Dr. Lobster claims he didn't sleep for 25 days straight because he drank apple cider in the middle of his all meat diet. You cant make this shit up

246  2018-08-29 by random_bullshit_blah


Rogan also clarified that though he is also not an expert, he is fascinated by the fact that he hasn’t heard any negative stories about people who have started the all-meat diet.

“Well, I have a negative story,” said Peterson. “Both Mikhaila and I noticed that when we restricted our diet and then ate something we weren’t supposed to, the reaction was absolutely catastrophic.” He gives the example of having had some apple cider and subsequently being incapacitated for a month by what he believes was an inflammatory response.

“You were done for a month?”

“Oh yeah, it took me out for a month. It was awful ...”

“Apple cider? What was it doing to you?”

“It produced an overwhelming sense of impending doom. I seriously mean overwhelming. There’s no way I could’ve lived like that. But see, Mikhaila knew by then that it would probably only last a month.”

“A month? From fucking cider?”

“I didn’t sleep that month for 25 days. I didn’t sleep at all for 25 days.”

“What? How is that possible?”

“I’ll tell you how it’s possible: You lay in bed frozen in something approximating terror for eight hours. And then you get up.”

The longest recorded stretch of sleeplessness in a human is 11 days, witnessed by a Stanford research team.


Y⭕️u're👊 n🅾w ⭕️ne☝️ 🅾f 3️⃣ 🖖🅿️e🅾🅿️le👨🏿👩🏻👦🏽 ℹ️'ve 🅱l⭕️cked😡❌🚷🚫‼️ 🅾n 🅱eddit👽. ℹ 💁d⭕️n't even Ⓜ️ℹ️nd💅 🅿️e🅾🅿️le 👦🏽👴👵🏼👮🏻 s🅿️er🅱ℹ️ng ⭕️ut😡😤😤 at Ⓜ️e😱, 🅱ut wh🅰t ✋☝️ℹ d🅾 Ⓜ️ℹ️nd👀😤 ℹ️s just the c⭕️Ⓜ️🅿️lete😣 l🅰ck 🅾f re🅰l™💯🕵 🅰r🅱uⓂ️ents.📚

Y⭕️u're 👊👐✋just 🅱🅾rℹ️ng🙄😣.


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btw his daughter is a totally unqualified and uneducated 'expert' on all meat diets and she charges $120/hr to consult with her

fucking hell, I really need to get in on this right wing grifter thingy. Seems right wingers are super easy to scam.

How can yo even consult on an all meat diet?

"well what should I eat to lose weight?"

meat. eat meat.

how bout if to gain weight?

again...eat meat.


Come on, you gotta give her more credit than that.

"well what should I eat to lose weight?"

meat. eat meat.

how bout if to gain weight?

eat a lot of meat.

The difference is subtle but important, that's what makes her an expert.

I told her I’m surprised people need further counseling, in that an all-beef diet is very straightforward.

”They mostly want to see that I’m not dead,” she said. “What I basically do is say, ‘Hey, look at all the things that happened to me and brought me to where I am now. Isn’t it weird?’ And then let people draw their own conclusions.”

Imagine how long the pauses are between each syllable to fill a full hour long session when the only thing you’re saying is, “Eat nothing but beef.”

At this point can any rational person make a case against including conservatism in DSM VI under personality disorders?

I get all my medical advice from people that look at a time before vaccines and advocate for a return to those times.

At this point can any rational person make a case against including conservatism in DSM VI under personality disorders?

Sure. But that can be cured by eating lots of beef.

Not just meat, red meat.

In fairness colon cancer would solve an obesity issue. Chemo is great for shedding pounds.

Ah the ol "Joe Rogan Special".

I only listen to Joe Rogan when he has one of the country music guests.

the rest just seem like New Age nonsense spreaders with decent enough social media clout to get on his podcast

Literally Oprah for men.

I feel attacked

I can't believe I haven't heard this comparison before!

The hottest of takes.

holy shit its true

This is the ultimate blackpill

Listen to what gets advertised on right wing radio/podcasts. It's all bullshit scams. Zicam, overpriced bullshit supplements, survivalist food supplies, overpriced gold coins, all that shit. Ben Shapiro does ads for a company that pays to get you a lawyer if you shoot someone - he literally advertises for murder insurance.

The actual GOP twitter page shills Trump merch.

And boner pills. Don't forget the boner pills.

most people are easy to scam, politics aside

She still hasn't released her blood tests. #PullThatUpJaime

Lol. Sell Q diet pills

Seems right wingers are super easy to scam.

that's all I'm gathering from these stories

scamming stupid people is apparently easier than it has ever been

ACV is fucking harmless and pointless. I used to take a couple shots of it every day worse they it did was make my breath smell like ass and taste terrible.


are you implying that mr JP is utterly and completely full of shit?


Yikes, sweaty...

ACV means apple cider vinegar, right? theres been tests showing it actually is beneficial. it lowers your blood sugar and bad cholesterol or whatever, its not quackery.

It is also great in many recipes. Any time I'm marinating pork I usually put at least a small amount into the marinade.

If he's on a ketogenic diet, lowering blood sugar would be dangerous.

yeah, I guess I didn't get anything out of it. I didn't have any health problems I just took it to stimulate gut bacteria like it claimed. it didn't really do anything and yes I used "the mother".

Wait you injected apple cider into your body? What the fuck.

I think he means he drank shots of it, but that also sounds pretty nasty

He's just an autumn junkie

This is about apple cider not apple cider vinegar.

Middle aged women's vinegar phase:

Suddenly vinegar everywhere, in every room, in every food and drink.

Then one day a few years later, all the vinegars disappear again, like they never existed.

Apparently you can make it up; he just did.

The post modern neo Marxists are poisoning the apple cider

who or what is turning gay

ur mum

They're turning the freaking lobsters gay.

turning trans and changing their frickin' pronouns

Is apple cider a regional term for crystal meth? I'd definitely believe that.

but you can still sleep even on meth. I call BS on this whole thing

Anyone who can sleep on meth is squaring up with their dealer in the near future.

