Fighting Retardation with Racism, One Pointed Stick at a Time.

10  2018-08-28 by Sweaty_Preparation


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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bots are mean on this sub lol

I was kinda hoping my first linked comment would be to SRS or AHS but this works too I suppose

oh, I'm sure you'll get there.

I've been waiting long enough, you're more than welcome to find something spicy I've said and post it there, just let me know so I can take part in the fun

I'll be sure to do that lol. Its not really tracking like I'd hoped it would, and you can do the same I say horrible shit about muslims, I'm sure some of them would get the drama rolling. I just thought the 'rocks and pointed sticks' thing was hilarious.

I've stopped concerning myself with Islam tbh, as far as I care they can do whatever they want in their own sandy shitholes. I just don't want them in my country

that's the one thing they can't seem to do: keep it to their own countries. Good thing we don't live in Europe I guess.

I do, I genuinely live in a country where my reddit account could get me arrested

Christ. How does it feel to not have free speech anymore? Also, if I lived in the UK I'd be very concerned with muslim 'immigrants'. They're literally invading your country and your government is inviting them in. I definitely wouldn't worry about black folks if I were you. Tbh that's why I assumed you were American, there's a lot more anti black racism here, I kinda guessed most Europeans didn't think that way.

Can you post yourself to srs? Asking for a friend

idk tbh, they probably wouldn't like some ebik natsee hanging around there

Maybe the monkeys should evolve since it's current year.

Oh what a surprise. This was initially first posted on daddy’s sub and voat.

And the source has a url ending in .site.

The master race has spoken.