"Give me the liberty to fire employees for being with their dying children, or you're giving me death!" Says one r/Libertarian user

25  2018-08-27 by Ghdust2


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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All this nonsense just because they wanna fuck kids

NAP would have prevented this.

Q would have predicted this

Where’s the tactical McNukestm when you need them? 😤

I find it ridiculous how many Libertarians and Alt-Righters in genral are antisemites. I'm down with the Juden, he'll change the law so that lolis are legal and traps can start HRT in the womb. How can anyone hate that?

Alt-Right began with the Ron Paul supporters

Don't forget the weed.

lolbertarian has the dumbest possible thought about an issue

Fuck I almost passed out from the shock I'm feeling

This is the only video you need to show that libertarians are not people you need to take seriously

That...that can't be real. That's sketch comedy or something. Nobody is that amateur with a camera.

It's real af dude. Slightly edited for comedic timing but otherwise completely legit

in your own damn toaster. I love how much anger and venom he puts into damn. It's like he's really pissed off he can't find a good toaster, and he wishes someone would do something about it, but not the government, no, that wouldn't do.

That vitriolic toaster dude has the same haircut I had in the seventh grade, and swears about as much force and competency. This has to be a madTV sketch or something.

He just seems so unreasonably mad at his toaster.

libertarians: "i don't understand why people think we're crazy"


also libertarians: "you can justifiably murder somebody who is forcibly attempting to stop you from raping your own child to death. your child is your property, and the aggressor is violating the NAP by forcing you to handle your property in a way that you don't want to"

Sometimes I wish that libertarianism wasn't so obviously stupid, so that someone would actually try it and see how awful it is in person.

the problem is a sincere attempt to remain, at all times, in every scenario, "consistent" to the ideals of the philosophy. This, hilariously, negates the individual, which is EXACTLY THE THING THEY HATE ABOUT GOVERNANCE IN GENERAL (the erasure of the individual in service of the group), thus proving, again and again, that horseshoe theory is alive in retards.

retards are just human-shaped horses? is this the lesson?



They tried it twice, but were hypocritically violating the NAP and got chased away by a Polynesian tribe that didn't want to be their slave laborers.

Should had followed slave tradition; find a second tribe to sell the first to them

Wow people just need any excuse to be angry. She got fired because she got written up three times then walked out the day before anything happened with her child. She's just trying to deflect attention from her shitty behavior

Plus she mentions shes got the kid on life support in a vegetative state at this point and refuses to actually let him die. Exactly how long can you expect a job to give a shit in that situation?

Forever from my -700 downvotes lol


Leftist: "The government should reinstate her job and give her a stipend for her troubles"

Radical centrist: "Everyone should've been fired, including the baby"

Libertarians: "The business should execute the mother and the baby, and sue for services rendered"

Radical centrist: "Everyone should've been fired, including the baby"

tbf the baby was fired

The woman posted that store address and and manager name herself

Can we take a moment to appreciate this sorry fucker who's plugging his phrenology YouTube show in all of his comments?