/u/RavenChamps might not be the shooter.

158  2018-08-28 by VozyCozyX


I may be home schooled, but I'm smart enough to see the evidence for the Jewish agenda in the MSM, Hollywood, government, etc...


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Reddit going on a witchhunt and pinning the wrong person? It's more likely than you think.

Yeah, I'm thinking we got another Boston Marathon moment in reddit history.

He's doing an AMA about it right now, so hopefully this gets nipped in the bud and doesn't escalate like the Boston Marathon one

Yeh I saw, I even posted a comment. The post was removed though.

I can still see it. Maybe they reinstated it.

T_d detectives are retarded, but the people in that thread who think he can sue for having his anonymous internet handle tied to a mass shooter might be dumber.

Most people were saying that if a news company doxxed him he could sue.

If that happened, I would love to see the mental gymnastics over in /r/conspiracy over why fakenewsmagatrumpnetwork.ru shouldn't be banned for actual doxxing.

Just to interject here, but r/conspiracy immediately deleted the idiots dox comments linking the ravenchamps to the shooter and he was banned and reported. The guy has been whining about it all day in topmindsofreddit.

He's saying that Gateway Pundit & Thernovith should be banned for the same reason Gawker is

I've not seen any of those stories. I only know that the user I just linked is the person that did the "detective work" and caused the drama. I'm sure that r/conspiracy would be more than happy to require archive links for any publications that doxxed a Reddit user. That is the policy.

Looks like qualification for the archive treatment to me. I'll message the mods.

Ay /u/WarSanchez you still a member of their goofy elk lodge?

I don't know who that is. I'm not in r/conspiracy very often but I am familiar with what happened with the Boston Bombing fiasco and I mostly understand why CNN requires archive rather than direct links.

Actually CNN was banned not because of the Boston Bombers, but because of the threat of doxxing a T_D shit poster.

I doubt any other sites will get banned tho, Infowars wrongly blamed a guy for the Florida School Shooting and those links are not archive only.

CNN was banned by his sycophants modding r/conspiracy because Trump hates the network and we both know it.

I'm not a mod, I don't have access to their conversations, so I do not know their intent or reason.

I was a mod and I guarantee you that that ongoing act of censorship was/is politically motivated.

How can you guarnatee that when you haven't been a mod for almost two years?

You are just a failed conspiracy mod at this point. Nothing more.

Non-denial noted. Thanks!

The fact that you mimic Trump with your insults is the icing on the cake.

Former conspiracy mod is sad on all the fun xe is missing out on. Sad!

You love a con man. LOL!

I am aware the BB had nothing to do with the CNN link ban.

Hey, it's a side-sub about putting together a plan to make the main-sub suck a whole lot less and cut down the work for mods. It's not like we plan devious things there.

The irony of there literally being a secret cabal (a deep state, if you will) of r/conspiracy mods and their privileged lackeys that exists solely to steer the discussion in the main sub is incredible.

They are trying to avoid TMoR posters and the like from trolling and ruining any meaningful discourse.

It seems all in vain since there is someone there leaking shit trying to rile people up about shit.

If it's totally innocuous I wonder why people get riled up whenever there are leaks 🤔🤔🤔

Surely it's not because all evidence points towards the Conclave mostly being used to push the mods' political views and weed out dissenters.

Surely it's not because all evidence points towards the Conclave mostly being used to push the mods' political views and weed out dissenters.

Couldn't be further from the truth. I might not agree with some stuff posted there, but the stuff posted there wasn't all passed into "sub law".

There is no black list of users, there is no sub wide narrative, some of that stuff is paranoid non-conspiracy minded people making up conspiracies to silence r/conspiracy.

Really shows how muddy the waters are huh?


It's like 95% The_Donald users invited there too.

Refusing to remove revenge porn from their site after the court explicitly ordered them to?

Nah, only gawker can be that retarded.

That has nothing to do with it's ban on Reddit tho

He's saying that Gateway Pundit & Thernovith should be banned for the same reason Gawker is

Actually I'm referring to /r/conspiracy banning CNN because they apparently "threatened" to doxx someone (meanwhile TheGatewayPundit just accused the wrong guy of a mass killing for a second time.)

