SRDines argue over the death of John McCain, Chapo Trap House, and brigading.

62  2018-08-26 by Ghdust2


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Yes, yes! Eat yourselves, delicious salty SRDines.

"I hate g****."

Well fuck me. We can't fault the guy for that. We all hate gussy.

Hi! A "person" from this sub has a message for you.

The message is as follows:

"dude gussy lmao" -headasplodes

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I hate you.

The funny thing about Chapo is they blatantly brigade threads literally all the time but never want to own it.

They get so defensive and embarrassed about being called out on it.

Man, ironic that a sub full of tankies who just love to heap praise on dictators who are actually responsible for the deaths of millions would admonish McCain.

Good Lord. Can SRDines handle even the most mundane of controversy without devolving into a 700 post shitfest that has to be locked by the mods for hurt feelings?

Christ, they're like animals in there.

An inability to watch someone you agree with act like an idiot without defending them in SRD was unironically the turning point that killed the sub years and years ago.