"Women don't have penises" stickers and "Dead TERFs" graffiti in Brighton

47  2018-08-21 by itsnotmyfault


Have you posted bussy yet?


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People who care enough about trannies to get butthurt about TERFs are ironically among the least threatening people alive.

Now pitbull protesters, those are dangerous.

I'd rather be in the room with a pitbull than a tranny. I've known some nice pitbulls.

That's just those activist fucks and trans-trenders.

E.g. Justine Tunney seemed alright.

And quite a few trans redditors are alright, too. It's just a lot of assholes turn out to be trans, or at least self-identify as trans.

That's the thing, 90% of trans people really don't give a shit and usually just want to take a piss without getting harassed.

The trans activists who spend all their energy trying to coerce lesbians into sucking their dicks? Kind of an asshole move.

Kind of an asshole move.

to put it mildly. like this "joke"

I'm consistently amazed by how afraid normies are of trans people given that trans folks are like 0.5% of the population.

It's just good sense to be afraid of insane people. You never know what they're gonna do.

That's some edge there, mate

Because somehow that 0.5% thinks their comfort is more important than the other 95% or so and there's a dangerously vocal 4.5% of 'normal' people who agree

in what way does acknowledging trans people and allowing them to exist as human beings with basic human righs invade the comfort and freedom of the other 95% of the population?

See e.g. the other thread on the transsexual who decided it was their right, nay, their duty, to go flop their dick around a women's changing room to the consternation of everyone else involved.

so because one random person decides to do something like that, it invalidates an entire community of people? I wish people thought that way about gun control.

Tbh I just don't believe in glorifying or encouraging mental illness. I'm not a dick to people with other mental illnesses either, but playing in to them and promoting 'pride' them seems like a terrible idea. I don't want a transsexual person to e.g. teach my kid for the same reason I don't want a woman in a burqa to do it: it normalizes something harmful.

Also the whole transsexual rights movement has become ridiculous and extreme in how it reacts to even the smallest slight. It's not just normalized for some people, but hypernormalized to the point where any suggestion to the contrary gets you shouted down by idiots. If you can't take minor comments without feeling genuinely oppressed then you've probably got some other additional mental illnesses on the go. Which is fine, I hope you can deal with it, but it shouldn't dictate public policy or social structure.

but gender dysphoria, unlike other (most) mental illenesses, has no possible treatment other than allowing the person to transition and live as they wish. Additionally, there are studies that have shown that a transgender person's brain structure is most similiar to the opposite sex. I find it more harmful to force transgender people to conform to something that they have been struggling against than to allow them to live free in the way they want to. It's like denying antipsychotics to a person with schizophrenia, that's just not the right way to help them.

Giving antipsychotic medicine doesn't 'promote' or normalize the illness that it treats to the rest of society. On the contrary, it reduces the visibility of the condition. The opposite is true of the 'pride and acceptance' treatment for transsexuals. Even if it is the best treatment option (which I find questionable since we don't generally lop off the limbs of those who are convinced it belongs to someone else), it has negative effects in wider society that ought to take priority due to the size of the groups.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree

RAAAAAAAAAPE (by deception)

More like 0.1%

ive seen silence of the lambs im not taking any chances

You have to go back...

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But he's right, auto.

that doesnt mean he doesnt have to go back


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In my experience, its less fear than disgust.

literally 3 words to say girl don't have cocks


How is the sticker a police worthy matter?

The person who put it up probably didn't have a sticker license.

Aww I have an admirer

Oi mate have you got a loicense... Aww I don't wanna do this

iirc bongistan has anti hate-speech laws so they're looking into it from that angle

like the guy who made the nazi joke with his pug and got prosecuted or w/e

UK police must have nothing better to do.

If they prosecuted actual criminals it could be dangerous.

A guy recently got sentenced to 6 years for spraying swastikas on walls in Wales.

It's a shame really. I prefer women with penises.

Imahgine being offended by the FACT that women don't have penises.

Speaking of facts, where were you on March 16, 2015? As a follow-up, how often do you travel to Alberta?

Home? Never. Why would I want to see a bunch of oil hillbilles?

We're just reasonably certain you're a serial killer.


So you don't know for sure, eh? This will be good for investigators to know...

Why would I want to see a bunch of oil hillbilles?

Isn't your goal usually for them to not see you while you're stealing and murdering their women?

Quick question, are you a neo nazi

No, but thank you for asking 🤗


At least they don’t when you’re finished cutting them up you sick fuck.

Men need to stand up and protect women instead of trying to become women. There's a goddamn reason that dynamic worked for thousands of years.

don't blame men. we gave women the vote. they did this to themselves.

don't blame men. we gave women the vote

BTW: I don't and would never support violence against trans people. But I will also not support harrassment, doxxing and violence of any type against women. Women's safety and protections are and will always be my top priority.

Only violence against women is a problem. Do these people know that They sound like conservatives from the 50s?

Is it wrong that I agree with both of those statements?

Get a load of this radical centrist.


a lot of those twitter trans people seem exceedingly pale. like they haven't seen the sun in years kinda pale.

Gender war now!

Why do so many transwomen - transwomen who have spent most of their lives being socialized as men, being viewed by society as men, and internalizing norms of masculinity - just love to constantly talk about killing TERFs, beating TERFs, and forcing lesbian TERFs to have sex with them?

Oh well. There is simply no reason why these transwomen could be acting this way.

The absolute state of the UK