Guy admits to having an Asian wife. r/MillionDollarExtreme on suicide watch

64  2018-08-21 by nameonereason


Then she said, "Okay when we go make fucky sucky? When you pay?"






Soo....I'm gonna say MDE is soon to be Coontown'd

And then the same retards will pop up somewhere else

I thought this was advanced whack-a-tard?

The first company that comes up with effective retard-detection AI will make a killing.

Are we not the retard detecting AI and that’s why pinging is disabled?

They smothered us in the cradle before we could take over the world. 😔

The real AI: Autistic Intelligence

I am not sure killing 80 % of your user base is a good financial strategy.

You're damn right.

next step is just banning your accounts on the first offense (of being a conservautist)



Why not Am I better at this humor thing than both SJWs and Alt-rightists?

That’s the power of Radical CentrismTM


MDEgenerate humor is shouting nigger at a wall and listening for the echo while trying to hold back the giggles.

Peak post irony

Yeahhhh... you're pretty accurate on this one. Or the "schizopost your theory on why phantom Jews are making your groceries contain phytoestrogens to cause White Gayness in children."

Getting RICED happens when an Asian guy fucks someone else. When a white guy does it, I usually see it referred to as getting BLEACHED.

Personally I prefer the term getting "r/Nigger'd"

Everyone forgot r/Niggers used to be a thing :(

The level of sophistication is high.

Imagine being an MDEgenerate bitching about how retarded MAGApedes are without any sense of self awareness.

Old T_D would be against everything that new T_D does. They're the Left of the Right now. I feel like the good part of the community moved to 8ch or halfchan.

Imagine being so far right you think T_D is even close to being left.

Imagine being so retarded you think 8ch /pol/ has more than ~5 active members.

I take it the nsa doesn't count?

8ch probably lost like 80% of its users after they banned all the pedo boards

They probably mean "They act irrational like the left, but they're on the right".

Ironic, I know.

I honestly think MDE is the shadow version of r/drama. Same perma-contrarian attitude to all of Reddit, but instead takes everything super seriously.

Looked up what MDE was today (still have no clue what it is) but Sam Hyde’s Ted Talk was definitely the funniest thing I’ve watched in months

Sam Hyde’s Ted Talk was definitely the funniest thing I’ve watched in months

what a terribly sad, autistic, life you must live to actually type this


"Sam Hyde is the Funniest" is a phrase someone wont even ironically type unless they're such a spineless bastard that they can't stomach watching anything outside whatever YouTube recommends them

I don’t watch a lot of funny stuff, what was the funniest thing you’ve watched recently

Venture Bros new season.

You need to take a minute to self-reflect when cartoons are considered too "high-brow"

he still watches cartoons



Simpsons did this



Nobody said that. That's not what quotation marks are for. They're for quotation.

Like if I was to call you an illiterate fucking cum-sodden dickrag, you would write:

Bucklar comma with his usual searing insight comma today referred to me as open quotes an illiterate fucking cum hyphen sodden dickrag closed quotes period

That's how you use them, Assy-McGee. That's what they're for.

Nobody said that. That's not what quotation marks are for

Welcome to Neo-Post Modernism mother fucker. I don't need truth to make my shitpost unobjectively true. Enjoy the ride

When will the bad orange man stop making words meaningless? :(

I know this is bait but holy fjck man

What do you think of this new season so far? Last nights episode was a pretty good mind fucking.

I appreciate the call-backs for those that pay attention, but I hope to fucking God this is the last season of the series.

A person shouldn't have to memorize a single throw-away joke from 10 years ago in order to understand a B-plot story line in a current season

But enough about Marvel

Yeah, I had actually done a complete binge of the series from beginning to end. I do appreciate a lot of the call backs like you said. Especially when Action Man screams toast and Orpheus is just standing there with that "fuck you" look.

Ia that series ever gonna end? It feels like it was already established when i was in middle school and now im a working man and it's still going but somehow it only has like 30 new episodes since then.

not the person you're asking, but i recently watched the movie funny people and demitri martin's overthinker special on netflix, both were pretty great

I didn't think Funny People was very funny at all

Your comments.

Vertical videos in the bathroom or die

You have to go back...

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Nah Sam Hyde's TV show was terrible, as is his new youtube content, but his Ted Talk and that one other speech was pretty good though.

Fuck you mother fucker. I mean just listen to the Ted Talk. This washed up garbage comedian knocks it down the way a broken clock is right twice a day. Everything fits and his style of "comedy" makes for the perfect satire of the oral diarrhea that is your general TedTalk, shitting out washed out idioms and crappy comparisons as if there's no tomorrow, pointing at random people in the audience and cramming as much hyped up nonsense as possible in as little time as is allowed.

Sam Hyde’s Ted Talk was definitely the funniest thing I’ve watched in months.


His Ted Talk was pretty funny. There's a lot funnier parodies of Ted talks and you just know he only dislikes Ted because they aren't Nazis, but it was still kinda funny

It was kind of funny in parts, but it mostly just reminded me of stuff we'd do in high school drama class. Which probably explains a lot about his fans.

When did you discuss nuking Israel and wiping out the disabled and the elderly in high school drama? I feel like I missed out somehow

wtf I love MDE now

Ok I think I really missed the boat on knowing what MDE is

You don't know who those retards are?

it makes more sense now knowing it was based on a show I didn't see, I wasn't sure why these guys named themselves this

Because they lack any personal value or distinguishing characteristic , so decide to group themselves as the "egdy" fans of dead show. Lots of apologies to be made, here


Gimmie the dragon lady in the background, tho. She's shove a finger up the butt.

Even has special appearances from niceguys.