Mister Metokur gets Megacucked off youtube and twatter for 'bullying'

52  2018-08-28 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


This, but unironically.


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If you fuck a child Moloch will restor your account

Somehow I doubt this is the real Shawn King.

When Shawn King isn't the real Shawn King

The real Shawn King is actually a Kenyan man named Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetenyevwe Ugwemuhwem Kang.

Does anyone have a timeline for how long this guy has been dicking around the internet? He puts on the character of internet veteran, I just want to know if that's authentic.

I have no idea who he went by before "Internet Aristocrat", but assume he was actaully lurking around the net before the GG shitshow too.

Before that it was jim81jim


Hes back on twitter, its mister antibully, i believe

"Internet Aristocrat"

Oh god I thought it was internet historian for a second and got really sad!

I’m not sure exactly how long but yeah, he’s deleted his accounts multiple times over the years.

If you are autistic enough you could listen to this over hour long stream where they discuss his past

oh but i am

Since he was a teenager, about 20 years ago.

He's like 40 so he has that going for him.

Maybe he'll make a good video instead of alternating collecting audio clips from podcasts for 30 minutes or 5 minutes on a current event.

Hope so too, tbh.

His YouTube is back up.

Is this the guy who only makes compilations of years of clips of wings freaking out?

Oh no! This will be such a loss to the community!

Is this the guy who only makes lazy ass compilations of years old clips of wings freaking out?

Not as far as I know.

Scratch that, he did one video.

I'm thinking of that other guy, ranklin or whatever.

Shout-out to Sean Ranklin!

Heh, Lord of the Wings...

Sean ranklin is a bottom of the barrel YouTuber, somehow he makes keem look like he is a masterful creator

owning the libs epic style thru youtube compilations?

"Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro OWN Bernie Raw Dog Tag team! MUST WATCH! MAGA! WWG1WGA! SPONSORED BY DEPENDS ADULT DAIPERS!"

The Memersonians and Molynites really hate Metokur because he shat on them in multiple videos for giving up their hard earned BetaBux TM for personality tests and angry yelling they could otherwise get for free.

fucking who

ive come to the conclusion i like this guy. he pisses off fucking everyone - memerson cultists, feminists, furries and other degenerates. hes a fucking drama god in my eyes

I find it hard to like anybody who was as invested in gamergate as much as he was.

Well he's still autistic

who is this guy?

"Autism. Autism never changes. The Internet brings out the gayest faggots within society under the guise of anonymity, allowing them to spread their legs and tout their retarded cocks. And yet every now and again, there's one faggot who comes out and highlights the autism of the internet, bringing lulz and drama wherever they breathe. Mister Metokur, is one such faggot. "


what a low t nu-male can't even grow proper facial hair

Quarry King : 1

Metokuck: 0

Motherfucker thought he was gonna turn on that pesky AdBlock and get away with it?

Literally who?