A brigading sub is complaining about another brigading sub, mod is super cereal

122  2018-08-24 by Corporal-Hicks


For real, where were all the "black people are apes/harambe cousin" memes they are talking about? Cause I know some edgy fuckers and the only things I ever saw where about having your dick out for harambe and a gorilla got killed because of a lazy mom. None of it ever tied back into racism.

The Harambe memes were somewhat more off-kilter, and took a somewhat disturbing path. White supremacists and alt-right keyboard warriors began to twist the Harambe memes into blatantly racist postings, essentially comparing apes to black people.

Its pretty naive to think that people needed harambe to start comparing black people to apes.

do you know edgy Boomers though?

Yeah but even then it was nothing more than dicks out for harambe t shirts and memes, or meme's shitting on the kids parents

For real, where were all the "black people are apes/harambe cousin" memes they are talking about?

Shitholes like imgoingtohellforthis

Racists see racism everywhere.

Youtube comment sections

The cops shot the wrong ape. They should have opened fire on the crowd, not Harambe.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Brigading Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Lock The Comments Like Nigga Use An Np Link Haha.

Np lol

Pray tell what causes someone to read AgainstHateSubreddits a lot?

it's fun to laugh at sheltered mayos being angry.

Lol it is pretty entertaining to see their level of butthurt during their sheltered lives. Also fun when they link this sub too.

A childhood without a father figure

When self reflection and flaggelation is too painful.

When you want to own the nazis epic style 😎

Out of all these millennial terms, "gas-lighting" is perhaps the worst.

"I don't understand your viewpoint. So I'm just going to assume you're spouting out nonsense just to make me question my sanity"

How fragile do you need to be to think like this?

i’ve heard a lot of meme terms come up in arguments, but honestly “gaslighting” isn’t one of em. i only hear people bring that up to describe ex-boyfriends and political figures

arguments are always “strawman” this, “whataboutism” that, “projecting,” “sealioning,” etc


like............in that movie Tusk?

SJWs who will loudly state their arguments, but refuse to give any facts to back them up call anyone who calls out their bullshit a sealion in an attempt to avoid looking dumb.

Not looking dumb, it's literally to justify bigotry.

It's not our job to educate you fucko

Lol @ the fact the sealion is supposed to be the bad guy.


Yeah nevermind, this one is the worst. "How dare you question my authority, stop asking questions you cuck/whitey".

Strawman and Whataboutism are valid fallacies but are constantly being misused. "Projecting" is nothing but an insult at this point so it's irrelevant.


Let's not forget even the more innocuous "JAQing off", where the mere act of asking questions is enough to push the ideologue into a full mental breakdown.


The more accurate term is landwhaling which implies that you are trying to harpoon their arguments with facts and that they are also enormously fat (they’re SJWs after all).

Don’t gaslight me bro

Thanks liberal college teachers! You sure teach our kids the right way. Now off to protest capitalism!!

yeh colleges are the worst

education gay

I hate the gaslighting term, 99% of people using arent using the term correctly anyways. If i see the term in a super cereal post i know the entire thing is full of shit.

Some of my highest voted comments are about correcting people on the term gaslighting. Moving things in your elderly parents house so they think they have dementia is gaslighting. Saying an obvious untruth is called "lying".

"Oh no sweetie, no!"

Stupid people getting access to psychological textbooks was one of the worst things to come out of mass literacy.

It started with GamerGate and then the collective manosphere rallied. The death of Harambe was also a key moment as were all the "commentary" channels on youtube and some of the existing online spaces

Imagine this being printed in a textbook in the year 2050. People then are going to be so confused what the fuck happened during the '10s.

Well hopefully we will have cured the soy problem by then and the collective manospheres domination will be complete.

God damn, GamerGate has died and been revived so many fucking times you could set your watch by it

Anyone who unironically uses the phrase "manosphere" needs to be drafted and sent to fight polar bears in the arctic. Its about time we got a leg up on those killers.

hurr durr goobergrape do this goobergrape do that

I'd say you're almost certainly right. Seeing the Skeptics™ turn from attacking religion to attacking feminists/progressives/leftists made me realise just how toxic they always were

AHAHAHAHAHAHHAA oh dear. These ABSOLUTE morons can't see the irony here?

It was all good then, but a tragedy now.

It started with Gamergate


The manosphere rallied


Understanding concepts like dog-whistling, gas-lighting, and even subtext helped me see the manipulative, dishonest tactics these groups use to lure in vulnerable people, and how they take advantage of unstable groups to get adherents for their cause.

I was getting swept into this current after the YouTube Skeptic community stopped criticizing Creationism, and started to focus almost exclusively on anti-progressive politics. I think that opened the doors for the eventual rise of (alt) right-wing YouTube.

Top comment. Should give you an idea about ahs

Dog Whistle is just a term liberals invented so they could stop listening to whatever their opponents were actually saying, and instead pretend their opponents said whatever the hell they wanted them to be saying.

It's very convenient.



First comment is

Understanding terms like dog-whistling, gas-lightning.

whoops. My brain just shut off.

Edit: hey folks from SPS, thanks for providing more evidence for your blatant brigading. You didn't really think this was just about keeping y'all from downvoting AHS users, did ya?

We need pinging.

concepts like 'dog whistling' are one step away from 'all trump supporters are racist' tbh

Isn't that the official policy of r/politics?

Politics are gay