Video game makes joke, people get mad

88  2018-08-21 by loli_esports


Jews did this


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As always, everyone involved is retarded. Both the pr manager with these 2013 jokes and the morons who got offended by it




Apologized too now

resetera went into defcon 1 over this shit.

They do that over everything

They just flipped their shit recently on a guy talking about A Hat In Time coming to the Switch because he didn't devote a whole paragraph to condemning JonTron. Funny shit

Tf does a hat in time have to do with jontron

He did some minor voice acting for the game


lol polish people

What a shit show. And how many buzzwords in that reply thread?

Mind sharing some esports with me, OP?

😎😎 Tell the joke for us OP 😎😎 😎😎 Better not mess up 😎😎

Comedic equivalent of a middle school group chat. I bet that guy identifies as an attack helicopter.

I bet that guy identifies as an attack helicopter.

ayyy lmao you should try a standup

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Yeah, because the constant mayo and bussy jokes here are so fresh and hilarious!

no those are equally terrible but they’re not mainstream fortunately

Lgbt ruins everything

you can’t ruin something that’s shit to begin with

crushed any hype I had for this game

Imagine being so emotional that all your excitement over a game disappears in a single tweet.

However, the real problem is being hyped over Cyberpunk. The game is basically going to be Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Mankind Divided was horseshit) but next-gen; so that is to say it's going to be a good game but nothing new. But people are acting as if you're going to be in open-world Coruscant with unlimited options and extreme immersion.

You're not much less retarded with your assumptions. The game isn't anywhere close to release. It could be revolutionary or it could be shit, we can't know yet.

If you're not able to tell how a game is going to be just by looking at its trailer, well then I'm not sorry for you because you got a life. But I hope you weren't one of the retards who got excited about No Man's Sky.

Lol really?

It used to be we'd laugh at people for thinking games would be as good as pre rendered trailers make them seem.

Now we get to laugh at you for thinking a pre rendered trailer shows any gameplay.

Shut the fuck who cares lmao

your judgement is based on a cinematic trailer that doesn't reflect on how the game actually plays, looks and feels? that's funny

I hope you weren't one of the retards who got excited about No Man's Sky.

Those people were telling how a game was going to be just by looking at its trailer, you imbecile. You're just drawing unsupported negative conclusions instead of unsupported positive ones and declaring yourself above the mouthbreathers who reserve judgement.

Go to a neurologist and tell them to reverse your lobotomy

If you weren't able to tell NMS was a shit game by looking at its trailer, dont speak to me

is that why girls don't talk to you?

>not realizing girls are humanized cancer cells

You're pulling down the average IQ of this conversation to the negatives

you could have just said "yes" and saved yourself the trouble of making yourself look even more pathetic

In the eyes of the gook, he who befriends his food is pathetic.

it’s a big game, so 65% chance it’s unfinished at launch

Yeah but it's also CD projekt so they'll placate the nerds with a couple months of free DLCs while their devs make use of the unofficial public beta to finish the game.

While REAL gamers talk about how CD Projeckt deserves a chance to redeem themselves unlike poopy Bethesda who need to unironically kill themselves for creating a buggy game that's absolutely nowhere near the euphoric Witcher 3.

Thing is though there are degrees of whats acceptable or not, Bethesda have been like that since Morrowind which is a long fucking time to never release a stable game.

but with the size of elder scrolls games it's practically impossible to have 0 bugs at all, so constantly releasing patches is the only option.

Bethesda's real problem is misplaced feature priority, being lazy in general and having a massive, throbbing boner for stealth gameplay.

yeah but that doesn't really excuse the fact that the engine is still hot garbage

for you

i'm playing mankind divided right now and enjoying it more than most games i've played lately, why is it horseshit?

It's horseshit compared to Human Revolution.

It's horseshit compared to original Deus Ex

Fixed it

It's literally half a game and will probably never be completed.

because it's short? i'm only in the aug slum part pretty early on, so idk, it's been great so far.