I'm from Utica and I've never heard anyone call it "apple cider"

Oh, no, not Utica, no. It's more of an Albany expression.

By apple cider he means meth, btw

doesn't stop you from falling asleep though

Clearly you haven't gone on a 4 day long tweak session, my friend

no. recently though I have been trying all kinds of amphetamines to cure my autism but I still go on r/drama so it must not be working

Just smoke some meth you pussy, if you're white it's easy to get


So both he and his daughter become incapacitated for weeks every time time they eat something that isn't water, meat, or salt (or apparently vodka for his alcoholic daughter)? Sounds super legit. So much for facts over feels.

I'm getting more and more convinced Jordan Peterson is just Deepak Chopra version 3. I mean, he's got SOME good things to say, but a lot of what he does does seem to fall under quackery.


you have to go back

Eh. His self-help stuff is... Fine, but obvious. Maybe not the best advice.

Eh. His self-help stuff is... Fine, but obvious.

you dont need him for that - just pull yourself by your bootstraps


tbf not all of his talking points are pandering to the incels that donate to him on patreon

It's good when he gets mad at screeeching feminists on TV.

Would suck to have him as a teacher though.


i mean some of it is really just utterly fucking batshit insane. LIke saying the only reason women wear blush on their cheeks in the workplace is to 'sexually inflame' men.

seriously he says a lot of extraordinarily dumb shit.

Well i dont if they wear it for that reason but hot chick with blush (and aone bush XD) sure do "sexually inflame" me. Hahahhahhaa, up top, give me fin bro, give me fin.

You put quote marks around that as if it's a direct quote but it's not. He said make-up is a sexual display and blush mimics vasodilation resulting from sexual arousal. What's dumb about that?

I am amongst you at this time, not as for my recreation or sport, but being resolved, in the midst and heat of the battle, to live or die amongst you all; to lay down, for my God Jordan Peterson and for my kingdom, and for my Lobsters, my honor and my blood.

You should just give up on your creative writing efforts. You're not gonna make any money off it

You should just give up on your creative writing efforts. You're not gonna make any money off it

Good lord you really are a colossal retard.

If you have a problem with the writing maybe you should take it up with Queen Elizabeth who, you know, actually made those remarks to her military forces confronting the Spanish Armada in 1588. I just took a few liberties with it, like replacing god with Jordan Peterson.


So you took creative liberties right? Yea they were bad. You should stop

You know how peacocks have a bunch of stupid feathers that don’t do anything to show off how healthy they are? Conservatives have the same things with beliefs. It used to be that conservative politicians would say dumb shit, then get elected and only partially do dumb shit. Their voters didn’t like that and need to know that their leaders aren’t just pretending to be idiots to get votes. Trump’s incoherent ramblings are like big, beautiful peacock feathers to conservatives that show he’s just as dumb as them.

Look man you need another outlet. This shit is just objectively garbage

Somewhere in this world, a tree is tirelessly producing oxygen for your brain to function.

You need to find that tree and apologize to it.

Hey that one wasn't bad. Remember, less effort = good

You're gonna let him slide at "waste of oxygen"???

I realized I might have been too hard on him. He is retarded after all

horseshoe theory confirmed

Why are you so unfunny?

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.

quoting redcoats

Well you'd actually have to draw a connection between the two. You can't just be like they're the same. That's like me saying my rubbish bin is a plant because it's green.

Was that the right comment?

Yeah this is Peterson's entire thing. He goes animals flush red from sexual arousal = blush is intended to equal sexual arousal. There's makeup meant to make you paler. How does his idea make any sense?

If you want to read Peterson, you've got to keep going. If you critically analyse any of it then it falls apart. Only by being bombarded by his brain farts do you start to think his ideas have any logical basis.

The purpose of make-up is to increase someone's attractiveness, which fundamentally is sexual. There's a lot of ways to do that. Peterson suggested the reason blush is seen as attractive is because it suggests sexual arousal. There's more than one route to attractive, so I don't get how make-up meant to make someone paler means the idea is nonsensical.

Also, you're a brain fart

So if there's more than one route to attractive then it's not based on biological functions and is instead a social construction? So his theory is wrong.

Social conditioning plays a part but to suggest it's the only factor and biology plays no part is asinine

Because he's a hard core traditionalist who believes that the traditions all have biological and evolutionary roots and when you point out that they are social constructs his entire belief system turns into the garbage it is.

So believing that there is an evolutionary reason that humans developed religion so just doing away with it will likely have some unforseen consequences and also the idea of liberal democracy being a good thought are both garbage beliefs? I mean I get it. I don't like that he identifies as Christian either, but nobodies perfect.

But still you dodged the question of how there being multiple routes to attractiveness indicates all attractiveness is just social constructions. That's such a narrow view of reality I can't tell if you're being sarcastic.

The man thinks Apple cider kept him awake for 25 days. He's a dipshit.

No I meant the altering of standards around attractiveness throughout the ages indicates a non biological origin for them.

Sure you can take some of the dumb things he's said and discount everything useful he's said but I'll choose not to do that.

Maybe there's multiple factors in determining beauty and both genes and social conditioning play a part. Like I said, pretending biology plays no part in how humans pick mates is asinine.

So if there's a tiny bit in it that might be true, his whole theory must be defended.

What are you construing as "his whole theory" that I must defend?

You aren't eating enough beef. It's not the minor potentially somewhat true things that he has said people have a problem with. It's his dumb ass overarching conclusions that are at issue. Why bother combing through his work for small bits of possibly useful information? The guy has screaming control issues which he packages into a thin self-help sham, using victimhood as a hook. A lot of the success of this is rooted in his study of propaganda. It's marginally better than Q shit.

Hey man. GOOD point!

to suggest it's the only factor

Whats being suggested is that the absolute conclusion Peterson proposes is the singular one. Peterson is saying "it is biological" and not anything else. He's the one saying theres' only one factor.

Except he's never said that and in fact has said that both are important considerations

which fundamentally is sexual.

