Cohen flips on daddy, but this is still totally a witch hunt!

96  2018-08-21 by respaaaaaj


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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Oh this is juicy...Cohen testifies that Trump told him to pay off the porn stars. t_d is gonna be a suicide watch.

t_d is gonna be a suicide watch.

TD is a very facist place, you're actually not allowed to discuss any news that haven't been pre-approved. Since news nowadays consist of daddy taking it up the ass, TD lives in a completely alternate reality.

Trumptardism can't survive outside of an echo chamber.

It isn’t fascist. It’s a 24/7 Trump rally. No doubt there are fascist weirdos in that sub tho.

Its more than just trump shit though its generally whatever triggers / circlejerks right wing reactionary mayos at the moment.

Okay so it’s a right wing circlejerk. That doesn’t make it fascist. Is /r/Communism fascist just because they ban all conversation that is against communism? Words matter you dumb retard.

Wasnt saying it was facist and im assuming he was just being a sperg and referring to their moderation practices which is LSC levels of punishing wrongthink.

Fascist has multiple meanings. TD is not some extreme right-wing group who believes in a constant and violent Darwinian struggle between ethno-states. The mods are authoritarian dipshits (the other meaning of fascist) but you could say that about quite a few groups of internet janitors.

Cohen testifies that Trump told him to pay off the porn stars

Says who?

Literally himself Jesus Christ

Literally himself

Says who?

Holy shit that was him? That's golden.

We shouldnt stop at mayocide we need anglocide, anyone who speaks english so i dont have to see something that retarded again.

Hahaha what the fuck this guy is the worst

He's really not as good at the whole "brazenly lie on TV" as the others in the Trump orbit. Don't prompt the reporter with a question like "says who," generalize it and dismiss it with some unrelated lie before changing the subject.

even if he said "oh polls - yeah sure" after she answered would be way better than his stupid face blank stare.

Do you unironically believe Trump's personal lawyer went to pay off pornstars without Donald Trump both knowing and telling him to do it?

Are you really this naive?

Says who?

Who do you think Cohen was talking about when he said "unnamed candidate."

Pizza Jesus fucking Christ read the other comments.


Pizza Jesus

Literally who

I think it's hilarious how up in arms you are about naïveté when you don't recognize what is arguably the most famous quote of Cohens political career.

There's nothing "naive" about not paying attention to the rants of a moron.

Don't act like your ignorance was a concious choice.

I'm not "acting" like anything. I never paid attention to anything his sycophants said.


Reaching captainpriapism levels of self delusion here

Do you unironically believe Trump's personal lawyer went to pay off pornstars without Donald Trump both knowing and telling him to do it?

Are you really this naive? You really think that anyone who voted for Trump cares?

Dude had multiple wives and was running beauty contest annd reality show (among other things)

Nobody thought that he was Pence type of guy. nobody cares.

He broke the fucking law. This isn't about his personal life.

What he did was illegal.

What's the illegality of paying pornstars hush money? Was it a campaign finance abuse?

Yes, not only that, but it seems Trump paid out the bribes after he took office, using fake invoices:

The payments began flowing in February 2017, soon after Trump took office, when Cohen approached Trump Organization executives seeking to be reimbursed for “election-related” expenses, prosecutors said.

From a practical standpoint it seems tenuous is their any prior case law to support defining that as a contribution?

From a normal perspective it's ironic that Republicans finally get comeupance for burning Clinton for banging an intern.

nobody cares that he paid some hush money to some bimbo

Again, he broke the law, everyone around him is a criminal up to and including himself.

This is the tip of the iceberg. Trump should be indicted.

again - nobody cares that he fucked some bimbos and paid hush money - get over it.

you do know that this is not the first president who banged whores, when ever he could (?)

I have seen at least hundred tips of the ice berg since he was elected. at this point its witch hunt.

I dont care if DNC takes house or not but the way they run things - they may be happy if they keep numbers they have now.

Trump broke the law, he is a criminal.

I dont care if DNC takes house or not but the way they run things - they may be happy if they keep numbers they have now.

Funny how by like every metric the country does better when Democrats are in charge, wonder why that is.

Almost like the GOP puts hilariously unqualified people in charge of vital departments.

Trump should be indicted.

A sitting president cannot be indicted. They can be impeached.

That’s one interpretation.

As far as I know, the question of "can a president be indicted" is still up in the air and not settled.

Yeah, I looked it up. It was a question that was asked and unanswered during the Clinton years.

I'd rather a president who fucks porn stars than one who rapes interns.

t_d is gonna be a suicide watch.

I'm not sure why you're assuming the mouthbreathers there are in touch with reality enough to be negatively affected by any news. Other than the news of the billions of victims of Pizzagate, of course.

Fuckin' Cheese Pizza, man.

A single slice, shared amongst several adults, to be specific.

Daddy’s campaign rally is going to be so fire emoji tonight!

He didn't identify the candidate or the person who was paid

Could this be finally it? Could Hillary Clinton finally be going to jail??????

