they smell no worse than cats or dogs, true story. it's just that cats and dogs are so common you don't notice. ever walk into someone's house and it's like "yeah these people own dogs/cats." it's kinda the same. they usually smell worse at pet stores because any smell is multiplied by all the other animals around.
This is fucking retarded. Let's face it...
/r/ifhc is mad that they got bit by mr. whiskers when they were 3 years old for chasing it around the house naked.
And /r/dogeremove is fucking pissed at dogs because there are plenty of herding and working breeds legitimately and provably more intelligent than them.
All of these people should off themselves along with childfree.
Socially maladjusted fucks who canβt deal with not being the center of attention or deal with their minor childhood traumas should be removed from the gene pool.
1 Yiin 2018-08-27
Now that's a sub I can get behind.
1 I_love_racist_jokes 2018-08-27
How about I fucking destroy you
1 Yiin 2018-08-27
but I was born this way
1 TheRootinTootinPutin 2018-08-27
bless up tbqh, far more reasonable people in that sub
1 Yiin 2018-08-27
Being able to readily call people infected is pretty nice too.
1 d-amazo 2018-08-27
at least there's no ferrethate sub, then i might have to start getting my katana and naruto training out
1 Yiin 2018-08-27
1 froibo 2018-08-27
I love those rascals. I would get one if they wern't so pungent.
1 d-amazo 2018-08-27
they smell no worse than cats or dogs, true story. it's just that cats and dogs are so common you don't notice. ever walk into someone's house and it's like "yeah these people own dogs/cats." it's kinda the same. they usually smell worse at pet stores because any smell is multiplied by all the other animals around.
1 Heavy_handed 2018-08-27
I've owned ferrets and you're tellin a fib
1 d-amazo 2018-08-27
maybe you were just a shitty ferret owner and let them get smelly. my boy smells like corn chips. dogs smell worse than him by far.
have you ever been around a boston terrier or a pug? those things have a horrid odor.
1 le_epic_xd 2018-08-27
Good thing that no one here is depraved enough to hate platypi
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-08-27
1 le_epic_xd 2018-08-27
Frick off emojii-retard
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-08-27
1 le_epic_xd 2018-08-27
Frick off emojii-retard
1 Fishofthetunavariety 2018-08-27
I support your new platyform
1 GuillotinesNOW 2018-08-27
radical centrist master race gives wuvs wuvs to kitter kats an birbs an pupper wups
1 nahnotreallytho 2018-08-27
i gave wubwubs to kitter kats and birbs but the kitter kats killed the birbs, Disney lied to me
1 Alexlincoln2 2018-08-27
That's not a good shop
1 Aerialcharles 2018-08-27
This is fucking retarded. Let's face it... /r/ifhc is mad that they got bit by mr. whiskers when they were 3 years old for chasing it around the house naked.
And /r/dogeremove is fucking pissed at dogs because there are plenty of herding and working breeds legitimately and provably more intelligent than them.
Pet haters 4 gas chambers.
1 ChipChippersonAMA 2018-08-27
Here here
1 istural 2018-08-27
You should run on this platform unironically. We could reduce the amount of subhumans and no one would disagree.
1 istural 2018-08-27
All of these people should off themselves along with childfree.
Socially maladjusted fucks who canβt deal with not being the center of attention or deal with their minor childhood traumas should be removed from the gene pool.
1 Dysiak 2018-08-27
If there is /r/dogfree and /ifuckinghatecats, does that mean /r/petfree is like C E N T R I S M
1 Vegan_dogfucker 2018-08-27
No. Radical centrism is realizing dog sex is weird because of the knot and cat sex is rapey because of the barbed penis.