Ukpolitics has a spat over male suicide where whiny MRAs and wimpy menslibbers have gentle slapfights over toxic masculinity.

57  2018-08-23 by schoolboystirner




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Ok i not gonna fully insert myself in drama, but I'm gonna ask - could someone link me to the data that the difference between suicide success ratio is an important reason why male and female suicide numbers are so unequal.

I've seen this mentioned there, I've seen trollx spouting same stuff.

Living in one of the most suicidal regions of the world I gotta say - male to female suicide ratio here from country to country is anywhere from 5:1 to 8:1 and we have gun control laws which might look insane to an american. There's literally no way that success rate is that important. Gimme a break.

You Finnish?

From EE.

Oh cool, most of you are great guys.

Damn that map is wild

Hence the age difference between men and women - up to 10 years and more in some countries.

More like Finnish his life.



I’ve heard that women tend to go for methods of suicide that are less reliable, like pill overdoses or driving into traffic. Men tend to use more reliable methods, such as shooting themselves or jumping off a tall building.

I don’t actually know any data, so I’m really just talking out my arse here. But it’s what I reckon.

Still, there's really small possibility of this being the main reason, like some people like to point out.

Given the unequal burden of distress implied by these figures, it is hardly surprising that women are more likely to experience suicidal thoughts. The Adult Psychiatric Morbidity in England 2007 survey found that 19% of women had considered taking their own life. For men the figure was 14%. And women aren’t simply more likely to think about suicide – they are also more likely to act on the idea. The survey found that 7% of women and 4% of men had attempted suicide at some point in their lives.

But of the 5,981 deaths by suicide in the UK in 2012, more than three quarters (4,590) were males. In the US, of the 38,000 people who took their own lives in 2010, 79% were men.

Apparently femoids are bad at everything including keeping themselves safe.

there's no such thing as an accurate 'attempted suicide' statistic.

guys who actually tried to kill themselves often deny it when they had

girls who cut / swallow 2.2x the recommended dose of mayo pills ~so I can just feel something~ are chalked up as attempted suicide if they step foot in a hospital

there: question solved.

Questions are problems you cant solve them mongoloid.

🙄 just did


raciss, i'm calling hapas

Women tend to half-ass suicide attempts, wether they were ever really trying or just after attention is up for debate. Men tend to hide issues out of shame til it gets bad enough to push them over the edge.

Actually, the arguments are all bullshit. They say women use "different methods" to attempt suicide, but when you actually look at the methods used to kill yourself, they are the same. Men kill themselves by jumping off buildings, slashing their wrists, jumping in front of trains and shooting themselves. Women who actually kill themselves use the same exact methods. Men kill themselves more because collectively their is more pressure put on them. Speaking of which - get out their and earn a good living you fucking virgin! Fucking incel drama poster.

The only stat that matters is the body count not attention whoring females.

Good, good. The (((soy))) is working as intended...

Yes brother, everything is working as planned. With soy in abundance, and males everywhere eating it in great quantities, we Drama posters may eventually have sex with a woman.

Not a chance

It’s not likely, I grant you that, but if Nasa could fake a moon landing, then it’s possible we can find a “””woman””” who has suffiently low standards.


one of these quotes is facing the wrong way you son of a bitch

I know we like to Meme here, but this having sex with women nonsense is not funny.



Sex with a woman.


I have a soylent shake every morning. I still havent developed tits or that goofy soyboyface, and my wife's bull is fucking pissed. Can someone help me?

I’m gonna watch the Horizon documentary, it’s normally a decent program. Mental health resources in the UK are a complete joke unless you go private. GPs diagnose depression in under 5 minutes, write a prescription for anti depressants and tell you to contact a therapist which can take weeks. Im not surprised that Male suicide rates are higher.

How are these guys killing themselves without a suicide license? 🤔

suisoide loicense

The rates vary but one thing remains consistent in almost every country. Men will kill themselves approximately 3x more often than women in 90% of countries. If something is happening across massively differing cultures then it likely has an underlying cause that isn't cultural.

LOL. Imagine if these morons used this same logic for the gaps in certain fields of work.

Worldwide oppression of women is definitely real though.

you are the Eddie Izzard of men's rights movement.

Now that was uncalled for.

The cure for toxic masculinity is castration and injections of estrogen.

Unless it results in some kinda social problem I don't think suicides matter - the only thing that matters is isolating suicide reasons that have to do with dissatisfaction with circumstances and then see what can be improved about society there.

Other than that, people can off themselves for their own reasons and that's fine.