I wish they would make another deus ex game with like 100 hours of story. Shit is so good.

You have to go back...

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Why do You say this

You have to go back...

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You're an MDEgenerate. Gtfo

Fuck off back to srd


You trigger the srdine mods


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Hey, mods? I think your AutoMod had one too many vaccines today.

it's doing god's work.

That could definitely be Cyberpunk

it wasn't as short as people were making it out to be but i really hated having prague as the central hub, it feels like you spend half the game there which in turn makes the world seem smaller. Overall I thought it was still a good game but human revolution was better IMO.

The story ends with you fighting what is essentially just a mini-boss.

Imagine if the original Deus Ex ended right after you killed Walton Simons, and you never finished up the Illuminati plotline or dealt with Bob Page.

I’m playing Mankind Divided right now

You will likely finish the campaign by the time you read this comment.

Deus Ex

Sign me up faggot I long for irl world to turn into a dystopian shithole.

the way things are going your gonna get your wish lol


That's why I'm so in. HR is a perfect game, and this could definitely be that as well. But it could also be a complete mess. And I'm ready for that too.

But people are acting as if you're going to be in open-world Coruscant with unlimited options and extreme immersion.

That might be a bit of a stretch, but they have a pretty good track record and can be counted on for creating an immersive world and a compelling story.

I suspect more people think the game will be Witcher 3 in a cyberpunk setting and that's a-ok with me

They were both good, fam. And I was in college was the first one came out and played them all, so that makes my opinion more valid (oldmanBTFOetcetc).

Jesus Christ dude. You a caveman from 2012 or something? Welcome to the Current Year, the intersectional intersection of gaming and outrage culture. Single tweet by a game dev, single article by a game journo or one min teaser trailer by a publisher are all valid reasons for launching a decade lasting crusade of shit against those who made you upset. Welcome to the outrage culture. Be sure to pick your tribe. You gotta be very upset by this tweet or alternatively furious over there being (((women)))) in the next Battlefield game.

imagine being that much of a pussy

These are the same people who complain about "fragile masculinity"

Damn the list got deleted, anyone got a screenshot snapshill bot isn’t working on mobile.


Wow, that's it? Just a stale maymay?

Old maymay cancels a bunch of woketards, more news at 11.

Oh come on. I thought you're better than that, CD Projekt Red.

"Did you just assume my gender"-jokes are so 2015.

The fact they deleted it is.. worrying.

It's the nature of the business

what’s worrying about QC?

/u/PoorLilMarco tell the furries in that thread to yiff themselves.

For a lot of people it's just a community that they feel a strong affinity for. A person's fursona is usually a reflection of how they see themselves.

If that were true, there'd be a lot more rat and dung-beetle furries.

Dung beetles aren’t furry you ignorant fuck

Well if you insist, but it'll have to wait until after work.

You can choose your characters race and gender.

I'm hoping they deleted it because they realised it's not funny, not because of whining trannies.

Probably both

I think we both know the answer to that one.


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Well what was it?

That's a pretty stale joke, but at the same time there's people who still get really upset by it. Really odd that gender stuff is off limits as far as jokes go. If they want transgenderism to be normalized then they need to get used to being made fun of, just like everyone else.

fucking yawn

First GoG, then this. CDProjekt needs to let their people have some fun.

How do the retarded faggots that get triggered over a tweet function in real life?

deleted, was it a good joke?

I love how assmad transes get over "did you assume their gender" jokes because the "joke" is exactly how trans think we should unironically act all the time.

Yes but it's making fun of that and that's literally erasing people and killing them.

your words are terrorism



learn to click archive links


most of the people complaining about being offended by the joke have furry profile pics lmao

"People should be able to say what they want, even if it is attacking community contributers"-Press during Arenanet

Developer says something

"You shut your filthy fucking mouth, speak when we say and say what we tell you"-Press

Self censorship is not cyberpunk.

I still think it's cowardice to delete after the fact. You make a comment, you stick with it.

God bless Poland!

The only crime here is how criminally unfunny that joke is