Susan asked SPECIFICALLY for cash gifts at her wedding. No one wanted to give her the money she asked for, guess they're all cunts so she needs to leave her fiancé now.

142  2018-08-26 by juliette19x


names her son "declyn"

I'm not trashy!!


That might be the fakest post in the history of fake posts.

Some other poster was in the same group and confirmed it was. It's just trashy gussy

That just means it was really posted on Facebook. It doesn't mean it's real.

Its being reported in the news in Australia now 🤷‍♀️

So it's almost certainly not real then.

By a news outlet that didn't even pretend to have contacted any of the totally-real-definitely-not-fake parties involved.

"We now report that Facebook and Reddit said..."

That's all they ever do these days though, even just their 9news counterpart

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5k engagement ring

There's a conversion to consider of $1 nominal dollars to $2.23 social media dollars

Nah you just "leave" a price tag for $5 K on a dollar store ring.

It feels really fake because she doesn't portray herself sympathetically enough. She openly describes herself antagonizing her loved ones, when actual deluded people try to soften it up as much as possible.

My job is collecting. If it weren't for the idiots that get $5,000 credit lines they can't pay back on useless things I wouldn't have a job. It's not too far from the realm of possibilities an 18 year old boy would finance an expensive engagement ring for "the love of his life". I've seen similar things a lot of times.

I had one lady scream at me because she had gone 700 dollars over the credit limit and it was "essential" stuff for her wedding. She was mad first of all that she herself had gone over the limit and the credit card let her, and then she was mad we couldn't defer her payment for a month or 2. Which never happens. Call your credit card company and ask if you can make your payment whenever you feel like it. They will find the most polite way to tell you hell no.

Idk why in America(at least that I know of) it is acceptable and even expected to go into debt or spend money you don't have on weddings, engagement rings, honeymoons, and things like that. Ive noticed there seems to be a culture of some people being entitled to lavish ceremonies and things like that. No matter what, someone has to pay for it. If it's not you, it's going to be the bank, your parents, your spouse, or whatever. The money for these things isn't like a care package from the heavens.

if you've ever met a mayo woman in your life you know this can easily be real

(In shopping for wedding venues) a local psychic told us to go with the more expensive option, and we thought why the hell not?

Sounds about right.

Except the ex would have had absolutely no say in anything.

Does anyone else find this an uplifting story? I'm so used to guys ruining their lives, its really refreshing to see a dude who realized his fiance was a crazy bitch and just bailed.

a local psychic told us to go for the more expensive option and why the hell not?

Because you cannot afford it


Updates from the person who posted this obviously true story

Almost the exact same writing style with no care for paragraphs whatsoever. Hmm.

To be honest, all white women on facebook write that way.

This is fake. This BETTER be fake!

Its being reported in the news in Australia now. Apparently she's Canadian.


Haha nooooooooo this is way too drama for ABC. It's on Honey/Nine.

ha ha please don't confuse Nine's infotainment with news!


Isn't Nine in general just Infotainment? Been a lonnnng time since I took anything of theirs seriously. Can't even keep the cricket.

Just saw this in Today's times of india paper too