elsewhere in the Middle East

  3. Islam isn't compatible with itself.

  4. Yes, and to the death.

  5. Depends on how wealthy the cop is and how we define the proletariat.

  6. Is this some Marxist bullshit

  7. No. They are mentally ill men driven by an unnatural urge to take over woman-only spaces on reddit.

lol @ you being a zionist shill on reddit all day

I'm not pro-Zionist, I'm anti-Muslim. I support Israel because they are doing God's holy work.

يخرب بيتك

I don't own a house.

Not anymore, you don't.

I want this to be my flair

Fuck you

No thanks. You're not my type, although I know you Muslims have trouble with the new-fangled concept of "consent".

Islam big gay

climate change is going to put an end to all that middle east nonsense.



you post in cumtown and 2007scape. please give us more takes

I may be gay and have a retarded brain but it’s an infinitely more noble existence than willingly being an unpaid JIDF grunt

guys if you support israel at all ur a shill


This but unironically

This, but unironically.

Jersuelm is the capital of Israel is a fact

Sure the vast majority of the world doesn't recognize it but ackshually it is a true fact because we said so

control a city

say it’s your capital

no one can really do anything about it

”B-but we say it’s not your capital, so there!”

Absolute retard

The Zionist entity should be eliminated. The Jews should be forcibly moved to a part of Germany, and Germans forcibly removed from that area to make room for them.

Oh no. Its retarded.

It's a retarded solution, but it makes more sense than your retardation.

The Germans, of course, should be moved to Pakistan.



Maybe they can teach you dances that aren’t gay

Is that why you don't mind me stealing your screenshot?

Yeah lol.

Should've given the Kaliningrad area to the jews tbh

That would work too. Or perhaps all of East Prussia... the Soviets should just munch less of Poland to make due. The Germans were the ones who did the holocaust after all. It never made much sense to me that the Germans perpetrated an unbelievable atrocity against the Jews, and then they go around and attack Arabs who had nothing to do with it. If anyone was required to compensate the Jews for the holocaust, it was Germany.

mentally ill

nah this isn't accurate. they're just deluded fucks. they think they're women and try to act like it for some reason. just dumbasses.

Answer to 6 is 'woman'

1 yes 2 yes 3 yes 4 yes 5 yes 6 yes 7 yes

1: no, but it should.
2: who cares
3: it can't be worse than the current status
4: only for poc
5: piggies are either mayos or mayo allies and deserve the rope
6: reddit karma
7: what's the point of them if they are



How can you be so wrong about everything?




FTFY. Ur not wrong about trash tho


  1. Yes. The Indians always look at me dirty when I go to the res for gas and cigs.

  2. Jewsalem

  3. Yes. Just look at Barry Hussein.

  4. Yes. As far as you can throw ‘em.

  5. ??? I don’t speak French

  6. I think that’s what British people call the bathroom.

  7. Never seen one have a baby

How does Palestine not have a valid claim to the land? Personally,a t this point it belongs to neither.

How does Palestine not have a valid claim to the land?

Have you ever read the Holy Bible? You'll find all the info you need in there.

Also Barrack is a Satanist, not a Muslim.

same thing

The Muslims also have a dumb holy book that promises them lots of shit, that doesn't really man anything.

Dude, he's not being serious.

Their holy stuff is built onto of jews holy stuff

Palestine wasn't even a thing until 1920, they were just Arabs before that, and Palestine was just the place they lived.

There's a reason that some middle eastern states supported an independent Palestine and some didn't. Most against it are monarchies, because an independent Palestine wasn't the goal for a long time, it was an independent Arab state, and that was a threat to all the Arab monarchies. It's why Syria and Egypt were the most pro-Palestine, and even formed a union in anticipation over a victory of Israel and the incorporation of Palestine.

Nowadays a second Arab cold war appears to be happening, except it's sunni's vs shia's this time instead of monarchies versus pan-Arabian socialist states.

Just say "Fuck you, I am the new revolutionary vanguard. Get up against the wall, Kulak."

They'll get a kick out of it. I promise.

  1. Yes; racism is racial discrimination.

  2. It's complicated; both Israel and Palestine have existed for generations, and now have valid land claims.

  3. Depends on what you think socialism is and Islam is. If you're a hippy LSC socialist who's referring to the Islam most Muslims believe in, then no.

  4. Don't take my shit. It should eb protected to the extent that private property exists and it cannot be taken from me without my consent.

  5. In most nations, yes; I don't see how they aren't.

  6. A good with full or substantial fungibillity.

  7. Are your referring to sex or gender by "biologically female"? If sex, they are.

What country is Jerusalem in?

It's a trick question since countries are defined by borders and borders should not exist.

