Internet lolcow JoySparkleBs is back with twice the amount of pounds and rage

7  2018-08-22 by BlakcWoolfe


This has been an attack, it's occult warfare, and her number one goal is Reconciliation, Restoration, and Reunion of their marriage and family.


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This shook me

oh my god this girl! I followed her videos throughout all the onision drama.

First of all, who is this?

Second of all, holy fuck me. Lmao

I am only doing this for the money

no I won't do patron

no fuck you no shout outs

I am going to be a total bitch

fuck you

no I won't do anything that streamers do to make money

Wewwwwww buddy

Some crazy woman that got involved with the Daddy o Five scandal and more. If you like drama, I suggest you keep an eye on her.

Some crazy woman that got involved with the Daddy o Five scandal and more. If you like drama, I suggest you keep an eye on her.

Oh man can you give an ELI 5 on that?? Relatively new to the sub(3-4 mo or so) and out of the loop on some

Sure. Here's a video Repzion made that covers most of the drama.

She's got lots of ideas, guys. It's all good.