Denizen of LSC hesitant to admit college major. Good samaritans show up to advise taking a practical major, promptly have comments removed by helpful mods

37  2018-08-23 by ReddneckwithaD


Because the community got taken over by them.

The gaming community is as close you get to a white supremacists eithout going to a white supremacist rally And kids play games. The future is fucked in ways I don't think people realize, if you think these days are bad, oh boy wait untill the 12 year olds who have grown up around people saying the N word constantly become adults. Yeah...

Basically gaming has legitamatley been a fucking horrible plauge on the world and has been a massive cause of the recent rise of racism.


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I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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105 of 491 comments removed, thread locked. Business as usual 😋

The fuck lmfao

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Zozbbot notice me

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Age 14 - 17 a four year long bombardment of "you MUST go to college" by all trusted authority figures *Receive College Study Books as bonus: "Oh, you'll definitely need this!" Christmas gifts *High school guidance counselors designed and paid to push students toward college *High school courses dedicated to "preparing you for college" I guess technically I wasn't *forced** to do it. That's just a colloquialism meant to convey the hyper-pressure and brainwashing of the whole ordeal in a single easy word.

That's the hard-knock life, right there.

They also couldn't get 60K until 4 years in with a CS degree.

Where? That's below the average starting salary for any software developer in the U.S.

Where? That's below the average starting salary for any software developer in the U.S.

Damn. I was hired at 60k. And I went to a shit university in the bottom quartile, first two years were actually community college, and had pretty much no portfolio. The biggest thing I had ever done up to that point was write an insane java server app that was essentially a single finite state machine in a god method in a god class. I didn't understand WHERE clauses in SQL very well, so I literally did a SELECT * FROM from every table I needed, passed the entire fucking table to the client, and iterated through it why FOR loops (literally the most ridiculous, impractical, and insecure method possible to interact with a database).

In my interview with my boss he was pretty much like "Do you know about selects, inserts, updates, and deletes?" I mean fuck who doesn't know after skimming the first few paragraphs of the Wikipedia article. It was pretty much that level of job.

I always suspected you were retarded. It's nice to have confirmation.

I'm retarded

But, sure; I, aged 17, with nary an aspiration nor inkling of what I wanted from life, signed the acceptance letter with my own left hand, so I guess technically I wasn't forced to do it. That's just a colloquialism meant to convey the hyper-pressure and brainwashing of the whole ordeal in a single easy word.

[Computer Science, and hit that $60k a couple months ago 4 years after grad btw]

I assume this is the post you're referring to. Made me wut as well. That's below starting salary for pogrommers in some places.

literally the most ridiculous, impractical, and insecure method possible to interact with a database

Oh my sweaty summer child, at least you can't write a sql injection into that, it's actually pretty secure. Just mot optimized.

I have never seen a whinier, more delusional group of people than the LSC mods. No wonder Reddit loves that sub.

In the most wealthy, stable, safe and healthy generation in human history, where you can choose to live in high-tech dense metropolitan areas or hippie commune farms, these 22 year olds use 500 dollar smart phones that connect to the sky to bitch about how bad things are. These people really need Jesus or something.

Nukes were the worst invention in human history. Now we can't shell each other endlessly with artillery to knock some perspective into the next generation.

The effects of the for-profit university system combined with guaranteed government loans is pretty interesting to watch.

You can see, how over time, a bunch of frankly useless stuff has started to be packaged up as new majors, and how the people teaching this useless stuff have assumed administrative positions and how they've used those administrative positions to validate themselves by promoting their areas of interest.

It's pretty clear that kids are particularly bad consumers of education. There are not, for example, tens of thousands of jobs for graduates every year with Gender Studies degrees or whom majored in Feminist Art Theory, or who wrote their master thesis on feminism in Buffy the Vampire Slayer (We already have one Velveeta Sarcheesian, do we have room for more?)

It's almost like if you offer kids the opportunity to get a masters degree putting in minimal work, thinking and by writing an (incomplete) 40 page paper on a popular t-v show, that they'll spend their money on that instead of something that will actually be hard, but might earn them a living.

Imagine having to have someone else explain to you the feminism in Buffy.

Not every skill or knowledge you may learn will have the same value to the society, hence wage gaps exist in different fields. You shouldnt expect to make the same amount of money as an engineering grad while having a gender studies degree.

[removed] 😂😂😂😂