RIP Pizzashill

151  2018-08-27 by TransexualWiener

goodnight sweet prince......


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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And that's why he's dead....



So who gets the dank PK flair now?

Sac_Lawn_Gnome pls

Hear hear

There there.


This tbh

The most damaged gamer on r/drama

Somebody new must take up the helm. The flair is earned, not given.

Its earned by being a left wing sperg?


"left wing"

Insulting to the legacy of Pizzashill. Insulting to neoliberal centrists. And insulting to people who actually identify as left wing.

Most impressive.

U forgot insulting 2 assburgers

I'm the best left wing sperg on dramacord plus I deserve to be genocided.

/u/mircy can confirm

Can confirm

The criteria:

  • must have a heavy fixation on politics (doesn't matter if it's left- or right-wing but the other criteria make it more likely to be a left-winger or centrist)
  • must tirelessly make long-winded effortposts about politics, even to people who are clearly shitposting
  • a high proportion of said effortposts must contain solid reasoning and/or reliable sources; the argument must be at least somewhat compelling to someone who isn't a radical of some sort
  • must be able to continue fruitless arguments well after what would be the point of exhaustion for any commoner
  • must be hated by a lot of people and not care. A high fraction of said people must be considerably more unsufferable than the subject
  • must be well-known for frequent effortposting in /r/drama, bonus qualification to spmebody who is known for politics-related reason in external subreddits
  • has a princely ego
  • cannot be rinsed

Pizzashill got rinsed hardcore though

Hence why he had to give up the crown.





😭😭😭😭😭 DADDY, NO!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭

His flair was a bamboozle

Status: rinsed

What's even going on. Is someone autistic enough to write a comprehensive post of what happened really not online yet?

almost everyone involved with the drama is in this thread right now. It's better to keep it cryptic and let speculations fly.

I'm not Autistic enough too, sorry. 😢

There was some drama on dramacord, pizza was semi doxed, someone found something not really that big of a deal, a voting registry or something. pizza was then threatened with more doxing because he was being a bad boy.

pizza got very paranoid, nuked his history, and deleted his account.

The cockier someone is about their dox risk, the worse they seem to be at actually keeping their anonymous handles free of personally identifiable shit.

or just don't be an asshole

Might as well lurk at that point tbqhwyf.

Pffff. What's the point of being on the internet if you had to be a decent person?

This but completely unironically

I assumed cavides was also being unironic.


Lol, fuck you punks, I do what I want.

how hard is it to not post your name, occupation, and social security number?

People absentmindedly share their other less anonymous accounts all the time, that's usually the weakest link in their infosec. Share Steam handle without thinking twice on a vidya subreddit -> steam handle shares name with other normie accounts -> some autist pages through your profile and is able to dox you when they find that comment.

so playing vidya was the big mistake, I knew it all along

Vidya junkies deserve such things and worse, inshallah.

Gamers are worse than insects, death is too good for them.

As a Jared who works with and around seafood from my perspective as the owner of the legendary number one social security number It's promise is power, omnipotence

Immortality, but at what cost?

One that is greater than any man can imagine

And heavier than any man can bare

No soul who has ever wore it's tattered grace

Has ever escaped the torment of it's infinite burden



How people know where all that brilliance comes from?

i'm 100% sure that i can't be doxxed.

if only because i'm a person of so little substance that i couldn't leave a trail if i tried.

can't be doxxed if you have no life. thinking

Fairly sure this account is free of anything specifically identifiable, I pivoted to this fresh handle in the first place specifically so there would be no connections that would encourage self-censoring. I'd be kind of flattered if someone successfully dox'd me tbh. The absence of low hanging fruit in my history means for whatever reason I was important enough to them that they poured a fair amount of work and resources just to be able to send me a spooky PM.

yep same here. that and i don't have any social media accounts to speak of, and i don't even use my real name when signing up for anything. i have separate emails and never even give them out RL. if people ask i say i just don't have one.

people who get doxxed are fucking idiots basically.

Sup I’m an idiot. It’d be pretty easy to dox me. In fact, there was a website I saw linked in SRD/SRS/One of those other subs that was xposted that parses it all for you super quick.