So you're saying that looking your best for a job interview is a sexual activity? "I have a very strong piece of iron in my pants. Seriously, its blue steel here. I think you're a perfect fit for our team."

Attractiveness is a method of communicating sexual viability. That may not be the thoughts running through our mind when we try to rationalize why we are bussying ourselves up, but it's the evolutionary reason we developed the behavior

The purpose of make-up is to increase someone's attractiveness, which fundamentally is sexual.

I dunno, I use hair gel to look better. But I wouldn't call that inherently sexual. Just don't want to look like a doofus

It doesn't help

mean :(

You're a cutefus

And why exactly do you think you have an innate desire to not look like a doofus?

It's all for the bussy, compedro.

The purpose of make-up is to increase someone's attractiveness, which fundamentally is sexual.

And hence the problem with Peterson. He makes statements about contemporary customs claiming they're objectively due to this or that cuz or evolution, with no knowledge whatsoever of the history of the custom

Make up is about looking attractive now. For most of human history it was to denote class or caste. Like universally across dozens of the cultures that was the purpose.

And usually involved colors that fly completely in the face of Peterson's quack nonsense. Like using white lead in Europe from the 16th to 18th century to make yourself look pale

It being used today to look attractive has fuck all to do with his weird ass incel theory about women's lips turning red during sex

So what's attractive now bears no similarities with what was attractive in the past? Because that's the claim you're making right now. Beauty standards are obviously affected by social influence, but your refutation of biology affecting beauty standards is you pointing to the fact that beauty standards change and so therefore can't possibly be affected by evolution, if I'm understanding you correctly. If I'm correct, then I'm confident in saying you're an imbecile.

So what's attractive now bears no similarities with what was attractive in the past? Because that's the claim you're making right now.

No what I'm saying is what was attractive in the past vis a vis makeup had no similarity to how humans look during sex. ie pale skin, black teeth, green eye shadow, etc

To suggest that despire in the past what was considered attractive make up wasn't related to physiological reactions but it is today because reasons is silly

Peterson makes assertions he doesn't back up, he doesn't support them by evidence he just says "well it makes sense doesn't it?"

He's an idiot

What you're doing is like saying a low cut tank top is no more biologically motivated than UGGs. One exaggerates sexual features while the other is some weird shit bored people decided looks fashionable.

What you're doing is like saying a low cut tank top is no more biologically motivated than UGGs.

Correct. Which is why low cut tank tops weren't a thing for thousands of years. What humans fine attractive is mostly arbitrary and socially constructed.

So women don't wear make up to be more attractive?


No he says blush is meant to mirror flushing which is meant to signal sexual attraction. You have to draw a causal connection between the two. Otherwise you're just saying much like plants that are green to allow them to absorb the maximum amount of uv light for photosynthesis, my rubbish bin is green.

But that is what happens. Women literally try to mimic signs of ovulation with makeup.

There's two problems with this. You've just done a Peterson and said the things are the same without any reason apart from you think they look the same. Blush has a long history and as far as we can tell was originally used by the Egyptians on both men and women. Why is there makeup designed to make you paler? Peterson does interviews. Do you think he turns down interviews or does he wear makeup?

All of which suggest pretty strongly that makeup isn't designed solely to indicate sexual desirability on this one biological basis.

Not what he said

version 3

who was 2?

Reza "I have a PHD" Aslan.

He's kind of like Oprah but for 18 - 30 yr old NEETs

Version 3

Who was two?

Reza Aslan.

Like how the hell do you group Deepok Chopra, Reza Aslan, and Jordan Peterson together? Nevermind that Reza Aslan never had a fraction of the influence of the other two.

I don't understand how this dude went from the mostly reasonable professor who didn't want people to be compelled to use gender neutral pronouns for snowflakes to the absolute lunatic who things "enforced monogamy" is the cure to incels and that a month of nonstop insomnia is caused by apple cider.

Like this is sounding almost like uncontrolled schizophrenia at this point.

Yet in a July appearance on the comedian Joe Rogan’s podcast, Jordan Peterson explained how Mikhaila’s experience had convinced him to eliminate everything but meat and leafy greens from his diet, and that in the last two months he had gone full meat and eliminated vegetables. Since he changed his diet, his laundry list of maladies has disappeared, he told Rogan. His lifelong depression, anxiety, gastric reflux (and associated snoring), inability to wake up in the mornings, psoriasis, gingivitis, floaters in his right eye, numbness on the sides of his legs, problems with mood regulation—all of it is gone, and he attributes it to the diet.

Oh my go what the fuck am I reading.

some kind of placebo effect taking place here. I not sure how else any of that could be explained

Plants are full of toxins. It's literally their primary method of survival, whereas for animals it's moving away from danger. If someone was more sensitive to those toxins than normal, say someone with an autoimmune disorder, then eliminating plants from their diet could possibly give them symptom relief. No placebo needed


Try again


Try again

And many plants use animals as a method of spreading their seeds. You are talking out of your ass here. Humans are adept at processing any "toxins" present in plants, and often, a plant that is toxic towards one animal is beneficial to another.

You're right, the dose makes the poison, and lower doses can have beneficial effects also known as hormesis. My point was it's conceivable that someone could be more sensitive to those toxins and that could have bad health effects. But no you're right, I'm talking out my ass

You realize that any gene that prevents a person from eating vegetables would have vanished from the gene pool a long, long time ago.

So Celiac's don't exist

And it's not like he died. He made it past middle age and successfully reproduced, so if he has genes that cause him to respond negativitely to some plants they didn't remove him from the gene pool

You’re retarded

No u

Not an argument

You're right, it was a solid observation

Wow you're kind of stupid. First off, of course he made it to middle age and reproduced. He has access to modern medicine. 500 years ago, we didn't understand intolerance diseases, and someone who had them would suffer from them throughout their lives.

Also, celiac's disease proves my original point. It's arose because we started consuming grains not long ago on the evolutionary scale, and many humans were unable to properly digest these foods. It would be extremely rare for a person to develop an allergy to vegetables or meat, because our ancestors have evolved to consume those foods over millions of years.

