"Japan is the WORSE NASHUN EVAAAAH" - says a bitter weaboo from Yankeeland.

34  2018-08-25 by ReichSmasher2018


You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


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This is in fact, just like one of my animes. Is she kawaii?

I really want to ping the guy saying Japan doesnt have terrorist attacks. I just want to ping him with the word "sarin."

These people would 100% be bullied in a train station and told to go back home lmao

just post in the thread

The Japanese Red Army will rise again

Dude, I was a child when that happened. Either way, terrorist attacks represent an insignificant fraction of violence. Japan's levels of violence are microscopic anyway.

No they just bully children into comitting suicide a whole bunch while rewriting history books to exclude mention of japanese warcrimes.

Has Japan had any school shootings?

I'm pretty sure they have a higher suicide rate.

No they have school stabbing.

that's china

Surething weeb.

This one actually got caught on video.

op mad his illusions of japan are being challenged.

I wouldn't say Japan is screwed up. Just that it has its own set of problems like any other country.

It stems from people overreacting a bit against right wing weebtards who point to Japan as an example of a successful homogeneous ethnostate. They jerk so hard they sometimes downplay the seriousness of the cultural issues in their own countries, especially in the west.

In my experience with Japan and social issues the fundamental problem is that it is extremely common for people to be amazingly short of knowledge about Japan and couple it with a desire to shoehorn their own narratives into Japanese society.

Does Japan have some real issues with gender inequality? Yes. Does having their first female fighter pilot have any bearing on that? Probably not. This is a country that had the first woman to climb Everest, it’s also a country that had a major scandal over schools modifying test scores to take on less women.

What’s annoying as someone who’s studied this is that Japanese society is basically two extremely flawed parables(usually for western society) which are juxtaposed against each other despite neither one actually standing up to criticism. All covered with a glaze of absurd falsehoods that don’t make any sense and translations that are charitable to call “ambitious”.

I think they are just really good at marketing coolness to the West through anime/manga and video games

This is what weaboos actually believe.

Next up: Why Kpop makes everyday well adjusted red-blooded Americans think South Korea is a prestigious nation with a rich culture

Whitu piggu go home!

acting like Japan doesn't have some significant problems with their culture is just as retarded as saying they are the worst country.


Japanese actually work less hours per year than Americans according to OECD statistics.

No. They don't. Japanese just don't report the extreme hours of overtime they're forced to work out of fear of being shamed.