I've gotten scary close to being the point where I considered giving out fake doxx to some trumptard who was threatening to report me to ICE under the suspicion of me being an illegal

And that's why I keep myself very anonymous. You can't find out shit about me, besides knowing what state I live in.

lol bunch of fucking cucks getting doxxed.

Discord was a mistake.

Discord - Home of Transexuals and overly sensitive Jews.

What did you mean by this? I'm literally crying rn

Discord - Home of Transexuals and overly sensitive Jews.

I can't believe you would say this.

Do it for Ru Paul

This is the dawning of the age of aquaria

He posted a picture of himself several times and now he's worried about doxxing?

I warned him.

I will never be doxxed lol


When you so smart that you use r/Drama for "easy argument practice"

Ok now this is epic 😎

lmao the fucking hubris

Interesting I was talking to him on dramacord last night, and everyone was being cool. Well everyone was shitposting while he was serious posting. Must have happened later. Think he was feeling the fatigue of having your history scrutinized every time you make a post. He thought he could nuke his history, but was too autistic to realize that other place keep your history. When he figured that out he likely started fresh with a new account. Pizzashill reply with confirmation I’m correct.

Pizzashill seriousposting is r/Drama canon by now, you can't hide that shut

You are correct.

Nice! Ya that’s why I wasn’t too butt hurt about my other acct being banned. It’s good to start fresh, people had combed through my old acct and found doxx stuff. All bc I was a mean t_donald user. Be careful what you post, when shit gets heated mayos on the left and right will come at you.

Then he figured that out he likely started fresh with a new account.

What would've been the point of that?

Crazy mayos on Reddit will comb through your history to doxx when you best them or even simply disagree with them.

Nah I didn't get the connection from "realized his nuked stuff was archived" to "created new fresh account".

Most people he talks to aren’t gonna know his old handle. I’m thinking about making another one here soon. Gotta be safe

Ah, ok I see.

He bragged about being undoxable in the discord and asked peopl to try and dox him, someone succeeded.


Over time people tend to provide little details about themselves that can be used to pinpoint who somebody is in many cases. And as somebody else mentioned, if you link an external account with a higher amount of personal info or use the same username/email/whatever in other places, it's not hard to figure out who somebody is.

I don't understand why he would brag about being undoxable if he'd done any of that. Was he just lying and/or retarded?

The latter, in his case; the retard even posted face pics here.

Shit I posted a picture of my toes once. Am I next?

I've posted dick and ass pics on the discord, am I next?

I've posted my cat in the discord. Am I next?

Don’t worry, no one’s seen it irl before

a bit of both i think

How do I listen in on your guys discord? I'm a nice guy, I have things to add

It's in the sidebar.

What are you gonna do, stab me?

deletecucks smdh



He merged with ed

Ed stopped using that alt, you mean


( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

Whoa dude, your eye.

He was our silvertongue. God bless.

Why do we always kill what we love?


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/u/pizzashill looked over his shoulder as he opened the subreddit door. No one around. He took a deep shuddering breath and stepped inside, finding the kitchen immaculate, as always. SAC was waiting, standing at the counter, still wearing his fitted work slacks.

“Get undressed.” He said, already removing his drafting pencils. SAC was not a patient man. pizzashill gulped. His hands shook as he slid his Horde T-shirt off, trying hard not to think about what PoJoM would say. Or, god forbid, his KKK grand wizard mom. This was a sin. Adultery was a sin. Homosexual relations were a sin, and here he was, bending over for SAC three nights a week. pizzashill took off his shamanties, hanging them carefully over a kitchen stool next to his sick tee. SAC was tossing his clothes on the floor, already pulling his belt off.

To his shame, pizzashill felt himself grow hard at the sight of the other man with his belt in hand, already ready to teach pizzashill a lesson.

“Let’s move to the bedroom.” SAC said, not a suggestion at all.

pizzashill flushed, flustered as always by their interactions.

“Alright.” He stuttered.

SAC looked at him, hard. pizzashill felt like he was back on the front page pretending he had a girlfriend.

“Alright, what?” He demanded, flexing his hands.

pizzashill gulped, filled with lust and repulsion in equal measures.