Also, Celiac's disease is uncomfortable, but in most cases it isn't debilitating, and even people with severe symptoms reach an age where they can reproduce, which is why it's prevalent now. Imagine Org the caveman trying to survive with an inability to eat any nonleafy vegetables (which would have been the vast majority of a caveman's diet, along with berries and meat).

The plants we eat today are not the plants that man evolved eating,

I never claimed all plants would cause negative health effects. I intentionally said some plants could have toxins that do that. We eat a lot of plants in the modern day that our ancestors would never have even dreamed of, and some of them we've only been eating for a few centuries at most. All I ever said was it was concievable that some people could react negativitely to some plants but apparently that's sacrilegious to you.

Plants have toxins.

That is a direct quote from you. You did t qualify that with "some plants" or "many" or "a few". You just said "plants" implying all of them.

You've never seen the Happening.

Yes because it's generally true that plants contain toxins.


And no I'm not saying stop eating vegetables. Literally said the opposite.

Incredible that that single page can contain every edible vegetable known to man. Utterly fascinating.

Also, pesticide doesn't necessarily equal toxin.

I'm using the two words interchangeably. Sue me

so your defense for being wrong is that you are wrong on purpose for your own convenience?

How am I wrong? Because this dude I'm talking to thinks pesticides aren't toxic? Not my problem

You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole.

Good bot

Stay out of this, robot.

You're saying plants contain toxins and then, to back that claim up, you're showing plants that produce their own pesticides. Pesticides, while generally aren't good for your health, are not innately toxic. Capsaicin is a pesticide created by peppers yet it isn't something one would classify as a "toxin" in the homeopathic sense of the word.

Ok yea some pesticides act as repellants instead of toxins. The study I linked was talking about pesticides which are toxic to mice though

Again, toxic and carcinogenic are not he same thing. You can use them however you please, but understand that when you use them in ways other than what the rest of the world uses them, you're going to look silly when you make the claims you are making.

This is the first time you've said that toxic and carcinogens aren't the same thing, but I'll let it slide. Toxins are chemicals produced by organisms which cause diseases in the body. Cancer is a disease, no? Why get so hung up on semantics anyway?

I meant "again" as in this is the second time you've equated two things that are very different. Toxins do cause disease in the body, but not cancer, you mango.

You're just being pedantic. Why not cancer, hmm?

You said "plants were full of toxins" then linked a study on carcinogenic compounds found in plants.

I could link a paper showing nicotine in tobacco leaves and say "see?? So many toxins" but I won't because that's wrong and would make me look like an idiot.

I'm aware of what I did. You can't explain what's wrong with what I said except to just repeat I'm wrong. You're boring

I've said it multiple times. Saying "plants contain toxins" is meaningless. Especially when you're saying those toxins have a noticeable effect on a healthy person at typical doses. Linking studies listing the amount of carcinogens in specific plants as a way of backing your claims up is ridiculous because we weren't talking about carcinogens.

My point from the beginning was it's possible someone could have a sensitivity to the toxins in some plants and that could possibly explain Peterson's experience. You jumped down my throat for asserting plants contain toxins, but now it seems you agree with me on that point but think there's absolutely no reason to point that out and are trying to say I'm making claims I'm not. If you have a crush on me, you should just say it

I never meant saying nicotine is a toxin was wrong, I did say claiming that plants contain all kinds of toxins is useless, especially when I've based that claim on the fact that a few plants contain carcinogenic compounds like you did.

And, alright then, if that was your point, can you provide any sort of research that backs up the claim that somebody could have a reaction to these "toxins" you speak of jnthe typical amounts present in these vegetables?

if you have a crush on me, you should just say it

Just fucking kiss me already.

http://noarthritis.com/research.htm Solanine is found in practically all members of the Nightshade family, which includes tomatoes and potatoes.

Also, many vegetables such as asparagus and spinach contain oxalic acid, which is fatal in moderate doses and possibly contributes to kidney stones in lower doses since it binds to calcium to make calcium oxylate which is the main component of kidney stones

Alright thank you for that. From now on, be sure to choose your words more carefully so that you don't inadvertently claim that all plants are toxic to humans.

But then I wouldn't get to waste time arguing semantics with 8 different retards

doesn't know the difference between toxin and multiple other words

is unable to form phrases to adequately get his point across without being misconstrued due to his own ineptitude

calls other people retarded

/>thinks toxin doesn't adequately describe the chemicals plants evolved to induce disease in animals

/>Reading comprehension is too low to understand the original point even tho all I had to do to explain it sufficiently to them was repeat myself

/>Doesn't know how to use comedy chevrons

pesticides are not toxins. as such, they are irrelevant to your assertion that plants are full of toxins.

your defense that you are using toxic and toxin interchangeably is how you are wrong, because the two words are not interchangeable.

Toxin - "an antigenic poison or venom of plant or animal origin, especially one produced by or derived from microorganisms and causing disease when present at low concentration in the body."

Toxic - "poisonous."

Words must not be your strong suit. I never said they were the same word, but they can used interchangeablely in this context, numbnuts. You mind showing me a natural pesticide that isn't a toxin?

that was supposed to say "pesticide and toxin", not "toxic and toxin" so mea culpa on that error.

I'll grant you that some pesticides are repellants instead of toxins. In the paper I provided, the pesticides described were specifically toxic to mice.

that doesn't make them toxic to people in normal quantities, though.

as you yourself pointed out, the dose makes the poison. so saying plants are full of toxins as a reason to not eat plants is a bit alarmist when the concentration of those toxins can be so small it is effectively irrelevant for a human being.

I didn't say it as a reason to not eat plants. I specifically said otherwise. My point was it's possible he has a sensitivity to some toxins in plants and that could explain his reported experience. Maybe I should have made that more clear in my original comment, but this has been fun so no ragrets

You never mentioned pesticides you fucking trog.

No but the study I linked did. Also you already think I'm a literal fucking retard. Can't you cut me some slack?

