Which one of you had "secret baby with the housekeeper?"

89  2018-08-25 by megantastic


They call Dramanauts, Autists. Autists... easily duped, will believe anything, and by the time the destruction is upon them, one or more of their family has been captured and turned against the team. "/r/Drama has served us well...," one captor gloated.


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He's still rowing

pls let babby be black or hispanic for maximum lulz

Please let the baby be aborted, imagine the shit that will stir

the only way to make a roe v wade appeal look good and liberals hate abortions

22d chess

Ginsburg and some feminists already do because of the reason behind the ruling or something. That hasn't changed the general left-wing opinion of it.

Nobody cared about Bill Clintons little pickaninny.

no one cared, that's why he got impeached over it 💯😂👌

no one cared, no one even talked about it when it happened, it didn't even make a blip on the media's radar

I hope the baby turns out to be u/pizzashill.

If the baby is hispanic and the mom is undocumented, the amount of drama will flow like the oceans.

If she was an illegal immigrant, I'm going to be so happy.

is trump literally mr. deeds?

Stop downvoting DDF i want to laugh when i find out its an illegal hispanic maid.

illegal undocumented Hispanic maids have the best tacos

DDF ain't gonna ve happy

Whats t_d reaction?

The three stages of mental gymnastics.

  1. Fake news, Trump never cheats.

  2. Maybe Trump fucked the housekeeper but it doesn't matter.

  3. Trump knocked up the housekeeper, and here's why that's a good thing.

Im predicting bringing up arnold and how everyone still loves him completely ignoring arnold got divorced and actually hangs out with his bastard and helps him get swole.

Arnold's bastard seems like the son he always wanted tbh.

He's literally the only one who looks like him.

It's kind of sad, his legitimate son kind of looks like fat Jonah Hill while his bastard looks like a hispanic version of Conan The Barbarian.

What if the bastard was his only biological child.

Bastard has something to prove, normal son doesn’t.

  1. Trump may have a bastard, but it's not like this is Game of Thrones and the shit has a claim to the presidency. So what's the big deal?

I'm interested in detail on \#3

It proves his virillity.

Reviving the election-era thing where some black guy was going around claiming to be Bill Clinton's illegitimate child

Ma, ma, where's my pa?

I want to fuck a housekeeper.

You could just make your girlfriendsl dress like mai.... oh yeah sorry i forgot you don't have a gf.

No but your mom can dress like a maid, right?

Well at least we now know there a child Trump thinks less about than Don Jr.

I thought he hated the chubby girl.


lol literally zero Trump-voters voted for him because they thought he was some sort of pristine model of marital virtue...

It's been known he's a womanising New York playboy Chad since the 1980s.

Come on he did well with the evangelicals ask anybody

They voted for him despite the knowledge that he was a pussy-grabbed Chad with two divorces under his belt.

Real question: Would you trust a "celibate" billionaire or a "regular" one?

honest answer I wouldn't trust either

Not the question. A "moral" billionaire, or a run of the mill billionaire?

you started with celibate and now it's changed to "moral"? that's not the same thing, not even close. get it together homes

The point is they are all pieces of shit. Ill go wih the one who doesn't hide it.

Chad doesn’t pay hundreds of thousands for sex.

What if the bastard child is Q?

Even if this isn't true, they paid him $30,000 based on a polygraph test.

What other stories are in the safe? If Trump paid for an abortion it should be in there.

Hopefully stuff that isn't just about womanizing. This shit is so boring, it'd be weirder if Donald "my own personal Vietnam" Trump wasn't adulterous.