“Alright, Mister AMOG,” he said quietly. SAC made a sound of satisfaction, hand already down his silk boxers. pizzashill could see the fabric move as SAC touched himself. God help him, it was hot. SAC pulled him towards the bedroom, shoving him towards the Jobee king bed. pizzashill was used to the rough treatment by now, and only worked to pull an important rag closer. He pulled his lover’s belt off, tossing it to the ground. His hands froze on his zipper when SAC said, “Stop. First, you’re gonna listen to what I have planned for today. I’ve decided that when I’m given the PK flair, we’re not gonna do any of that worshipping the genuine sperging shit.”

pizzashill flinched. “I knew you weren’t a smart guy. You’re fooling the r/Drama illiterates.” He managed to say, cock hard. SAC sneered. This was just how he liked it. As though he was dominating him on a front-page post on r/braincels.

“I’m very literate, I read all the time. I’d say I’m the most literate guy around.” He said, advancing towards pizzashill, his belt on the bed.

He pulled pizzashill to his feet by his sweaty upper arm, tugging his pants down with the other hand. SAC spun pizzashill around, so that his hands were on the bed, arms straight. SAC pressed against his back. His thick short hands snaked around to touch his dick.

“Actually managed to get hard? Maybe you really are a man. I doubt it though.” pizzashill closed his eyes at the sharp spike of shame and pleasure. He could feel SAC’s own erection digging into his backside, still trapped in the silken boxers. He pressed back against it, not caring if at that moment he was a loser whore. He didn’t even bother to stifle a whimper when SAC moved towards the bedside table. The former smugposter of r/Drama watched as SAC opened the drawer and took out lube, as well one of his ‘Archive Sites Are Real’ hats.

SAC put the baseball cap on, tossing the lube down on the bed next to the belt, which he grabbed. pizzashill shuddered when SAC returned and pulled down his white underwear. pizzashill yelped when the belt smacked his ass for the first time, hard enough to leave a mark.

“Yeah, scream for me like your whore internet girlfriend.” SAC told him.

“Don’t talk about PoJ-“ He started to defend her, but was cut off by another slap of the belt.

He groaned, breathing hard, tears pricking his eyes. One last spank, this one even harder than the others. pizzashill was so close to cumming it almost ached. SAC put his hands on the waist band of his boxers, to impatient to give him more than a few spanks. He paused for a moment.

“It’s gonna be undeletable,” he said, pulling down his boxers to reveal his hard cock. He grabbed the lube off the bed, quickly, and not quite thoroughly, preparing pizzashill. He thrust into him, a fistful of pizzashill’s hair in his hand making pizzashill arch his back, and strain his throat.

“Yeah that’s just how I want you. Fuck. God I’d like to bend you over my W2.” SAC said, setting a quick and punishing pace. “I’d do it on VC too. Then everyone could hear how much of a loser you are. How much of a weak momma’s boy you are. How you’re not worthy of being a smugposter.”

pizzashill bit down on his bottom lip, not ready to climax yet. He tried to remember the brief amount of time he was a mod. Come on pizzashill, slow and steady would win this race. He tried to make himself last, but failed entirely when SAC groaned about his redneck mother in his ear. pizzashill came all over the white trash bedding, body slumping slightly. SAC paused for moment, readjusting their positions so that pizzashill was against the dresser next to the bed. The knobs dug into his hips as SAC orgasmed with a shout. He pulled out of pizzashill quickly, as always. SAC was not a man that lingered. The only thing either of them wore were their socks, and SAC’s archivists hat.

pizzashill collected his clothes quietly, not wanting to be touched, without looking at SAC. He padded to the bathroom silently, well aware the other man was raking his eyes down his nude body. The shower was high, and immaculate, and disgustingly efficient, like SAC himself. He started the shower, turning it to his preferred setting. All of this was routine by now. pizzashill climbed in when the water got hot, knowing he must have looked a sight. Belt marks on his backside, hair looking a mess, and cum filled. He began scrubbing his body of the filth of what he had done, not even really noticing when the crying started. He stifled his sobs with the palm of his hand, not wanting SAC to hear and know that he had beaten pizzashill, yet again.

Twenty minutes later he stepped out, drying himself carefully and getting dressed. When he opened the bathroom door, his user history felt empty. They only used it for sex, and SAC was a busy man. He was busy having a job, pizzashill reminded himself needlessly. As if he could forget.

