Stefan got 24+ Hours on Reddit, but how about some love for /OurBoy/

208  2018-08-27 by imissyouseattle


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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28 years old


How does he keep all the Stacys off himself??

Is it really a lazy eye if it's always on the lookout for fascists?


If you really think about it, aren't all roasties sexual fascists? I wish I could ping pizza to get his hot take on this.

We can ping him IRL now

Pottery. Pizzashill being pinged irl with pizzas.

Ngl, if people started sending him pizzas, I would hope he makes the news. β€œFlorida Man doxxes self on Reddit; is bombarded with pizza.”

Might as well just tattoo "WELCOME NORMIES" on the ol' ass crack and hang out at the local bar that doesn't have a yelp page.

Fucking LOL

πŸ€• I mean he is universally hated, but that may have been too far.

That’s not true. He’s not hated, just at times.....misunderstood.


We love pizzashill you faget


Just because everyone disagrees with everything he says doesn't mean hes not right about everything.

This is one of two funny comments that I've seen on /r/drama this week, new record!

I don't get it halp please.

He would get into multivolume arguments with people he believed to be fascists, on the regular. He just recently got doxxed and he deleted absolutely everything.

This sub is currently in mourning.

Oh wut lol thought he was always shitting on leftists.

That too, no one was safe.

You don't choose the incel life, the incel life chooses you.

Pizzashill is volcel u idiot, denying foids his dick is the best way to get back at Stacy

that's just called "celibate" isn't it?

Imagine using the word celibate in [CURRENT YEAR].

What do you think this is? Not the most retarded decade?


I never got this one. Is it an acronym?

It's short for femoids. Do you have special needs?

Are you this hostile with everyone?

Only people less attractive and/or weaker than me.

So everyone here, yes.

My liege 😍😍😍

Post pics pls oni-sama


You look like a hairless ape 🦍 who is also weirdly attractiveπŸ’β€β™€οΈ

That's by far the nicest compliment I've ever received, ty 😚

MY GOODNESS the slayer of the piano man himself

if that's really you lol @ the beer gut

You're quite nice to me though. :')

I see you as a project, like the son I never had (because of my fried testicles)

Not sure how I should feel about this! A strange mixture of pride and revulsion.

Sorry to hear about your testicles too. Did you stick them in a toaster?

Nah they were just collateral damage on my journey to become the highest-T masculoid on Earth

Also /u/ladyvetinari is slowly coming around to the vagicide, so she's safe for now

TFW no r/drama poster e-girlfriend πŸ˜”

I'm pretty sure /u/snallygaster is single, plus she has nice cats

Do you have special needs?

Yes. I can't seem to break my awful habit of sleeping with attractive women 😒 😒 😒

internet mod

sleeping with attractive women


You forget that I was made a mod by Joan and the crazy Serb simply because I'm ridiculously attractive.

Notice me senpai

You're noticed, OP.


the crazy Serb

😒 I miss her

She made me a mod because I'm ridiculously gay.

I miss her too. :(


He never lived long enough to become a wizard...

Doesn't he have a gf in this sub?

Does it count if they never meet IRL, and more importantly write in the exact same way?

Does it count if his gf looks like him and he only sees her in a mirror?

I went into one of the r/drama discords earlier today just to make fun of """"""her"""""""" after hearing """"""""""she""""""""" was devastated about Pizza's demise.

He seems like the type to have a reddit girlfriend that he has never physically met.

They're lazy and droopy and puffy. Are they both lazy?

I figured the droopy/puffy look was just how one looks after spending the night fighting fascism and redpilling the brainless masses on the evils of gussy.


He's 6 ft

Really? Lol

Yup. Braincels got made at him for that

I’m gonna need proof of this. I had him pegged for 5’ 1” manlet

It was the same thread where he posted his face pics.

πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈI missed that. Fml

Eh. There's plenty of other things about him to mock. I keep wondering how he'd look in drag. His face needs lipstick

If he looks anything like 5’ manlet du jour Ben Shapiro I’d fuck it


Eyes and mouth are shoop'd.

