u/GallowBoob upset about another person Karma Farming

108  2018-08-28 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome


Anyone who calls themselves an "online influence" should be shot.

He has sub 100k twitter followers! And how the fuck is he an influencer? He just reposts shit already on reddit anyways, that’s not influence that’s just karma farming.

Yeah, doesn't an 'influencer' at least influence people to buy sponsered crap and dress in certain ways? What the hell does reposting material from clickbait websites influence?

Literally no one wants things because of some retarded Greek sharing cat pics on the internet. The ego is unreal. And no this isn't an invitation to send naked pictures, Gallowboob.

Just don't suggest to him that you are underage or the nudes might start flooding in.

He literally gets paid for it though. It's pretty impressive if you think about it.

There's lots of stuff I'm only aware of because of GallowBoob, he's definitely an influencer

The person who should be shot is whoever modded him

That means "advertiser" in double speak

I think it's really interesting how as the years go by, fame and admiration require less and less talent.

In the early 2000s, if you were lucky/connected enough, you could get on a reality show. If you were smart enough to craft a public image there, you could be famous.

Then the YouTubers came along, and they did half-assed sketch comedy most of the time, but that still has to be written, performed, and produced.

Then Let's Play became big, and you just had to sit there and play video games. For that, all you had to be was marginally entertaining.

But now, you can open crazy doors just by taking selfies and reposting shit.

Better idea.

The admins should form a club and call it “Ban gallowboob”

And then whine and cry about something unrelated. While the rest of us schreech automatically for them to do it.

It’ll be the best/worst cocktease since Jewdank

Jeez what a whiny little bitch 😂🤣

He sounds like a whore in a huff.

His entire Twitter is epic bacon

holy shit his entire fucking life revolves around reddit. how absolutely god damn pathetic.

I think he used to be an architect too. He stopped that to shitpost on reddit all day. How sad can you possibly get?

implying getting paid good money to shitpost is not a dream job

Well duh. Of course I'm jealous. Why do you think I'm here on /r/drama complaining about it?

He doesn't get to do his own shitposts, though. He just recycles everyone else's.

His pinned tweet

@alexisohanian can i get a custom Reddit Snoo irl or online or something? This feels underwhelming. Hahaha! GIVE ME A SNOO PLUSHIE

@reddit you know how @youtube sends their top users these Subscriber count trophies? Well you should do something similar! For real. It would be awesome. Be it a Snoo plushie or anything really.

What is this dudes obsession with sno slushies?



Gallow"pedophile"boob has an absurdly sad existence. Does his life really revolve this much around this shitty site?


I myself have given gallowboob around +1000 downvotes, I even made a couple ama's about it. But that guy replying in crazyideas is just stupid. Gallowboob boot lickers are quite common as I have to deal with them whenever I make an ama about how I downvote him.

p.s. I only downvote him when I see him on the front page!

Thank you for your service. I just ended up blocking him, so I always forget about him until someone else brings him up.

Why do they support him when he is reddit's sofloantonio? I thought they hated those people

Didnt gallow boob do an article for the NYT or someone big detailing exactly how to manipulate posts on reddit to r/all and how to effectively mine karma for corporate exposure?

The teacher becomes the student I guess

What is a u/ GallowBoob?

Nothing worth paying any mind

u/Gallowboob lol

Ew I didn't know that Ramses was also so far up his ass that he has a Twitter handle of the same name that has his face. Imagine taking reddit karma farming so seriously that you make it a core part of your identity 🤮🤮🤮

Lol I love how some people can't understand why he is so hateable

Even ramsesthepigeon has a twitter, and his own website.

Put them both against the wall

Kid diddler upset that other people realize he's gaming the system? Color me surprised.

Gallowboob is a kebab technician. You can pay those people in badges and karma points and they are happy.

Literally who

A man whose life revolves around Reddit.

Wow, he's even more pathetic than I thought.

That is pathetic, gallowboob dm me so I can mail you fentanyl to OD and die on RN!

I log on and come across this in a matter of minutes. Fucking behave.

Ok I’ll delet

It's pretty strange to see all the Reddit power users having Twitter accounts as well. I guess it makes sense it's just weird. I think of Reddit as being private/pseudonymous and Twitter as being... more public and personal I guess? Just goes to show how much these people's identities are wrapped up in their online personas I suppose. It's a bit depressing but at least they seem happy.

Someone needs to make a bot that posts that picture of Gallowboob's nonexistent ass to every thread Gallowboob makes

Shameless plug for my subreddit where we monitor Gallowboob, since he's such a sensitive little chestnut: https://www.reddit.com/r/GallowboobWatch/

When you’re on the frontlines

Damn I didn’t know GallowBoob’s life was so hard

It's even invaded here. This is shit tier drama.

literally who

This is why when the mayocide comes twerp like Gallowboob will be the first against the wa