Do "cishet men" believe that it is acceptable to abuse people? r/indieheads discusses.

22  2018-08-28 by Ghdust2


This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


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I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor

me irl

Because fags and trannies, as well all know, aren't sexual perverts.

Being normal is dangerous

Neither is Frog or Surrender Monkey, but the Frenchies still get triggered when you call them that. Just because something isn't a slur doesn't mean it's okay to say.

Triggering the Frenchies is good though

I do, but only degenerates.

Imagine Pink Floyd or David Bowie being born in the 90s, coming out as a band now and getting shut down after their first album because they groped groupies.

We certainly do live in a society

Anyone who listens to indie music has shit taste.

God I miss pinging. Fuck you /u/redtaboo