He retrieved his sweet T-shirt as he left, pulling it on before opening the front door. pizzashill locked the door behind him, and walked down the hall towards the elevators. He was headed to for the night.

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

Posts like this are, robofag

Keep going daddy

I would like a nice bottle of Chianti to go with this

Why'd you stop? I want Chapter 2 now!

It’s like poetry.

I cut myself to this


I'm literally shaking and crying right now. This can't be happening. This sub will never be the same without /u/pizzashill and his idiotic comments. I’m so distressed I don’t know what to do. Whenever I would see his flair in a thread I knew I was going to have fun. I feel like I’m going to explode. This can’t be happening. I’m having a fucking breakdown. I don’t want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. This is so fucked.

First McCain and now this, why do the good die young 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Rule of 3's

W-who's number three? 😥

Oh fuck anyone seen Ed?

He hasn't posted in a week now...baneed?

Lol. And he was so confident that none of this shit mattered in real life. But now he's quickly covering his tracks to the best of his abilities. Goodnight sweet prince.

OMG, how could this happen?

Real men post to drama on their mains.

"Are you shitposting on reddit?"

"Who can say where the road goes  Where the day flows, only time  And who can say if your love grows  As your heart chose, only time…"


He was the smartest poster on this sub, he will be missed.

He killed a teenage girl in 90s.

There is absolutely no evidence u/pizzashill RAPED and KILLED a girl in 1990.

Tbh I could actually see Glenn Beck doing that. He's the type

You can't explain that.

That's /u/onitan

Is it?:)

His McDonald’s job was threatened. God bless him

He wouldn’t be embarrassed about his acct if he didn’t spread his MGTOW crap everywhere🤷🏿‍♂️


Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Getting Fired Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Job Like Nigga Be A NEET Haha

Who’s going to be the effortposter now?


It's just good advice.


Where were you when /r/drama booly pizzashill to death?

They say the brightest stars burn the quickest but are the most beautiful. RIP 😢

This sub can't survive without pizzashill's retarded posts, someone needs to step up and take his mantle.

Rest in Pizza

What? explain plz

He asked to be docked, got docked real good. One of the tards found his voter registration. Turns out he was a FloridaBoy as we all suspected. He then pissed his pants and tried to delete his history.

This is a travesty. Who else will be as willing to go twenty rounds non-stop with moronic MDEgenerates and commies? I fear that the Radical Center doesn't may not have the necessary levels of weaponized autism to effectively combat the partisan hordes.

We must all pledge to do our part to waste the time of serious posting retards from the reaches of the horseshoe. Pizzashill - your efforts will not be forgotten.

He really did do the job that nobody else had the time or stamina to do. And for that he will be sorely missed.

He'll be back soon, he literally deleted his account for no foreseeable reason.

10/10 eulogy

hear hear

😭7 😭7 😭7 😭7 😭7 Goodnight, salty prince.

You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a villain.

Or die a villain.

yielding to terrorists

lmao @ this pizza pussy

sad day

Looks like pizza got a little upset over a madden tournament.

One of his last words:

I deleted my post history because I didn't want to take any chances and I'd hate to have to do something stupid and hunt someone down in some rage fueled revenge spree.

I don't need prison.

I await the day I see pizzashill's mass shooting on Wikipedia.

His death was faked so he could stand secret trial in /r/KarmaCourt for warcrimes.

Oh well. I'm sure he has other shitpost accounts that we don't know about.


He was too woke to last ;_;

How long before we see u/pizzashiller here?

Pizzashill, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.

I will remember you, will you remember me?

When he returns in three days you will finally realize it was HIM all along. Repent!

"u/pizzashill is dead! He's gone! but he's right there on my back, and here, in my heart! HE LIVES ON AS A PART OF ME!

If you're gonna agendapost, agendapost to the heavens! No matter what's in my way, I won't stop! Once I've pissed off the Drumpftards, it means I won!

Just who the hell do you think I am? I'm /u/Ed_ButteredToast, I'm not pizzashill, I'M ME! ED THE MOMMY LOVER!!



Thats what happens when you insult animal friends pics...bitch.


women won