/r/inceltears freaks out the horrifying, totally real incel army, /r/braincels users show their incredible power by lamely brigading and getting infinitely downvoted

66  2018-08-21 by uniqueguy263




Sac you can do this

It's a herculean effort to make the incel look less pathetic than you. Somehow they pulled it off

I don't get this conundrum where IT recognizes incels as pathetic impotent basement dwellers but are somehow still really dangerous to society.

Laughing and mocking makes sense but if you feel fear from edgy incel posts you're likely not normal yourself.

It's really weird. In the comments where I specifically call them out as losers while saying they aren't threats I get upvoted but when I don't I'm literally Hitler for not freaking out about random scary Redditors

The followers must feel humiliated by the ostentatious wealth and force of their enemies. When I was a boy I was taught to think of Englishmen as the five-meal people. They ate more frequently than the poor but sober Italians. Jews are rich and help each other through a secret web of mutual assistance. However, the followers must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.

You see it everywhere, really.

What is that from?

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Why do numales all sound the same?

cause it's shit people say on the internet

I think its more funny because no one self-identifies as a "numale", but these language trends tie the would-be numales together so accurately that when someone goes waltzing into an problematic subreddit and starts by saying "wow, just wow. Y'all are racist as shit", they've pegged themselves as something they would probably argue doesn't even exist.

I'm a numale and this sounds nothing like me.

accepting the term "numale" eliminates you being a numale imo

it's almost like

it's almost like i did that on purpose, friendo

Le epic troll

You're the one making a big deal about it.

no u

Wow... just wow. Who hurt you?

Yeah, I get it. There are an abundance of retards on reddit. It don't need any more examples.

Except you're confused.

What you guys do is not only noteworthy, but damn heroic

Oh boy. I used to read /r/TheBluePill and it was pretty much the same. Women hostile to men, but in need of some rationalization for their hostility, so they adopted the notion that they were fighting the good fight. My favorite all-time TBP posts were similar to OP, where a Bluepiller made a post announcing their decision to ragequit after realizing that their mental health was deteriorating.

The actual fuck happened to that sub? I can't understand any of the mod stickied post

If that's heroic then r/drama must be the fucking Justice League.

Think about how bereft of problems your existence must be that the post pressing threat is a small group of people on the internet whom you'll never meet. White women truly live the sweet life.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha


Pls an hero

Her daughter is more likely to be assaulted by her future well adjusted boyfriend than some fucking incel who is one reddit post away from hanging himself off his balcony.

Edit: Yikes...

Oh, so they are that kind of person.


What you guys do is not only noteworthy, but damn heroic.

The fucjk. Its not like theres less incels now due to /inceltears

if anything, I'd argue that inceltears increases the total number of incels.

Yes it's very heroic to bully a bunch of actual autists and spergs who can't get laid. Fucking reddit.

Isn't that the purpose of r/drama?

Imagine coming out of a situation like this looking more retarded than incels.

Mental health must come first.

I wouldn't be too worried

That sub is just the same 3 women constantly attention whoring and the male feminists upvoting their posts

IT/MensLib make toxic masculinity look good ffs

Edit: Yikes. So much negativity and animosity being directed towards me. This is not a good environment for one’s mental well being. I’ll be shutting down for the day. Cya.


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I have a daughter and I cried last night over the thought of her being raised in a society is which she is hated and condemned just for her gender.


This guy IRL

This dude's daughter is 7 years old and he's just telling her all this scary shit with a big wide mouth ahhhhhHHHHHHHH