I now can see he's not lying when he says he cuts his own hair

He looks like a 13 year old boy that just started puberty. Yikes

Puberty came late, like his father.

😍😍😍Those dreamy brown eyes 😍😍😍

If you dont have colored eyes you are subhuman.

You have to go back...

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If you dont have colored skin you are subhuman, whitoid.

All eyes have color.

Brown or black is the most colors absorbed. I get downvoted by self hating mayos that ree that their blue or green eyes reflect more light

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If you don’t want to be downvoted


Your name bothers me. It should be ConservativesRbigGay. As is, I'm wondering what the fucking an RBI Gay is.

Yeah I fucked it up but it’s just a temp because I’m subverting a 3 day suspension on my main

It took me several years to realize what C++'s 'cin' and 'cout' were short for. I've been mad about it ever since.

...years? Including a header file named iostream.h didn't clue you in as to what they were for?

I knew what they did. What I didnt pick up on is the names - literally c in and c out.

You know, suspensions aren't just to give the rest of us a break from your stupidity, they're for you to sit back and take stock of your entire life.

And I did for about 15 minutes until I couldn’t figure out a more productive way to occupy my time in flights, meetings and competitive analysis reports. So you’re stuck with me bby well you like it or not😘

Infrared colors are colors too shitlord

Tbh, he does have nice brown eyes.

/> nice

/> brown

Pick one

I don’t like making decisions. 😀

laughs and realizes that I too have brown eyes

I wish I had brown eyes :(

This is the picture news stations plaster everywhere of a shooter.

Got the same vacant stare as the Jacksonville shooter

Ravenschamp is innocent. He was set up. The game is rigged.

Poor man's Giovanni Ribisi.

More like /OurGal/😍😍😍


Pizzashill would unironically make a cute af trap.

I am considering your opinions suspect from here on out.

Looks like ChloΓ« Grace Moretz.

damn, pizza is daddy af πŸ˜πŸ’žπŸ’¦

Lol gay

And that's a good thing

Imagine being an ed's alt.

an ed's alt

Imagine having special ed-level grammar

explain me then 😍😍😍

pizzashill ohhh pizzashill

I want to come over and paint your walls while you tell me I'm a nasty femcel who deserves death.

If you opened these comments because you wanted context, let me explain:
/r/drama is mostly posts from people who wonder why broken glass tastes like blood, and that is as must sense as this will ever make.

Pizzashill posted his face way back (2 months) and just got recently doxxed (don't quote me, some discord nerd said this), so he deleted everything.

You are presenting an alternative narrative. This is my truth:

broken glass tastes like blood

If you want to provide a context, who the fuck is he, and why do losers care?

Good questions

Local retard walks into a subreddit for the first time, expects everyone to explain shit to him like a child

r/all rapefugees are a bigger threat than MDE and CA immigrants combined

Rich Evans did 9/11 and you are one of the mods of /r/ALL failing to suppress this fact.

/r/all mod

This is a drama sub. Go back to /r/GayChristianDating.

No thanks, Allah provides all the bussy I will ever need unlike your inferior Western false god

You mispronounced Jehovah, ya goy!