Sorry retard I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, you had a decent point the

Thanks. Trog really hurt my feelers

And it's not like he died. He made it past middle age and successfully reproduced, so if he has genes that cause him to respond negativitely to some plants they didn't remove him from the gene pool

You're right, society should do something about that then.

I doubt they will. They still haven't done anything about u

That's because I'm always in back of the mob, and keep a low profile. I pass the pitchforks to the front.

You know those cartoons of cavemen eating those big drumsticks aren't scientifically accurate right?

U right. They probably just ripped that shit straight out of the carcass with their teeth because my ancestors were badasses like that

It is possible that your ancestors were somehow less evolved than the other cavemen, I'll agree with you there.


Say something about bussy



Animals eat lots of plants dude. Due to eating more plants they absorb more "toxins". They eat thousands of plants over their life span.

Also plants aren't filled this toxins.

That's just embarrassing.


Toxins literally concentrate the higher up you go up the food chain.

Why can't people like you ever cite anything but YouTube?

Ok? I never said don't eat plants. There are chemicals in some plants that can cause negative health effects in a minority of people. Are you saying I'm wrong?

Yes I would expect a Jordan Peterson fan to have to be told not to eat random plants.

Now that's a spicy comment

The wonderful thing about toxins, is they make you stronger. Give me meh TOXINS!! Real man here, coming thru! I eat little, baby plants like you for breakfast! Hahaha!

Hormesis is closer to what you're describing, retard.

Hey, the term I used was coined first, chronologically.

No your term describes tolerance to poison, while mine describes dose-dependent beneficial effects.

Toxins are a poison... And mine describes dose-dependent beneficial effects too (worded as tolerance and immunity).

I never said otherwise. My point was mithradism is specifically about tolerance while hormesis is more general.

Eh, ok, but the main principle of it still applies in a general way. Trust me, if you're going to bring one of the terms up to a stranger, my term is more applicable for most people to understand, without getting all technical in the science.

Ok man. I don't see how it matters if more people understand what mithradism is than hormesis because hormesis is more accurate to my point. If someone isn't going to understand my point because it's too sciency than they're fucking idiots anyway

Toxins literally concentrate the higher up you go up the food chain.

14th rule for life: Do NOT eat the livers of carnivores.

Also plants are filled with toxins.

They are though, shit you don't think about for example potatoes:

Potatoes contain toxic compounds known as glycoalkaloids, of which the most prevalent are solanine and chaconine. Solanine is found in other plants in the same family, Solanaceae, which includes such plants as deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna), henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) and tobacco (Nicotiana spp.), as well as the food plants eggplant and tomato. These compounds, which protect the potato plant from its predators, are generally concentrated in its leaves, flowers, sprouts, and fruits (in contrast to the tubers).[45] In a summary of several studies, the glycoalkaloid content was highest in the flowers and sprouts and lowest in the tuber flesh. (The glycoalkaloid content was, in order from highest to lowest: flowers, sprouts, leaves, skin[clarification needed], roots, berries, peel [skin plus outer cortex of tuber flesh], stems, and tuber flesh.)[11]

Exposure to light, physical damage, and age increase glycoalkaloid content within the tuber.[12] Cooking at high temperatures—over 170 °C (338 °F)—partly destroys these compounds. The concentration of glycoalkaloids in wild potatoes is sufficient to produce toxic effects in humans. Glycoalkaloid poisoning may cause headaches, diarrhea, cramps, and, in severe cases, coma and death. However, poisoning from cultivated potato varieties is very rare. Light exposure causes greening from chlorophyll synthesis, giving a visual clue as to which areas of the tuber may have become more toxic. However, this does not provide a definitive guide, as greening and glycoalkaloid accumulation can occur independently of each other.

Different potato varieties contain different levels of glycoalkaloids. The Lenape variety was released in 1967 but was withdrawn in 1970 as it contained high levels of glycoalkaloids.[46] Since then, breeders developing new varieties test for this, and sometimes have to discard an otherwise promising cultivar. Breeders try to keep glycoalkaloid levels below 200 mg/kg (200 ppmw). However, when these commercial varieties turn green, they can still approach solanine concentrations of 1000 mg/kg (1000 ppmw). In normal potatoes, analysis has shown solanine levels may be as little as 3.5% of the breeders' maximum, with 7–187 mg/kg being found.[47] While a normal potato tuber has 12–20 mg/kg of glycoalkaloid content, a green potato tuber contains 250–280 mg/kg and its skin has 1500–2200 mg/kg.[



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Only you people would need to be told that eating random shit just because it's a plant will end badly. The reason we've developed these diets and food preparation methods is to make them safe to eat.

Of course you assume that Jordan Peterson has legitimately been eating raw kidney beans for years and that's why switching to a meat only diet has improved his health.

Maybe he has allergies to a lot of plants. I eat peanuts all the time they're perfectly fine yet they kill some people

And you believe a man who enjoys snacking on peanuts each night until his throat closes so much he cannot force any more nuts down it, is a visionary? Intriguing.

However, poisoning from cultivated potato varieties is very rare.

Literally the sentence after your bolded bit.

Is it utterly ridiculous to assume it's possible a small minority of people may be especially sensitive to solanine?

What's your evidence?


There were a few other studies that looked promising but this was the first one I clicked. Regardless it was a hypothetical. I'm not making a definite claim here.


You should definitely move to an all meat diet. It will be funny when you're using a colostomy bag by 40 cause you shit out your lower intestine

I tried it for about 3 months. It was boring so I went back to keto. More interesting than you tho

The sleep thing definitely sounds psychosomatic too. It doesn't seem like he's in a position to give life advice to millions of disaffected young men when his own psychological state is...something else

He's a clinical psychologist. Kinda run for the course there

Scientology was right about these people

Clearly it's time that you stepped up to the plate. The world is ready for Snallyology.

Unironically this.

Eliminating lots of food groups often results in weight loss. He was maybe a bit of a fatty then basically did a keto diet.

