Espionage in the Lolita Community

51  2018-08-25 by snallygaster


I'm not used to such hate being directed at me and that made me cry


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Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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Is this link safe to click or will I end on some government list?

It's about the fashion style...unfortunately

I've been catfished!

Imagine being a weeb and not knowing the difference between lolita and lolicon

Imagine being being such a social outcast that you do know the difference.

good point.

thinks the NSA isn't spying already

lmao @ u


It always amazes me how much detective work is put into these callouts - I mean just look at the wording of everything. It always seems to show up in the most innocuous communities, too.

It always amazes me how much detective work is put into these callouts

It's great, isn't it? Some people take their hobbies super seriously.

most innocuous communities

the lolita community is probably one of the most toxic of all hobby groups, it's a constant shitstorm.

what did you expected from a group of mentally disturbed mayo gussies

mentally disturbed mayo gussies

You can't just say that to their face like that

All cosplay hobbies play like greek tragedies.

Does Etsy have a forum? I bet there's some serious stitchnbitch drama

there used to be Regretsy, but I'm not sure if that's still around, and it wasn't really dramatic most of the time.

Unrelated but I just found out that is archived!