They told us immigration would not change r/drama's demographics. When it was too obvious they told us to accept it. We must not let this continue.

342  2018-08-25 by Baconlightning

r/drama users are about to become a minority within it's own subreddit. MDEgenerates, DDF, CAfugees, Trapomigrants and all other subreddit migrants must be barred from entry and those already here must be deported. Their partisan culture does not fit in with our Radical Centrist ideology.

The mods must do their jobs or they will be removed by any means necessary. We must not accept this blatant discrimination towards our own kind. This is a critical time, ALL PARTISAN RAPEFUGEES OUT OUT OUT!!!!


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. r/drama -,*,*

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We must secure the existence of our people and a future for radical centrism.

Partisans will not replace us !

They've all shown time and again an inability to integrate into our superior centrist culture. They are not here to make us better, they merely see one more corner of the internet they can ruin with their poorly thought out memes, lack of life experiences, and dearth of critical thinking.

They have to go back.





I'm doing my part by consuming all the spicy foods I can.

The MDEgenerate is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a retard, racist, incel, antisemite, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an MDEgenerate and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: โ€œYou guys think you're sooo edgy calling out everyone who posts on alt-right forums!โ€

Partisan scun your time has come

"There can be no tolerance toward MDE, CA and CTH in a Dramatarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and removed from society."


We must stop them from polluting our centrist women with their inferior genes.

Well they never get laid, so let's not too far out ahead of this. Our women are safe. Forever.

fucking lol

Don't be so sure Jose, I'm not against a little surprise sex

surprise anal*

I'm still deciding which one of you faggots I want to sodomize next

"Now kids, come sit on Uncle JasonJewnova's lap and tell him where you want it for Christmas"



Does he at least spit on your bussy before he enters?

Yeah, but he coughs up tonsil stones

What women?

Women? What women?

Snally doesn't count.

We still have that mod from rational feminism hanging around I think.

There are women here. The sub is about drama after all.

Isn't AnnArchist female?

They may not get laid but they rape like crazy.

We have women?

Well they never get laid

It's never consensual on the rare occasions it does happen.


gussy is for fags

๐Ÿค” really makes you think

Why do we care about preserving our women? I, for one, am fully satisfied by the present volume of bussy in this subreddit alone. Desiring gussy would be excessive and redundant at this point.

Hi! A "person" from this sub has a message for you.

The message is as follows:

"dude bussy lmao" -headasplodes

This person found your comment funny and wanted to let you know. Have a nice day! ๐Ÿ˜Š

I am a bot

Hi! A "person" from this sub has a message for you.

The message is as follows:

"dude bussy lmao" -headasplodes

This person found your comment funny and wanted to let you know. Have a nice day! ๐Ÿ˜Š

I am a bot

Reddit admins, suspend these wingcucks from lampposts!

They only come to our sub for the free karma handouts. The stats are there these refugees count as a small part of the community but are the most banned out of all the posters.

Vaguely references stats, doesn't offer sources.

Ve have a vunderfull opportunity for you here at the IRA, get many* rupees.

*not vat many

Why are Irish terrorists handing out Zelda money?

I'm actually an Indian bot thx.

Why are Indian bots recruiting for Irish terrorists?

We all work for (((Pitbull))) actually.


Posting in CA should get you a lifetime ban

Youโ€™re right, Californians out out out

sure that too

r/4chan started banning people who posted in furry subs. Why not do the same here?

Can we make an exception for furrypornaccount tho, heโ€™s good at riling up B O T H S I D E S

I'd take a Furry over a MDE degenerate any day

MDE degenerate

We've reached levels of inability to meme that shouldn't be possible.

Why hasnโ€™t the Out Out Out bot found you yet. Imagine posting on Muh gamergate sub in current year + 4


Hello there Rabbi, what's cooking?

haha, he belongs to a group that we believe controls the world!

The absolute state of the far right

nothing wrong with a bit of Reagan worship.

the extermination of conservautists is not a meme

Ooosh, so bad

imagine worrying about whether the people you think should be killed think you have funny maymays

No worries, just pitty and schadenfreude


Master race spelling skills.

you can't spell at a 6th grade level, nor read at a 6th grade level considering the person theoretically worrying in my sentence is me, not you

Furries are the best source of drama in the universe, you cretin, banning them would tank dramacoin

I meant banning MDE refugees etcetera, not banning furries. I might be retarded but I wouldn't want to ban a source of entertainment.

It already happens, though I'm not really in favor of banning people. You guys all complain that we can't ping anymore, but you refuse to fight with or bait the refugees, which just shows that you never knew what pinging was FOR in the first place.

All of you that joined after like 20k subscribers are refugees as far as I'm concerned.

but you refuse to fight with or bait the refugees


remember when I told you to make automod rules for pings?
i remember

Pepperidge Farm remembers!

You're an exception, I'd invite you over to my house for Christmas and attempt to convert you anytime my dude

Wanna play Spanish Inquisition again? ๐Ÿ˜

Are you going to play a Jew to be fucked over twice?

Depends on how long /u/DoctorFahrenheit's refractory period lasts

Can you shut the sub down for a couple of months and wait for these faggots to forget about its existence?