Trump and Cohen are finally bringing the pedovore cabal to justice! MAGA

jill stein confirmed evil gay pedo vampire

it was her turn

Howdare you bismerch Crystal grandma like this


Meh, all we learned tonight was that he thinks turkeys gestate in the oven on thanksgiving and the governor of West Virginia is the largest, most beautiful man. Those are pretty much direct quotes btw.

Guys, I think if a man fires the first guy investigating his campaign, then tries to fire the person investigating him, not once, not twice but three times...

I think he might be guilty of something. Just a hunch. 🤔

N-no, it's all part of the plan, honest! It's all just 4D chess!


nah, you are thinking 2D chess. Daddy is on a whole another level.

I think he might be guilty of something.

everyone on that level of politics (in DC) is guilty of at least something.

How dare you slander Steny Hoyer like that

He hasn't actually tried to fire Mueller


Unsubstantiated rumors and still Mueller is in his position.

I'll say again since I guess you're slow. Trump has never actually tried to fire Mueller.


Literally what in the sweet fucking akatosh are you talking about?

He literally made his third attempt to fire him in public.


What are you talking about?

what in the sweet fucking akatosh


stop nerdshaming, you furry bitch

stones and glass houses, snally

> saying a tweet is literally evidence of a crime.

This is your mind on TDS.

It took you an hour to think of a spin and the best you could come up with is

"The POTUS may have said it but he only said it on Twitter!"

Grow a spine.

It's not spin. You have to be borderline retarded to think that tweet is evidence of anything.

Those tweets were already ruled to be official statements from the White House, by a federal judge.

That tweet is an official document.

Grow a spine.

Tell me where in the tweet he attempts to fire Mueller

Moving the goalposts I see.

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions should stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now"

Attorney General Jeff Sessions


Like honestly do you people even try? You know no one other than other people removed from reality believe the horseshit you people attempt to shovel right?

Even if the mental gymnastics you're trying to peddle were true

"Increasingly nervous man sees nothing wrong with a president trying to encourage his attorney genereal into firing the people investigating him, panting as he runs out of breath from moving the goal posts."

Grow a spine.

Ok, sweaty.

Let me know when you finally get the mean Drumpfy!

Surely this will be end of Mueller.

Wtf does an “attempt” to fire Meuller mean? He has the power to do it at the stroke of a pen.

The president has no right to directly fire a special counsel.

He can, however, order the attorney general to do it.

Q predicted this?


Qultists believe all the evidence gained from Cohen and Manafort and Cohen's cooperation is a 3d chess move designed by their guy Mueller to get the evidence needed to reveal and prosecute the deep state out in the open. I'm really impressed by the narratives they can construct and that they're at 50k subs and growing

Your gestapo failed again: two sources tell News 4 the expected deal does not include cooperation but will include charges related to tax fraud, bank fraud and a campaign finance violation.

Lol for fucks sake

"this will surely be the end of Drumpf" says increasingly paranoid man for 37th time this year

Who cares if this is 'the end of' him? It's fucking hilarious. Just enjoy the show with the rest of us.


Eva is a valued member of our community.

I think we have different standards for a person's value.

He's one of drama's own.


Keep on keepin on but consider making changes to your life

Is he tho?

He's a homegrown radical poster, the problem is that we don't have enough homegrown radical left-wing posters to balance out the right ones. The recent migrants need to leave tho

Oh I know. I've never been tempted to ban him. But I do downvote him from time to time. (I'm a bad man).

You are just the other side of the mde coin. All you do is ree on r/neoliberal which is known to cause extreme faggotry in those that partake in such activities.

All you do is ree on r/neoliberal which is known to cause extreme faggotry in those that partake in such activities.

in such activities? goddamn you are making that sub sound like some cool NWO-style hangout when it's mostly undergrad econs having generic takes on everything

r/neoliberal's economics Are renowned for the sucking of dicks But its activity there Doesn't compare To the number of assholes it licks

Damn right, we only go for radical centrist faggotry here.

Lol newfag


mfw attorney says I directed him to commit a federal crime under oath

I dunno man. Maybe time to get on the Pence train.


Says the dipshit

Lol nigga u mad Daddy is still gonna be king?

That's right, screech for me bitch

Wojackmaskcrying.jpg 1. Item 2. Item

I don't have alts, but it's nice to see how deeply embedded in your head I am.

The resistards have taken over /r/drama. Sad

Trump isn't getting impeached. In fact, I find trump winning a second term increasingly likely as leftists continue to not learn their lesson.

What people see to be missing is that if Trump gets 'impeached' the country will implode. It's not like the bad orange man will go away and we can go back to business as normal.

This is good for drama coin though.

Best case scenario, he loses the next election, refuses to accept the results or step down and it's civil war 2.0

Final please let us get some real drama

I'm pretty sure the only thing you guys would have to look forward to then is President Pence in 2020. I'd be more afraid of that if I was an American hard core leftist - the last thing you want is someone in power who actually has an inkling of how to accomplish their agenda.

Do you think Pence would shitpost on Twitter?