4th time in 20 months.

Jesus do they have Miss Cleo as their investigative team?

They have people that unironically work at the Gateway Pundit.

Lol, /r/conspiracy mods ban the guy debunking it but not the guy spreading literal (now confirmed) fake news.


>unironically believing in Q Anon


No, he wasn't debunking anything. He literally linked the shooter to ravenchamps account with zero evidence.

No, he wasn't debunking anything. He literally linked the shooter to ravenchamps account with zero evidence.

He was responding to a post claiming the shooter was a communist, which the OP of that thread admitted was based on TheRetardPundit's "reporting."

He irresponsibly compiled a doxx post and posted it twice in r/conspiracy and again on r/news with zero proof the account belonged to the shooter. That is why he got banned.

By that logic, this guy was also posting doxx but we both know nothing will happen to him for it.

I don't see where that user was linking a murderer to a Reddit account.

Have you not read the thread? I already saw this and said it looks like dox.

I don't expect a Qultist to understand basic logic.

  • OP links to TheGatewayPundit claiming shooter is an anti-Trump liberal based on random Reddit profile.
  • Another user debunks claim by digging through the Reddit profile that was identified by TheGatewayPundit.
  • Second user gets banned for "doxxing" even though TheGatewayPundit did the doxxing and OP linked to said doxxing.

Spot the problem here. I guess OP and TheGatewayPundit should be banned for doxxing too? That'll never happen in /r/conspiracy though.

I'm not sure why you are being so rude but I will do my best to be polite.

I know that posting a link to a source is not considered fix but compiling a post to incriminate someone is. The OP did the former, the guy I linked here did the latter.

As for the publication that posted ravenchamps acct, I agree they should be treated the same way as CNN and only have archive view available for their publication.

To be honest, I didn't expect to have a reasonable conversation with someone who believes in Q Anon. In fucking /r/drama of all places.

Pleasure talking to you.

Zero evidence

Ironic coming from a Qultist

Be that as it may, the user that linked ravenschamp to the shooter was wrong.

Drama doesn't welcome you, either.

Hi newfriend. Have you posted bussy yet?

bussy lmao

Why did you edit the comment? Now my reply above makes no sense

Who are you?

Your conscience

That doesn't exist.

Of course /r/conspiracy mods ban the guy debunking it

No, spreading fake bullshit.

but not the guy spreading literal fake news.

Which guy?

This guy.

The guy debunking the post was banned by mastigia for doxxing. Yet the guy linking to the "doxx" wasn't banned.

If the guy debunking it is doxxing, then doesn't that make TheGatewayPundit's article and OP's post also doxxing?

I welcome the mental gymnastics you're about to come up with to justify this.

There's a difference between posting a link from the outside and compiling (and spamming) a list of comments to multiple subreddits.

There's a difference between posting a link from the outside and compiling (and spamming) a list of comments to multiple subreddits.

Okay, so you're saying the debunker was correctly banned for doxxing then?

Okay, so you're saying the debunker was correctly banned for doxxing then?

/u/peedonmybed was banned for compiling a list of comments by a redditor and portraying them falsely, and stariny (or continuing) a witchhunt.

Sweet Jesus, you're a brain dead moron.

Well, that's rude. What did I do to you?

With my experience with /r/conspiracy, that comment was most likely removed for deviating from the subreddit's political narrative.


I have seen comments stay up for days giving instructions on how to find the dox of /r/worldnews mods accused of being CTR employees. They didn't get taken down until the admins removed them. I literally got banned for asking flytape why he was leaving those comments up.


The thing is, I'm the one that reported the comments because there was no proof it was that guys account. You can see in my history that I did. My concern was for the ravenchamps user and the sub as a whole.

Congrats, you alerted the mods to a comment that deviated from the preferred political narrative of the subreddit, and it was removed as a result.


I mean looking at your post history they are definitely correct. What is wrong with you?

More rudeness.

Probably, but it's a pretty hard fight. Richard Jewel had an absolutely airtight libel cases against a variety of news organizations and still only barely saw them settle. I think you'd have to get these guys in a position where they fucked up so badly (like in the Jewel case) where pretty much everyone in America is like, "Yup, they guilty" before they'd offer even a cent.

