Pizzashill is gone.

9  2018-08-27 by ItWouldBeGrand

Trump wins again.


So this is the winning T_D was promised.

Iā€™m ok with it.

*dabs on you*

"u/pizzashill is dead! He's gone! but he's right there on my back, and here, in my heart! HE LIVES ON AS A PART OF ME!

If you're gonna agendapost, agendapost to the heavens! No matter what's in my way, I won't stop! Once I've pissed off the Drumpftards, it means I won!

Just who the hell do you think I am? I'm /u/Ed_ButteredToast, I'm not u/pizzashill, I'M ME! ED THE MOMMY LOVER!!



Me too thanks

this but unironically

then y not upboat šŸ˜©

there is upboat, it's probably the other meanies who downsnozzled you smh my head šŸ˜­

Mental health for the win