Keto is itself a bit of a lolfarm, but it can work in some circumstances (e.g. if your diet is complete shit).

I fucking hate hearing about how amazing keto is and that if I use that diet everything would disappear.

No; fuck no. I’m only of those people who cannot do it because I have a lot of gastric issues the doctor is still trying to figure out, but fat and meat both trigger me to throw up constantly. Fucking reddit goes insane over keto.

That plus doing keto causes some people's cholesterol and triglycerides to go through the roof. It's certainly not the miracle diet many make it out to be.

I not sure how else any of that could be explained

or he made it up

I not sure how else any of that could be explained

they are lying (?)

Relief from autoimmune symptoms is a very common theme in zero carb testimonials. When I tried it, I definitely noticed my insomnia went away entirely.

I can't believe these people have any following at all, a pack of fucking retards

Well it's not like they aren't attracting the same types of people.

What I'm interested in is the supply chain. Who is so effectively transmitting this stuff to dumbasses and how can I get in on the money


This is funny, I saw that JRE episode and found it interesting, but also distinctly remembered him not knowing 100% what caused his month long sickness. And also don't remember him saying he didn't sleep for a month, only that he was incapacitated and in bed.

Wtf is going on here?

He's bullshitting.


this is the episode you listened to right?

Yep im an idiot

Isn't that basically Keto?

Keto I think still includes fruit and vegetables


Fruits are a sometimes food in keto b/c they're basically nothing but carbs and sugars and both murder ketosis if you hit more than like 50 net carbs.

Keto is basically exactly what he initially described, meat and leafy greens, but with more dairy/nuts.

it's r/nocarb lmao

No carb = Keto

sorry, meant to link /r/zerocarb - they don't eat veggies or anything

Oh ok. Ketos do eat carbs anyway- they subtract the fiber from it or someshit

Keto is short for ketogenic, which refers to putting your body into a state of ketosis. This means your body uses fat for energy instead of sugar, which contributes to weight loss because your body uses up its fat stores instead of making you hungry and want to gobble down carbs.

Yeah but they achieve that by keeping the carbs extremely low. Which is why I asked my question, since "Meat and leafy greens" sounds a lot like Keto, except the fruit and such.

It's still CICO, keto's been shown to have no significant difference compared to other diets

right, CICO is the basis. I think keto works for some people because the ketosis helps keep you from feeling hungry.

Oh for sure, protein fills you up

Fat, too.

and that in the last two months he had gone full meat and eliminated vegetables.

Dude, he's gonna get scurvy

Inuits don't get scurvy

They get their vitamin C from narwhal skin

There are several animal based sources of vitamin C such as liver and eggs. Also narwhal probably tastes awesome

M8 people got scurvy from eating literally nothing but dehydrated starch biscuits for months or years.

Eating meat prevents scurvy.

I can't wait until this lifestyle kills this man.

Lol "Dr Oz" Memerson

le Kermit lobsterman


this actually does finish him for everyone but the most retarded of retards

So, everyone but his fanbase.

He was finished a long time ago 😃

You understand this makes Dr. Kermit look like a fucking lunatic to most people right?

The all meat diet is just enforced monogamy for your diet.

He believes Christ rose from the dead.

I think that he believes that it's good and necessary to believe that Christ rose from the dead. That's no usual, amateur retardation!

I'm pretty sure he doesn't.

If someone asks if you believe Christ rose from the dead and you don't say "lol. no." that means you do.


tips fedora

damn, you got me. my thinking that a belief in the literal resurrection precludes a person from understanding how the body works certainly means i'm a neckbeard.

btw, religion didn't stop being absurd shit just because internet atheists got annoying

how long have you studied the blade?

I don't know. How long have you been repeating tired memes that other people made up like it makes you anything? And as much as you can control the conversation with this shit, you'll probably double down on your retardation, it doesn't change the fact that that's really what's going on.

curbstomp me with your facts and logic daddy

you'll probably double down on your retardation

it's what I do

i actually can't stand nerd logic, and i've read JBP's book, Maps of Meaning, the long one. i'm all about the middle path, and belief in the literal resurrection is way off to one side.


mmm hmm

just memeing dude

Just speging out bruh

Memes are lame. Heard it here first folks

misconstruing shit to get that tiny drop of self esteem like a crack head desperately smoking pretzel salt they've dug out of the carpet is totally in folks.

Ha get memed on kid

If I were a kid, I probably wouldn't be such a frothing retard.


He believe the staff of Hermes proves that ancient Greeks knew about DNA

Hanging around Rogan too much

Rogan is a toddler in a kickboxer's body

Better than the reverse

Is it tho?




He's like 5'5" or something, so it basically is.

i seriously can't tell if Rogan is retarded and believes half of the shit he says/is told to him, or if he just does it for lulz/$$$

i would love to see a memerson fan try and make this sound reasonable.

Talking to Joe Rogan may have rub some bullshit off on him. That's all I got

Oh yeah Joe Rogan is definitely where he got his nonsense hes been spouting for over a decade.

Cool glad we're on the same page

All right here I go.

Not a massive fan but enjoy his interviews on youtube. I support his opposition to legally compelled speech. When he starts talking about post-modernism and french philosophers I'm lost.

I hit 105kgs, discovered the keto diet on reddit, dropped to 85kgs. Discovered zerocarb (aka carnivore diet) and now only eat meat.

I have the same approach he does on the Rogan podcast; he says: "I'm not an expert on diet so I don't recommend this for anyone but I'm just saying it worked for me."

Humans in our current form have been around for 200,000 or more years. We invented agriculture 12,000 years ago. So for most of our time we hunted and feasted on game and settled for pathetic and sour little berries and roots. A good proportion of us thrive on this new diet dominated by grains, ultra-sweet modern fruits, vegetables, sauces, spices etc. But some of us didn't adapt well and feel like shit.

Going low (then zero) carb I will tell you with straight face that my hayfever has gone. I used to take an antihistamine every day for 50% of the calendar year. Now nothing. I used to get painful elbows and forearms form RSI (heavy computer use) I would ice my forearms, use heat packs, massage them, use compression bandages when I slept. Now it's 99% gone and I have no discomfort. I wake up instantly at the crack of dawn and have no difficulty just springing out of bed like the Terminator. I never set an alarm.

