A woman has quite an experince trying to exchange sex for dental funds.

40  2018-08-26 by OniTan


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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She should just have them all yanked out tbh. What’s an escort need teeth for anyway?

Could obtain a niche clientele

I've been clean for three years now, and I don't miss heroin at all.

I'll continue to smoke until then, because it feels like there's no reason for me to stop, if my teeth are rotting out of my face anyway.

I get the feeling she's not so great at personal finance.

The post just screams tweeker.

She signed it fucking Adele Phytler...

Adelf Phitler

Adolf Hitler

Christ you guys are dense.

But if you punch it into your browser it shows her real name.

Adolf Hitler was a tweeker...





Heroin isn't a tweaking drug

Imagine a person who used to do heroine and now tweeks.

Or: a person who started doing heroin to self medicate some sort of, what I suspect, undiagnosed ADHD or ADD type of deal. Where your brain feels like you're speeding down the road at 100km/h on a unicycle, bracing yourself for the inevitable crash, while everyone else in your life is 10 kilometers behind you, screaming for you to stop, for the love of all that is holy and good... but you have no brakes. Then: leave that original problem untreated while you live your life in a waking sleep for way too many years, and watch said untreated issues grow like Chia Pets from Hell. Now: quit doing heroin, and unleash the crazy upon the world in wave after wave of zany fun!!

No, I don't do crystal meth, or any other uppers. I talk too much as it is. I tried speed twice during my "lost years" and it did nothing for me. If anything, it mellowed me out more. Both times I went to sleep within the hour. All I do now, drug-wise, is my slowly decreasing Methadone dose, cigarettes, and the occasional drinking of delicious alcoholic beverages. The dentist also gives me benzos during appointments because of my crazy, spastic fear of all things dentistry.

I'm slowly getting the worst teeth yanked, prepping for my trip to a country where dental work is way cheaper, but still world-class, to get bone grafting and temporary dentures. When that heals up, I head back for the implants, etc. Wheels are turning, and Operation Fix A.P.'s Janky Grill is underway!! Wish me luck!

Does this mean you got a job?

or bipolar manic, borderline... maybe even narcissist.

Thanks, Dr. PM_Pics_of_your_Nips!! I feel so much better now!! Seriously, though, could be bi polar, that runs in the fam. I doubt it's BPD: doesn't quite match, behavior-wise. I seriously doubt I'm a narcissist, one of those wouldn't go air their dirty laundry on a public forum and invite mockery, would they? They're all about saving face. Maybe I'm just plain ol' crazy!!!!

A narcissist would def air their dirty laundry if they thought it promoted their self image, particularly in their belief that they should receive special treatment. IE asking for charity for teef.

Hey, dude: was just giving it a shot. It was a charity subreddit. And the dental sub, I had a friend who traded services for services with her dentist to get her "teef" fixed. The world is full of philanthropic people who give to charity. I do whenever I'm able. You never know unless you ask, right?

I wouldn't want to ask...

It's almost like we're totally different people, with completely separate ways of dealing with our problems, huh? Who would have thought!?! I'm not saying my way was "right" just like I'd never say your ideas for solutions to your problems were "wrong". Differing paths call for different courses of action. As previously mentioned, desperation makes you try to think out of the box, and try some crazy shit.

lol, 7 days later. It;s almost as if society set certain standards and if you deal with those problems outside social norms (order) you might have a 'disorder'.

As previously mentioned, desperation makes you try to think out of the box, and try some crazy shit.


Poor woman, if it's real. That name tho

Literal TLDR

5 months ago

Looking hard for your next victim, /u/OniTan ?

Or rubbing his previous victim in our faces.

I'm going to get dental implants, or I'm going to die trying.

sounds like a great concept for a rap album.

I can't sleep with my teeth in a glass. I won't. Dentures are so awful. .... I need thirty five thousand dollars, CDN. My parents can lend me 10, so that leaves 25 ... I'll have to wear dentures for 4-6 months while the implants heal, but I can deal with that as long as implants are imminent

Sounds like you CAN sleep with your teeth in a glass

I'm trying to brainstorm, thinking about what I have to offer, how I could be different from all the other people who need help?

If only there was some way to develop some sort of "skills" or "ability" that would distinguish you from others in society, and make others more willing to give you money because of your own contributions using that skill. If only there were some kind of existing framework in society wherein which people use their in-demand skills to make people happy in exchange for more money than an unskilled job. Why hasn't anyone thought of this before?

Nah. that's impossible. If no one loans me 25k so I don't have to wear dentures longer, I'll have no choice but to dump my boyfriend and ride more cocks. This is a good plan.

I'm going to get dental implants, or I'm going to die trying.

great concept for a rap album.

I can't sleep with my teeth in a glass. I won't. Dentures are so awful. .... I need thirty five thousand dollars, CDN. My parents can lend me 10, so that leaves 25 ... I'll have to wear dentures for 4-6 months while the implants heal, but I can deal with that as long as implants are imminent

Sounds like you CAN sleep with your teeth in a glass

I'm trying to brainstorm, thinking about what I have to offer, how I could be different from all the other people who need help?

If only there was some way to develop some sort of "skills" or "ability" that would distinguish you from other people, and make others more willing to give you money because of your own contributions using that skill. If only there were some kind of existing framework in society wherein which people use their in-demand skills to make people happy in exchange for more income than an unskilled job can provide. Why hasn't anyone thought of this before?

Nah. that's impossible. If no one loans me 25k so I don't have to wear dentures longer, I'll have no choice but to dump my boyfriend and sell my body on the streets. This is a good plan.

Now, I'm planning on getting a regular job after. I have a few friends who are commercial painters, and have told me they could get me in, no problem. Also, my city is desperate for bus drivers, and they'll train anyone who has a regular driver's license, so there's that option too.

She's apparently incapable of doing this now.

Driving a bus is hard work.

There's a reason nobody wants to do it.

Canadian socialized medicine at work

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaachshully, Canada has NO socialized dental care. Optometry and medications are also not covered.

Is this emergency PIV?

Read OP "real" name slowly.

OP's real name is her real name. I looked her up on Facebook.

BUAHAHAA!!! This isn't the first time my candid ways have come around to try to bite me in the ass!! Whatever: what's laid is played. I'm glad my blabbingly desperate plea for help has brought you guys so much mirth! There were some salient points made by some in the comments of the original post, and this one, but I'm not gonna further nourish the perverse joy of the under-the-proverbial-bridge-dwellers by going into them in depth. I know: excuses, excuses!! If you're really curious, message me, and I'll maybably answer any questions you have.

Seriously, though: I sincerely hope you guys, and all the people in your lives who you love, never have to deal with addiction, anxiety, depression, any mental health issues, crippling chronic pain of any kind, desperation, or life choices that come back to bring one to their knees. You know: the type of stuff that would make you go on Reddit and write sad, sad reams of words about your self-inflicted suffering.

Anyway, I'ma go have a shameful cry-shower now, then later tell my friends about this, and have a good, long laugh with them at my expense.

Have awesome lives, guys!

Try to get that job as a painter or bus driver and save up so you can pay for the dental surgery.