Mayo woman gets uppity when asked why she doesn't wear a helmet

18  2018-08-21 by sanrensho


Biking is kind of like the opposite of real life because on a bike the retards don't wear helmets

Riding a bike on the street at all is retarded, even in bike lanes. Anyone can be a driver. They don't even need a license to get into a car and turn it on. Most drivers are retarded because the general populace is retarded. But if you're going to be an idiot and ride your bike on the street, wear a helmet. Or do like this bitch does and pretend that not wearing a helmet will bring about a bicycle utopia.

I lived in a city where biking is a thing. And every month there was a serious to fatal accident. Inevitably, car met bike, biker was fucked.

Doesn’t matter who was in the right or the wrong. During space with a car means when it goes tits up, biker gonna die.

I used to ride on the sidewalk.

This reads like a parody of retarded leftoid beliefs

criticizing my choice not only implies the assumption that you know more about how to protect and care for my body than I do, it also distracts from more actionable—and effective—ways to actually advocate cyclist safety.

This bitch is going to get hit by a truck and have her brains smeared out all over 7th Avenue and I'm going to laugh.


If you get hit by a truck will a helmet really help?

Eh, natural selection will sort it out.

Many biking countries don't use helmets.

Their cyclists aren't as fun to kill.

the dutch are like one big speed bump.

Citation needed

How is a citation even require you tard? You do understand biking countries have the infrastructure that allows for safe biking. While those that mandatory helmet laws goes "Oh shit these bitches are gonna get hurt , better have a helmet"

How do you know they have fewer accidents?

Because if you compare like the fucking dutch assholes vs kangaroo convicts. Then you notice that proper infrastructure and cycling culture is far more worthwhile than some shitty helmet.

Even those future Atlantis fuckers have higher accident rates with people on helmets than people without.

Why do you talk like this?

The climate change the rising a water levels will ensure that they are dealt with. No amount of dykes and wood crocs will save them.

This is the kind of problem that solves itself tbh

man, in my city like three years ago there was a lady who was biking down a pretty main street, stopped at a red light. she was clipped in and lost her balance right before the light turned green, falling sideways into the lane she was next to. unfortunately the car in the lane next to her was a giant city-owned dump truck. driver couldn't see the fallen biker, hit the gas when the light turned green and drove straight over that lady's head. super fucked up.

needless to say, the helmet she was wearing didn't help.

Good thing that retards like this tend to cull themselves without aid

Feminism continues to be a mistake

I just ride without a helmet cause the wind feels nice.

Getting brain damage for feminisms sake

Do you wear a helmet when bicycling?

"i don't wear a helmet because in an ideal world i wouldn't need to (even though i don't live in that world)"

Teach drivers not to run people over.

I want to see her twitter feed after the head injury from the bike hitting a pothole.

She's going to be an ugly quadriplegic.

Hopefully when she gets brain damage she forgets about that twitter thread, for her own good.

What the hell burgers are even more insane than I thought. Here in Germany almost noone wears a helmet on the bicycle.

But can we add some topless biking drama to this?

Makes sense, why wear seatbelts when the real answer is to never have car accidents?