I’m back

9  2018-08-28 by MagicHoudini

Hello fellow dramanauts. Hope you had a nice summer.

I know many of you were worried from my leave of absence from r/Drama.

I had to take care of some affairs during the summer and enjoy some me time, but coming September I’ll be on here more often, as this subreddit fills the void of my meek existence.

My first order will be to try and reinstate a pinging regime in here.

The only plan is to annoy the mods into compliance by posting as usual, but instead of pinging the lolcow, I’ll ping the pingable, u/spez and /u/redtaboo.

Please feel free to ridicule me or join my pinging crusade.


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. r/Drama - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  3. u/spez - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  4. /u/redtaboo - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)


Fuck you, that’s who.

Who dis

Yes yes thank you. I am literally nobody.

Yes we know you like the subreddit, pizza.

Imagine thinking calling an Italian pizza to offend him. Imagine that.

Sei italiano pure tè?

Abbiamo già parlato una volta, credo.

Mi piacciono i post sugli ornitorinchi, unisci i post di /u/distortedlines su Tay e quelli di /u/Cdace sui dinosauri.

/u/Cdace is bar though. You can’t beat him.

Accetto la mia condizione di side-bitch. Comunque non mi ricordavo di averti parlato. Sarò smemorato

What did you mean by this 🤔🤔

You’ll never know.


I’m unbeatable! Just like the dinosaurs 🦖


Shut up shill. Now tell us about women and their evils.

First of all how dare you. Wymon are the most powerful and beautiful beings on this earth. In fact we should call ourselves huwoman beings from now on and shed ourselves from the male menace.


u/PowerOfJerkOffMagic killed him

I wonder the same.

My first order will be to try and reinstate a pinging regime in here.

God bless you pizzashill.

Houdini was rather fond of restraints, you got pizza tied up?

Keep fighting the good fight

I was getting worried there for awhile.

Don’t worry no more, babe.


New phones who's this ?

Sorry dude it’s your boy MagicHoudini

Hi now go away


We can reshill him. We have the tardology. We can make him better than he was. Better, faggier, shitpostier.


If he goes round with a new account and people figure it's him isn't he still doxxed?

Why don't you make like Houdini and disappear

I’m not your father so I can’t

I mean how long can it take a man to go to the store for cigarettes

Just enough to make you a drama user, it seems

Nobody likes you, go away

True, but still.