I will tell you one thing about jew pussy. It's tight but it has no texture. Doesn't have that feel, that friction that regular pussy has. Just a tight slippery tube.To make things worse, Jew bitches never think they're "wet enough" and always have a bottle of water based lubricant in their bedstand or their purse, just to rob you of any last bit of sensation that you thought you were gonna get. You pound and you pound and you pound, harder and deeper and harder til your balls are in agony from smacking against her taint, and still, nothing, no pleasure. You pull out further and further to try and get a running start and really RAM it up in there nice and good. Your dick winds up coming out and she grabs it to put it back in, with her cold freezing hands. Why do Jew girls always have freezing hands? Poor circulation or something? Never met one who didn't have an icy grip like she just walked in from a blizzard with no gloves. She shoves it back in and you feel like a demon from the shadow realm just molested your junk. You pound and you pound and you pound. For 45 minutes, you pound! Finally, a dry piece of skin on your dick snags against a dry piece of skin on her labia or something and you feel a sharp stabbing pain as your dick rips open. You pull it out and inspect it and sure enough, big ol' tear in your frenulum. Blood oozing down your cock. "FUCK", you say, as you run off to the bathroom and try to irrigate your wound in the shower. You waddle back to bed with your injured cock and she asks if you want to keep going with a condom on. You try for about 45 seconds but it's even less pleasurable than rawdogg sex, plus the rip in your frenulum makes it painful to have a boner. You tell her you gotta stop, and you roll over embarrasedly, facing away from her. She awkwardly takes the "big spoon" position. As the two of you lay there in silence, you hear her phone go off in her bag. It's the Tinder notification sound. Suddenly you feel the urge to go take a second shower.

Wow, you must be a JP fan

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Well-meaning but misguided bot

is this what blood libel is

Gallowboob was a mistake

Gallowboob is a mistake.

You cannot even get tenses right.

I'm just so tense, fam

So either you are committing cultural appropriation, or you are a nigger. Both are fine. Carry on.


What's CA?

One of the biggest idiots here

Yeah, me too. I don't know him, or anything about him, so I don't hate him.

He hates himself, too, brother

He's one of those narcissists that deeply hate themselves on the inside, but on the outside it manifests as hating everyone else

How do you hate black people, Trump supporters, AND rednecks????


I've been ridiculed for saying stupid shit, but was this guy actually TRYiNG?????

Be sheltered and think everyone on the internet is a literal cat.

That's fucking pathetic, and I'm a guy who cried when listening to Disney music.

Accurate. Pizzashill is one of the most compulsive, scattershot contrarians on this forum. I respect his radical centrism wrt to Trump/alt-right/PC culture disdain, but his woman hating is the mark of a butthurt, low-T socially retarded fucktard.

Never saw that side lol, only weird comments about being a volcel or something.

you don't know man, you weren't there

You are presenting an alternative narrative. This is my truth:

Hey I thought you got banned from here for your Dora thread? Who let you back in??

I always wonder why broken glass tastes like blood and shit

Test tubes are not dildos and you drove my joke into the ground.

Fuck off. That's my truth

and that is as must sense as this will ever make.

Lmao. Gibberish.


people who wonder why broken glass tastes like blood

Oh that's a good one, I'm stealing.

Fuck Stefan those memes were lame as shit

He seemed like a fine guy but internet "funerals" are always insincere shit especially when people are doing it in between porn and arguing about politics

Who the fuck is Stefan?

He's got them DSL's

that's why he honestly looks better as a lady

Elliot Rodger's DSL > Pizzashill's

He looked better as a wohoman

Delet this

They are blowing up ur spot here, bigly!

You will never dox me!!

who dis, Hotwheels? that biscuit guy?

Real life Chuck E. Cheese.

Pizzacell died too soon.

"His sister can't resist it!" 10 love making secrets brought to you by Pizzashill that will keep them cumming again for more.



Hey! Fuck off DDF!

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis


What, I did an image search cuz I didn't recognize the face, and this was what I got.

Ok fair

I don't know who this is but all I see is internet personified

That chick needs to wax her face


Nah, not the kippot thread yet.

I'd push my f key to china if it was.

in your dreams, little guy ;)

aww bb ;) why did you remove your flair tho?

Did he kill himself finally?

He returned to the sweet, sweet embrace of his sister I believe.

Who's this Harley rider?

Brother P. SaaShyl, here from Incelistan.

Ah, supreme Harley rider, then.


Such soft features for such a big talker.

At least he isn't a nigger of a filthy kike.


14/88 Pizza FΓΌhrer

You have to go back...

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nice larp there, mdegenerate ;)

your shitposting is bad and you should feel bad


this is a shooter isn't it

Give it a few years

Maybe at comet pizza?


mayocide bussy gussy


He died for our sins.