He seems like a bible verses only sorta guy.

If Trump is convicted in the Senate—and I don't think he will be—Pence would have negative political capital.


Pence ain't Trump. He doesn't have that tv star force of personality. Which is literally the only reason Trump won in the first place.

Pence 2020 would be like Bob Dole and Gerald Ford rolled into a single boring asshole.

Progressives don't have to worry about paying rent anymore.

They can live in conservative heads, rent free.

Lol "I hate these guys, so i'n unironically gonna use all the good lines they have"

The idiom of living in someone's head rent-free is hardly exclusive to you and your troglodyte friends:

no, leftists are finally learning their lesson

all you have to do is hate and meme on the other side hard enough. morality, policies, reason etc all of that is nonsense, literally just get enough people to be in a frothing memehate towards the other side



Is it a witch hunt when the bitches float?

So what happens if none of this is related to Russia? Was it an actual witch hunt that just dug up normal politician skeletons?

Then the swamp is getting drained.

This is the thing I laugh at, russia was the cause of all this and these dudes are being investigated for white collar crimes that every lobbyist in washington has been doing for 40 years

lol. the left should read this article.

Then it's the same thing that happens when legislators and/or presidents get caught doing something immoral or not shockingly illegal, but with greater stakes than usual and a fairly higher amount of evangelicals being hypocrites.

Cohen's prosecution doesn't involve Mueller. It's the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York. This criminal probe was separate from the Russia investigation.

A) Manafort is directly related to Russia

B) Mueller's actual investigation is still ongoing

C) Even if we only find out about other shit, it's kinda retarded to say "well aure the guy murdered his wife, but you were originally just looking for evidence of insurance fraud, so it doesn,t count"

D) These are not "normal" politician skeletons brah. Most politicians are not retarded enough to pull shit this obviously shady and then try to run for president.

So, from my perspective of vaguely following this on the other side of the world, the entire circus is basically this -

Mueller targets someone, digs up a bunch of unrelated dirt on them, and then offers them a "plea deal" on said dirt in return for testimony. Testimony that so far isn't actually producing any results?

I mean, I get what he's doing, I've watched enough police procedurals. You just keep turning one guy after another while you try and climb up the ladder, but for real - How many deals is he going to hand out before he starts charging people with the actual stuff he's supposed to be investigating on and not their tax returns?

The cynical part of my brain wonders if this isn't just an orchestrated dog and pony show (Mueller is a republican after all) to create a lot of noise, but no results.

I know it’s a bit confusing, but the Cohen plea today wasn’t technically part of the Mueller investigation.

While doing their thing, Mueller’s team found some evidence of campaign finance crime. But, it was outside of his assigned task. So he passed it to another federal prosecutor, the US Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York (SDNY) to deal with.

The take-away is that the Cohen thing is a completely separate issue from the Russia situation. They committed campaign finance violations all on their own without need of any special foreign help.

I know it’s a bit confusing

Careful, don't want to even seem condescending or you'll end up triggering that old (((economic anxiety))).

See, the thing is, Muller can't actually file meaningful charges against the President. According to the constitution, only congress can do that.

Yeah, the whole point of the investigation is to dig up enough dirt to convince all democrats (there will be a few shy ones who won't commit unless its a sure thing) and a few Republicans (this is the important part) to impeach.

Its always been that way, and why smart people have rightfully called it a political hackjob from the start. Even if Trump is guilty as fuck and a literal traitor, that's still true.

Yeah, the whole point of the investigation

Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel by Acting AG Rod Rosenstein to investigate allegations of criminal activity involving Russia during the 2016 election. And that's the point of the investigation - to determine if crimes were committed.

If you think either party gives a single flying fuck about the integrity of our elections, I don't even know what to say.

Its always been that way, and why smart people have rightfully called it a political hackjob from the start. Even if Trump is guilty as fuck and a literal traitor, that's still true.

Lol wut? That's not how it works. It can't be a cynical political hackjob and also bringing a known traitor to justice at the same time.

the actual stuff he's supposed to be investigating

The stuff hes supposed to be investigating, particularly part B sec 2

Republicans did the exact same thing with Clinton. The Starr investigation started out investigating watergate. I guess this is just how it works now: the justice system exists to be used as a weapon against your political opponents

Yeah, I lived state-side during that circus and I remember it well. What a total fucking joke.

Ken Starr was Independent Counsel, which was a position created by and answerable to Congress, which was controlled by Republicans at the time. Mueller was appointed by the AG's office, by a Republican Acting AG, and is subordinate to the Acting AG. Mueller's appointment didn't involve Trump's 'political opponents.' And Mueller is far more constrained than Starr. Rod Rosenstein, Trump's appointee, ultimately controls the investigation.

K good points, still the similarities between the two investigations is uncanny

Going to federal prison to own the libs

"So maybe Trump colluded with Russia. Can you prove that every atom in our current GOD-EMPEROR'S body is the same as those in candidate Trump's body? No? Sit down, libtards.

Except this case has nothing to do with Russia but sure

/r/politics will finally get their wish of President Pence