Trumpet writes some fanfiction about being an "ex-democrat" and then pledges to save the God Emperor against the evil deep state, with any means necessary. Jonestown 2 when??

9  2018-08-23 by le_epic_xd


You're all dead, you frickin' libruls

I was a D, voted Obama twice, was anti 2nd amendment. Today, I'm joining the NRA and will purchase my 1st firearm soon and I'll fight to the death to protect the 2nd Amendment.

Youve been posting here for a year.

downvoted by the 'pedes, of course.


I’m prepared to take up arms, if they remove our dually elected president. You are right there is a coup ongoing.. a divided house can’t stand. By impeaching potus over this russia thing it will destroy this country, at that point I would call my local governments and tell them I want succession.

When Russian bots try to transcribe something they heard on FOX news.

If a president guilty of a felony is removed from office they'll take up arms.


Some brave patriot has called in a MOAB strike! God Emperor Trump lays waste to your opponent! That's 50,608,800 pounds of FREEDOM dropped so far! Thanks to the efforts of supporters like you, ISIS is now WASWAS!

I liked the trump train bot better. This is pure, concentrated cringe.