The ba'ath party of Iraq was socialist, it's flag was the same as the flag of Palestine. They were racist against kurds, who are white.

That's about half answered in one go.

how are Kurds white

Legally they are https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dow_v._United_States.

Also literally just look at the colour of their skin, then the colour of some sub-saharan black people. Tell me they are both black.

One day, the whole world will be Israel.



I sure hope not

Yes, enough

He works, don't he?

The iPhone he typed that on


Can the enlightened vanguard of the proletariat tell me the doubleplusgood answer to these questions? My guess:

  1. lol mayos
  2. Palestine
  3. Yes, comrade
  4. No, filthy capitalist
  5. Not in the current system
  6. A product of labor
  7. Of course, comrade


Yes. As much as possible.

  1. Is Islam compatible with socialism?


Imagine being a "communist" and thinking that a religion which supports private property and the existence of markets is compatible with your ideology. This doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of contradictions you'd run into

I forgot about that, too. What's with Communists embracing the opium of the people?

Idpol>Marx in their minds

Imagine believing in an ideology which says there is no property and supporting a religion which treats women as property

what do trannies have to do with socialism?

Socialism preys on the support of the mentally weak and unstable.

  1. No, never.

  2. In Palestine.

  3. Yes. Women are socialized in Islam.

  4. No. Not to any extent.

  5. Yes, but they act on behalf of the bourgeois, and need to be re-educated to serve their own class.

  6. Something we seek to eliminate.

  7. Yes. Biology is a social construct.

1) define racism. You mean some sociological definition or just racism as in the believe in superiority of races over others?

2) Israel

3) No

4) No

5) No

6) I don't know

7) No

sociological definition

Fyi, "racism = prejudice + power" is not a sociological definition. Sociology would separate normal (prejudice) racism & institutional racism.

purity testing like this makes sure your discord stays an echo chamber where any believes that are different have no chance to even occur.

The right does the same though.

I infiltrated an alt right discord before Unite the Right, they were organizing it, was one of the larges.

I not only had to do a test like this (was like 22 questions or statements) but I had to do it with 3 moderators and voice chat. Oh and I had to write 1488 on my hand and post a foto with the discord in the background (to prove it was my hand).

Since I was German I got instant creds though since I was the only german on their server.

I ditched the place 3 days later because I didn't wanna get doxed and lost interest in their racist memes real quick.

  1. yes
  2. Palestine
  3. no
  4. yes, to the extent of you prying my piles of stuff from my cold dead hands
  5. i'm not even gonna dignify this
  6. lmao
  7. no
  1. "whites" do not exist. This is a social construct created in western Europe and the Americas upon the advent of European imperialism, and now perpetuated by the USA. "Racism" is another construct created to divert effort from class struggle, one which purports that different races hate each other; in reality, different individuals hate each other for manifold reasons, and many of what we westerners would term "racism" is between members of the same genetic "race".

  2. The Holy Country.

  3. Religion is the process of reinterpretation. There is no such thing as "Islam". Certainly, a reinterpretation of Islam is compatible with a reinterpretation of Socialism. Both are narratives.

  4. Rights only exist if they are protected. A "right" is the application of force, by a higher body, towards a certain aim. The application of force by a higher body is not compatible with socialism and thus socialism cannot support any rights :)

  5. Certainly.

  6. A raw material, such as those extracted from European imperial dominions in the age of hateful colonisation: the source of all our problems, aside from the bourgeois of course.

  7. Your concepts of "trans", "woman", "biological" and "female" are narratives and therefore false.

Bow down to me.


Hot, serious-posting take

1- Yes

2- Who cares, but it's in Jewland

3- No. It looks like Islam is compatible with socialism because Islam dislikes interest rates and such, but this is only true for straight Arabic-speaking Muslim men. I guess if the answer is "yes" if you think Nazis were socialists.

4- If there's someone in your property who doesn't leave upon being commanded to, or if they're carrying guns etc and aren't government officials, you can shoot them. Ideally just warning shots.

5- By definition yes.

6- Goods.

7- By definition, no.

  1. Yes

  2. Both Israel and Palestine

  3. As much as any other superstition

  4. it depends

  5. yes

  6. A material good

  7. of course not

So OP what do I win ?

In the British Mandate of Palestine, obviously

Officially recognised as Israel, pending crusade
Islam is not compatible with any aspect of Western Society, unfortunately Socialism is largely propagated by Westerners, so no.
Yes, to the death
Depends on where, but generally speaking police officers are underpaid, underfunded, extremely unpopular and the reasons police institutions end up the way they are generally come down to them being the punching bag for society and being drowned in a tidal wave of crime
Absolutely fucking not, they are suffering from severe mental health issues and being indulged in their own destruction

guess im b&