We already lost pinging. Now you want to take away one of the biggest sources of stupid drama on reddit?

I meant banning people like MDE refugees etc like r/4chan bans furries.

I'll just whip out my alt and you won't know who's who buddy

I live in KS, which as we all know is the belly button of the US. That makes me centrist even though I want all nazis to die, especially the ones reading this.

Whatโ€™s it like driving a tractor ten miles to school every day?

It's too far away so now it's the enemy.

We killed the Nazi's 70 years ago

The "Nazis" everyone is so riled up about are Larpers with oversized combat boots

The nationalist far right has definitely grown a lot in size, and its sort of thinking is more and more becoming the mainstream on the right.

Of course the far left is growing too. But /r/LateStageCapitalism, the largest far left sub, has about 2k active users right now, while /r/The_Donald, the largest far right one, has 12k.

When I was growing up both groups seemed non-existent. That was just a decade or two ago. We are in dark times...

active users

In all fairness we've always been a hub of radical centrism, I mean we threw down over slavery yet at the same time passed discriminatory laws that got pushed to the Supreme Court.

Plessy only took 60 years to get thrown out, we should still hear Kavanaugh out though. He drives his kids to tee ball!

KS, which as we all know is the belly button of the US.

Disagree. Naval gazing is impossible without a coastline.

Even the black nazis??? Racist.

who the hell cares that you live in Kansas City, punk?

Was it the nazi comment?

No Iโ€™m a anarcho communiste, sweaty ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ

Sandniggers OUT OUT OUT

The mods won't do shit because they're on payroll of (((big partisanship)))

Fuck off back to subredditdrama you leftoid migrant scum

MDEfugees calling other migrants.

This is like Italians being racist against Arabs or black people all over again.


You need to go back...

Im here to stay and you cant stop me fag

You have to go back...

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Shouldn't you be crying about white genocide or something?

I like mde humor but that sub is fucking retarded. Just like the chapo podcast makingbfun of their own shithole of a sub

Im a lolbertaria not alt right mde fag

You have to go back...

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being a lolbertarian


You have to go back...

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Im a lolbertaria not alt right /r/mde fag

Oh, so a pedo either way.

Im a lolbertaria

Why do you want to fuck kids ?

I hope everyone's paying attention:

You let some of them in because they say they're in danger on their own subs and then the next thing you know they're mowing down pedestrians on the sidewalk and molesting girls at Oktoberfest.

They need to go back.

you aight, white boy

Ask not for whom the cuck cucks; it cucks for thee.

Firewall just got 10 ports higher.

SRD is so boring tho :(

Fuck yeah, glad somebody is standing up for proper sector addressing. Keep those bastards over there in their blocks. Fuck OFF ALL OTHER SUBREDDITS BESIDES THIS SUBREDDIT HERE!!


What drama women?

Women (male)


You are implying that the mods aren't some of the biggest serious posters of all.

You wound me.

Who the fuck are you

dude /u/TheBatarang lmao

Indeed. The only right wingers here should be anarchist larpers, and the only lefties the ones (((already here))).

right wingers




Ancap larpers are the true anarchist larpers.


Anyone who wants to destroy the state and doesn't support Trump is a moron.

It's about bringing society to the breaking point, is it? I unironically agree.

You know how anarchists justify their Starbucks gig as bringing them down from the inside? Well Trump actually means it. Look at his drain the swamp slogan, who is the swamp? Oh, just everybody even slightly related to or in the government except him and his sycophants.

You lost me.

He's been lurking thegreatawakening for too long and it's accidentally MK ULTRA'd the poor guy. This is him fighting his programming.

and the only lefties the ones (((already here))).


I do enjoy all the REEEEing the right wingers do when they realise this sub actually does make fun of everyone, and the "we make fun of everyone" thing isn't some bullshit deflection like on /r/cringeanarchy.

My favorite was that one retard that made a post saying we should be allied with magapedes against SJWs.


give link

r/drama = TRUE NEUTRAL

We're obviously chaotic neutral, pleb

No. Chaotic neutral requires user pings.


Ban the MDEfugees and Chapotards and everyone wins bruh

We donโ€™t talk enough about the worst menace facing our lovely little hive of degeneracy: KIAtards and their try hard blog posts disguised as comments.

> when its been 4 years and gamers still havenโ€™t risen up

blog posts disguised as comments

They've seen Darqwolff post eighteen paragraphs when a three word comment would do. They're just copying him trying to get put on the mod team.

No no no. We simply need to bring in more radical leftists in order to balance it out. This has the benefit of both making the sub more centrist and creating more drama from the two sides fighting each other. Everybody wins.

I've been saying we need a mass influx of /r/GenderCritical I can't think of a single group here they wouldn't rile up

the resident terfs


I agree with this

and yet...

this is stupid and boring, the blind pseudopeople on both sides of the fence are literally the creation of radical center. If they build a wall Canada gets the north part, and california of course. And I mean we're canadian, we need it... but hard no.

The problems really started when they let in anme fans and gmers.

I mean yea, but were just talking about this sub right now.

Fuck it Im building a damned wall here.

Just build a wall, fuck...

Don't quit your day job son. Your future in comedy is bleak.

This but unironically