User on r/coaxedintoasnafu makes fun of r/gamingcirclejerk. Gamingcirclejerk members proceed to brigade thread

49  2018-08-22 by superfam


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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The gamers jimmies are rustled, I see.

pls guys no bulli the giant corporaton!

“I don’t like the quest in Fallout 4 where you find a ghoul child who has been trapped in a refrigerator for 210 years without food or water because it was clearly established in Fallout 1 that ghouls need water to survive because an entire town of them can die of dehydration if you don’t repair their water pump, and it doesn’t make sense that the child wouldn’t go insane from isolation.”

“LMAO SJWs don’t want to ruin your vidya, racist. Bethesda saved Fallout. GAMERS RISE UP XDDDDDDDD!”

Also the drug jet was found in Vaults in Fallout 4 even though it was invented after the bombs. Also ignoring how a drug from the west coast managed to reach the east coast in a time where long distance travel is difficult.

Harold and Kellogg who just sort of ended up on the other side of the continent without any apparent issues traveling for unknown reasons.

The only people with access to vertibirds are NCR, Brother of Steel and The Enclave. So how can normal people move coast to coast.

Bad writing.

So it is a video game is what you are saying

Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas have good writing though.

NCR troopers are pretty normal people.

Not everyone is part of the NCR

But enough are so that air travel, while expensive, is not impossible.

Pretty sure they only use vertibird for military use not commercial.

Any non new-style jerk subreddits are shit.

For an example of a new-style jerk subreddits, look at /r/programmingcirclejerk. Posting links to jerk-worthy shit instead of posting original content keeps things fresh and interesting.

Thing is programming has nothing to do with politics. So it is easier for them.
In case of digital entertainment there's a lot of politics, and there are no neutral mods to keep it from turning sub either to left or right.

/r/programmingcirclejerk just bans any politics via the no-socialjerk rule, I think.

/r/gamingcirclejerk is one of the most pathetic subreddits I've ever seen.

Another anti-something group that almost instantly became worse than the thing they were trying to mock.

See also: literally every other circlejerk to ever exist

I thought their witcher 3 posts were funny, but that's about the extent of it.

I like how circlejerk boards are supposed to have a carefree attitude but they get more mad than anyone else on reddit

Imagine being a weird internet sjw and doing free PR and marketing for giant corporations' multi-million dollar projects.

Shit literally just learned about r/gamingcirclejerk

Imagine being so bothered by sweaty gamers that you dedicate a sub to them

r/gamingcirclejerk is just ghazi but boring. At least the ghazi faggots gives us some juicy drama from tine to time.