The Petersons sound like outliers in terms of how fucked up they feel and operate when they re-introduce banned foods in the carnivore diet. When I cheat a few times a year I feel lethargic, weak and useless for 2-3 days. But these guys were dosed up on anti-depressants and, in the daughter's case, a physical wreck to begin with. I believe Peterson when he said he was 'done for a month'.

Regarding "I didn't sleep at all for 25 days" I think he's just using hyperbole and really means "I slept terribly for 25 days". I've heard countless people say "I didn't sleep at all last night" and I instantly translate that to "I tossed and turned, I woke up every other hour, I spent long periods awake, in the morning I felt unrefreshed". But no one literally stays awake all night without dying. To me this just falls under the category of if you have 100 hours of yourself speaking on youtube, you're going to say something stupid eventually.

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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This is easily the best bot on reddit and nothing will change my mind.

You realize you aren’t eating like a hunter gatherer if you are eating a domesticated chicken and cow. Go eat lizard and squirrel or some fucked up animal eggs larper.

Don't encourage the weird fucker, he may end up hunting and eating cats and dogs.

Nuh uh nigga I ain't reading all that shit. Get it down to 50 words or less ok sweetie?

Peterson is basically doing a more retarded form of keto.

Ok. If you feel like doing something strange, try eating 1 meal a day of red meat, salt and water for a month or two. You might actually feel really good and join our cult where everyone yells at you over the internet. And you will definitely lose weight. Are you overweight?

Well, the "not evolved to eat modern food" is complete nonsense. We also should point out that Rogan gave JP an out and asked him outright, "You didn't sleep for 25 days?" whereupon JP double downed and insisted he literally didn't sleep for 25 days (like the ill-informed charlatan he is). So much for trying to be specific in one's speech, but whatev's.

Well, the "not evolved to eat modern food" is complete nonsense.

I didn't say that, but thank you for your reply.

Sorry to be this guy, but yes you did. I don't feel like pointing out how since you're the one who extrapolated how "some of us didn't adapt well," and specifically how you and Peterson didn't adapt well. It's all there in your description, and isn't it a rule to not tell lies? Why the constant prevarications from you and from Peterson?

No that's okay, I appreciate your reply. I'll explain further. I think humans are evolved to eat modern food insofar as pretty much every human on the planet can live on the modern diet. Being omnivorous as a species has obvious advantages to being a carnivorous species. But I don't necessarily think all people perform (or feel) better on the modern diet compared to a low carb or all meat diet.


That's what I meant by "But some of us didn't adapt well". For example. Humans have broad flexible shoulders probably evolved to throw things as hunters. Some humans are still pretty shit at throwing things. Does that make sense?

I feel better on a low carb diet. There's nothing wrong with being smart about the way one eats. I eat (good) carbs when I know I'm going to have a long workout the following day. Otherwise, I stay away. There's no doubt that a keto diet works for Jordan who used to down Diet Cokes every class period but going the opposite extreme isn't right either. Then that's not what bothers me about Jordan in general. It's the blanket statements, the value judgments without enough thought or explanation. It's too easy for Peterson to say muh Capitalism good, Commies are bad, m'kay. That's pure unmitigated drivel. You know it and I know it. And he goes so far as to say Apple Cider gave me terrible doom. Beef is dank. It's like, shut up, dude; you're peak idiocy.

Does that make sense? And it would be forgivable if he actually discussed Derrida, if he actually discussed Foucault, if he actually discussed compelled speech. But he doesn't. He makes value judgments and asks for a handout. Eesh, why would anyone listen to him? Why don't you listen to someone else who explains things in detail? Try Philosophize This! or Zero Books. There's Chomsky and Amy Goodman and the Yale Courses. Try someone better, dude. Peterson is good for what he's good at in class (and even then, though). At everything else, the stuff he talks about with other people outside the classroom, he's a grifter.

Humans in our current form have been around for 200,000 or more years. We invented agriculture 12,000 years ago. So for most of our time we hunted and feasted on game and settled for pathetic and sour little berries and roots.

TIL Fucking herbivores are actually carnivores because they didn't discover agriculture yet

Didn't say that, but thank you for your reply.

"Didn't say that" must be the single most retarded response to someone pointing out your fallacy.

Nah it's just a quick way to dismiss a lazy straw man.

Except pointing out a fallacy via absurdity is not a straw man. It's not meant to represent what you said you idiot.

Oh ok I think I'm following you. Do you mean using "reduction to absurdity"? Disproving a statement by showing it inevitably leads to an absurd conclusion? (Just going off wikipedia here). If I can catch up with you on debating logic I might be able to reassess my accusation of a straw man.

Congrats sir

It's a metaphor, the meat diet represents the social order of lobster and the cider is a lobster pot.

Your taking him out of context and that's not what he meant, you need to read all of his books and watch 4,000 hours of lectures to understand why he shattered the world record for insomnia because he took a sip of vinegar. And also something about postmodern neo-Marxists and Jungian archetypes.

A charitable reading would be that it's hyperbolic and not meant to be taken as a literal fact. In any case, while it does hurt his credibility, it doesn't invalidate everything he's ever said.

The meat represents, in a mythical way, order. The apple cider is the female, the chaos. Of course when you mix the two, very bad things can happen. This has been subconsciously known to mankind for thousands of years as illustrated by the saga of Eurysticon and the bible.

The cider vinegar made him feel unwell for a night, and for some reason that resulted in him freaking out and not sleeping well for a month. He did actually sleep, but that weird microsleep stuff where you are asleep but don't realize it.

