Dear u/ravenchamps
65 2018-08-28 by dapidginhelperman
Please do me a solid and spend at least a couple of days trolling as if you are David Katz, Professional Crisis Actor (who didn’t realize that complete social media silence after the staged event is a part of the gig)
1 snallygaster 2018-08-28
This is an incredible idea. R. Champs holds a lot of power in his hands atm. If he makes the right moves he can influence the direction of what will probably turn out to be a long-running conspiracy theory.
1 Ls777 2018-08-28
Idk, seems like a dangerous game to play. You never know when one of the crazies might show up at your pizza restaurant with a shotgun
1 AlwaysFeral 2018-08-28
Just hide in the non-existent basement.
1 WombTattoo 2018-08-28
Suck it, admins
1 WorldStarCroCop 2018-08-28
why would you expect someone to do something for you that you've never even earned
1 IvanReilly 2018-08-28
Maybe the side has a sense of humour? Idk man if someone asks me to do something that means nothing to me but would be funny I usually do it for the lulz
1 dapidginhelperman 2018-08-28
who says I wasn’t gonna earn it 😘👄
1 WorldStarCroCop 2018-08-28
pm me hussy