He can definitely sue. He can't win unless he shows damages. So he'd need to show his reputation was damaged, he suffered economic loss such as getting fired or someone rescinding their offer to buy his username.

I made the top comment suggesting it. I’m a lawyer, so it wasn’t a suggestion completely out of my ass. Damages might be hard to prove at trial, but there’s probably enough to maintain a lawsuit until then, and it’ll be costly to get there. Defendants might be willing to settle to avoid the legal fees.

AMA mods deleted his shit.

WTF? Just what has to happen to you before you become notable?

Mod him

Insane commitment to being a retard. Respect.



It was more the Alt-Right than Reddit tho.

I don't even know they came to the conclusion it was him. Felt like one person said it was him and everyone rolled with it.

It's widely accepted that Ravenchamps is one of David's aliases. So when an account that shows up with the name "Ravenchamps" and also has posting history that fits well with David's interests, people are obviously going to jump on it.

You're never going to get a "This is David's reddit account" announcement. This was as official as it could get. But it turned out to be a very, very unlikely mistake.

However I still think it's very likely someone hacked into the account for the lolz. After all it's been dead for an entire month before all this.

Ravenschamp not Ravenchamps

Just admit you got played and move on

Played himself, he didn’t get played. Someone saw a name close to the killers name with remotely anti-trump posts and was off to the fucking races. You see the exact same thing anytime a brown person commits a crime ever.

>Concluding that I'm DDF because my assumption was wrong some rando trump-hater

wew lad.

I'm still standing by my point. The man was the closest thing there was.

That you even think that's enough says all there is to know about what kind of person you are. You didn't care about anything other than that this was a chance to push a narrative you liked. You literally saw your opportunity to capitalize on tragedy and jumped on it immediately, without so much as a second thought.

"The closest thing there was?" What a piece of work you are.

You literally saw your opportunity to capitalize on tragedy and jumped on it immediately, without so much as a second thought.

When did I ever do this? I literally never posted about this guy nor his reddit account until this thread. Are you fucking retarded?

Are you? You just went through this entire spiel defending your position and the position of those who jumped to this stupid fucking conclusion because you can't even own up to the fact that they were wrong, or that you had no problem perpetuating/defending that story because it was "close enough."

That you could write that bullshit and still call someone else retarded is staggeringly breathtaking.

You're just repeating the same bullshit. Go through my post history you faggot, you're making false assumptions about people you don' know. You're demonstrably wrong.

Aww, what's the matter little fella? Why so upset? I have no problem reading the comments you made directly in this chain where your defending the people who pulled this shit, trying to justify their actions. And just on your last two comments alone, it's not difficult to figure out why. Does someone need a nap? You're getting a little fussy and seem kind of confused.

where your defending the people who pulled this shit, trying to justify their actions

Again, wrong. I'm not defending anyone. I didn't even know conservatives made a big deal out of that account until this very thread. And frankly I still don't know what they did to the account that you think is so horrible. I'm saying it was logical for Kiwifarms to deduct that the reddit account belonged to that guy. This apperantly triggers you because DDF did something bad.

You're pathetic.

This was as official as it could get. But it turned out to be a very, very unlikely mistake.

lol, better run with it just in case!

very unlikely mistake

This happens pretty much every time Reddit tries to identify someone too

He posted literally a week before the shooting started. He also has an alt account hes been posting from as recent as yesterday.

He also has an alt account hes been posting from as recent as yesterday.




However I still think it's very likely someone hacked into the account for the lolz. After all it's been dead for an entire month before all this.


jesus fucking christ


a very, very unlikely mistake


Just how many chromosomes are you missing, friendo?

I would’ve respected you more if you just said you were wrong.

Oh no, not you too!

What interests did they share? Young white male who likes video games and sports?

We did it Reddit!

you know subs are gonna get the banhammer if this escalates


Apparently Cernovich and Ant Man started the story

I thought chu was antman and the ian kid is who everyone mistakes for antman. Fuck imagine how sad your life must be when your claim to fame is telling people you're not Chu. Not as sad as Chus life but close.

