Nicki Minaj Is the queen of rap’s crown fading? She canceled her entire tour

44  2018-08-23 by realblackmario


I may be a 🎅 white 🏳nationalist 👏 but If 😏 I see 😘 a fine 👯 asian 🍜 ass 👌 my bloodline 💦💦 bout to 💆become 🍘 a 🍙 riceline 🍱


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Nicky Minaj is the Queen of Rap?

I certainly don't want to hear what the rest of guss rappers sound like then.

Seriously, our next option is Cardi fucking B. Ugh.

I'm still clinging to the lady rappers of the eighties and nineties

Was here to claim that Rage is still the queen of rap.

Seriously, theres like two or three good female rappers. I got Rage and Eve but after that its all garbage.


I enjoyed her as a comedian/actress more than as a rapper.

You should read some of her post modern poetry. I view her rap as an extension of her poetry

I like the sound, a lot actually, it the lyrics are retarded.

The bitch is rapping about brushing teeth and changing panties.

Don't forget la choice.

Thats either before my time or after it. Doesnt ring a bell.

She was a niche 80s-90s rapper whose lyrics became fap material for young guys before internet porn was easily available. The best song related to her was a diss track made by Willie D.

Her album is actually pretty good. "I like it" is an awesome song

Better believe it when I tell ya.

Um no sweetie. Only an out of touch mayo would believe this.

nikki hasn't been relevant since monster

Her pop shit is easily better than Cardi B's lol.

Cardi has the benefit of being attached to the Migos, and her songs have been tight. More importantly, her personality isn't fucking dogshit like Nicki's.

No, it’s not. She’s terrible across the board, and a degenerate ratchet ass cunt too. At least CB is amusing and real.

Only white out of touch mayos still listen to nicki

the amount of idiot teenage white girls in her twitter mentions is hilarious

Card I B. Has some hot political takes. Perfect for R/Drama tbh.

She’s not bad lol

Rico Nasty is🔥🔥🔥 imo

Listen to Chanel WestCoast if you want to keep yourself safe.

Tay is the best female rapper

Iggy Azalea is the true queen

This is a good call although I've heard the real reason is they are worried nicki will melt because of the concert lights so they studying different lights and techniques and how they effect Barbie dolls

Imagine not knowing the difference between effect and affect

Special Affects, No Ragrats.


Porn when?

missy elliot comeback time

This but completely in a nonironic manner

Did her ass fall out?

Ass shots wore off.

I always thought she looked like an alien race would think a beautiful woman would look like. So grotesque.

You'd fuck it, don't lie

Oh, no thank you. I truly find her grotesque.

No thanks - I generally don’t go for the sloppy seconds of a bunch of degenerate thugs and stay away from ghetto rachet cunts. I can’t even imagine what one would catch from fucking her. Disgusting.

I'll pass on used gussy thank you

Queen of rap

She fucking wishes

hahaha what a self absorbed dumbass

Queen of braaaaaaaaaaaaaapppppppp

queen of rap

Is this self-proclaimed?

She's like Madonna now, she's too damn old, no one wants to pay to see that

Cardi B is coming for that ass.

If she realized how little she mattered in the scheme of things than she would quit having these fake-ass 'problems' stress her. Hope you enjoy your 'success' Bojack!

reddit level of this comment: 11/10

Reddit is a microcosm of the world you dumb bitch.

of the sperglords of the world maybe

This will pan out really well for you, look to Reddit for ALL of your life advice especially r/drama

Did you slam your face on the keyboard or somehow shit out something even less intelligible?

Did you respond to the wrong comment?

I'm trying to find out how you could make less sense.

this one is like a 18/10

Mr. Cohen I'm just speaking truth to power.