Cernovich admitted after the whole CNN gif doxing fiasco that he does this on purpose and doesn't care if it's true or not.


I forget a lot of you don't actually visit Kiwi farms.


This is the man. The guy in the OP is probably the kid who has a gf and plays Minecraft- which is not the shooter.


If I was ever going to go berzerk like this, I'm pretty sure the first thing I'd do would be to write a bot that keeps shitposting from my account after the fact.

jfc it's like they're wrong every time

Edit: hahahahahahaha

oh its shitpost time

lol holy shit, mod this man

he has always been secretly in charge of this sub

we need new guidance after the departure of /u/pizzashill

That’s because trumpism is a mental illness. I feel like we’re watching the devolution of man in real time.

hi guys, im famous and a vape god, any questions?

Any idea why someone thought your account was the shooter's?

because reddit is full of fucking worthless braindead scumfuck bastard pile of trash mental dickfaces.

do you actually have to ask this?

they should be gunned down in the street like the degenerates they are,

Apparently the killer's xbox account is also ravenchamps.



do you see the problem here

That dickless shit in GreatAwakening certainly didn't. But that doesn't surprise me in the slightest.

a vape god

And I was just starting to like you...

If you could shoot up any video game event what would it be?

Doom, let's kills some demons

You're too good for this sub. Get out while you still can.

How do you feel about the impending and long-awaited extinction of the white race?

Meh, I'm a vape god

So you’re a mayo?


you may be eligible for a Mayo Exemption Form when the revolution comes, tovarisch

oh, that sounds interesting

That reminds me gotta hit the Russian standard vodka soon

great choice

Cheers mate 👍

Dilly Dilly

Hey, what are you doing here, alive n’ stuff?

So you're not actually Russian?

Im actually belarussian

The most beautiful kind of Russian.

Why thank you🤗

Is that whom the Mayo Clinic was built for?

*human race

*but mayos first

Whats your favorite vape flavor?

Anything strawberry

Well, you got my vote.

Are you Q?

shut up peasant

thats awesome

One of us! One of us!

fuck the bengals


Fuck flacco

Who is paying you?

this bottle of vodka

What do you think of TayTay(pbuh)?


wtf is wrong with you!!?? TayTay, Taylor Swift, the Goddess who came to earth in order to save our souls.

I wish you were the shooter, at least there would be one less stupid person around.

oh fuck..... i like rihanna way more

Mayos BTFO again

Good boy.

Thought you might have meant the real savior for a second there,TayTweets.

vape god

maybe it was meant to be you

but here i am, with all my vape

Dear ravenchamps,


Sincerely, Cleveland

you do it better than we ever could





dream big!

Did you go to the parade?

I was busy that day. Wish I did though

I did however get to witness the horseshit eating dude at the Cavs parade in 2016.

Fuckin Ohio


Can you release all of the angry PMs you got pls? Or at least a Greatest Hits album?

whats the best way to make a compilation of them?

create an imgur album. Also you can edit out the names and stuff in imgur and crop within imgur as well.

Also you can edit out the names

But what fun would that be?

Edit names out

Absolutely not!

I think they might make you part of the mod cabal if you do it.



can confirm.


Wait, so people are sending hate mail to the wrong account of someone they think is dead?

when you put it like that you really question it.

Should I use light mode, dark mode or black mode to browse reddit?

dark man, join the dark side

accept the mod invite?

That I did, thank you


Is this a g-g-g-ghost?

No, vape god

what do you think about the baseless accusations that'll ruin your life? people will now think you've played a madden game

I do play madden :(

Are you also not the Boston Bomber?

It's almost like retards on Reddit shouldn't play detective and witch-hunt the first person they think could have done it

if only there had been something in the past that we could learn from

TDownies being absolute retards.


Man why do libs always get it wrong? First they try and paint this guy as a trump supporter on /r/stopadvertising and now this!

wtf does this even mean? Libs are not centrists. Liberals are stupid. Also yes /r/stopadvertising did do that and once it was found out they scrubbed the thread clean!

Don't make any hasty judgements people. Maybe he is the shooter and he came back as a ghost.