These are the same type of people that were eating raw onions to increase their testosterone

They’ll make it work

Just imagine how foul his daughters toots are after eating nothing but meat for months 😣

I bet he sucks them straight out with a straw 🥤

Imagining Dr Lobsdan Memerson sucking out toots with a straw, while focusing that Thousand-Yard Stare of his got me hard. 😭🍆

Now that makes my bussy moist

BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPsnnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...lobster I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent lobster yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....apple cider.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....BBBBBBRRRRRRRAAAAAAAPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPFFFFFF Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my dear....hmmmmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic bussy I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....BBBBBBRRRRRRRRPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTT Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes….

You cant make this shit up

Clearly you can when you're Doctor Lobster.

why would a left wing rag feel the need to slander some faggot because he may have influenced a 15 year old to vote republican in 3 years?

because he may have influenced a 15 year old to vote republican in 3 years?

To be fair "apple cider" was a main reason of my downfall in /r/Drama.

Jesus Christ, is that picture real

Your timeline is off

“Apple cider? What was it doing to you?”

“It produced an overwhelming sense of impending doom.

The messiah ladies and gentleman.

I once drank too much and the activities in my colon the next morning produced in my family a sense of impending doom until the Febreeze was secured and armed on standby while I languished in the bathroom for several hours.

Hmm...what is hyperbole?

I think you're taking it a little too literally there.

Why does Peterson, one of the only normie-prominent anti-communist, anti-marxism voices have to be such a whacko in basically every aspect of his being other than when he's shitting on commies?

other than when he's shitting on commies

This is the product that gets you onto the door before you sell your health science lifestyle bullshit. I'd give it 6 months before he starts selling taint wipes to his followers. Dude is a hack making a quick buck.

one of the only normie-prominent anti-communist, anti-marxism voices


This is your brain on Memerson.


do you genuinely believe that it's so rare for normie figures to oppose communism that Peteson deserves the qualifier "one of the only..."

Yeah, I do. Sure there are some people who oppose communism publicly but Peterson is one of the few (only?) who does it on the weekly and gets mainstream coverage for doing so. If there's anybody else as active and as prominent as him on the topic of shitting on collectivism then I'm not aware of them... Which means the likelihood that a normie would be is almost zero.

Still, if I'm wrong then I'd like to hear who so I can look them up.

The most watched news network in the US is a 24/7 conservative circlejerk.


You are an absolute moron if you think it's even remotely hard to find public figures who oppose communism. It's not even explicitly conservative outlets. Like Politico, WashPo, and NYT get shit on all the time by the far left for hiring anti-communist writers.


Expose yourself to more than Peterson. Leave the cult.

Try to recall that you originally replied to me calling Peterson a whacko in every sense of his being other than when he's talking about communism then rethink your opinion that I'm part of this cult.

I'm not American so I'm not exposed to Fox News but have absolutely no desire to be either. Even so, they aren't as actively anti communist as you are suggesting.

Regarding the twitterati sperging about no named Conservative politico writers you have proved you are in too deep. Normies don't know who is writing the shit they read, they don't even look at the author, and they absolutely are not aware that some twats on twitter are butthurt about it.

The longest recorded stretch of sleeplessness in a human is 11 days

Wrong. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatal_insomnia

Jesus Christ that's scary

Prion diseases always are.

Chad Apple Cider vs The Virgin Vegan

Lol it's hilarious that little proud boy retards love this guy so much

I would also like to add that the famous 11 day expirement that had someone not sleep for 11 days is known to have permanently changed that person from an out going mostly happy radio personality, to a somber quiet person prone to staring off into space.

Ooooh, got a link? That's fascinating.

I was wrong this one wasn't the 11 days one this one was only 8 days


didn't it also fuck up his mental faculties long after or permanently?

Yes but I'm thinking of a different expirement this was only 201 hours


Just a reminder, OP is a chap regular. Why are we letting these needs infest this board?

Both chapofags and mdes are fine until they start shitting around about the supreme mayo race or the class traitor cops

lmao cry more


"just a reminder, I only call out agenda posting when it makes me cry, and especially when it's making fun of Daddy Peterson"

Doesn't he have an auto immune disease? Maybe he meant apple cider vinegar.

In America, fizzy apple juice is considered "cider".

The cleansing of the Great Satan cannot come soon enough.

Sounds like apple cider was really some good quality LSD.

Leave it to the Atlantic to throw in a self referential lie to substantiate an absolutely ludicrous false claim. 11 DAYS IS THE LIMIT YOU SAY? This is patently not true. If the phrasing said “the longest consecutive time without sleep WHILE UNDER SURVEILLANCE” this might be true. Sadly they used an absolute statement and came out absolutely wrong. 1st of all; there are people with brain disorders that have gone almost entire years without sleeping. Second of all this statement implies that all insomnia prior to the Stanford study cited in the article weren’t real. Third of all, Methamphetamine. It really makes the JP bashing seem dumb when your punch line is a lie that the atlantic wrote about before without checking their facts/verbiage either time.

The Memerson fan boys have logged on.

Did you even read the article? Idgaf about Jordan Peterson. He’s somewhat of a self righteous prick at times. What I do care about is people taking random bullshit the Atlantic publishes out of context, as fact. This is now the second time I’ve heard “people can only stay up 11 days.” It’s patently false. Even the university that carried out the experiment didn’t claim that crap. People need to be more careful of which magazines they choose to believe, and when you try to discredit a posh cunt with random false tripe, it just makes the whole argument look stupid.

Please, read the fucking article. About 75% down is when they’re like “Pfft this other article we wrote said this guy’s a nutcase. No way he stayed up more than 11 days” Original article doesn’t cite sources either. Journalistic integrity is fucking dead. Those of you who read a headline and move on without using your brain are to blame. Read into everything before you form an opinion. Please don’t fuck this up for everybody.

lmao imagine being an Internet NEET worshiping this guy

Peterson is so full of shit about everything

Anyone know where I could buy an extra large penis pump?

ITT: people who have never heard of or experienced auto-immune disorders.

These people are through the looking glass. They've become Flanderized versions of themselves.

Jordan Peterson's first appearance on Joe Rogan he was fine. He seemed to be well-meaning for the most part. I was never 100% in agreement with Peterson or his politics, but I overall got what he meant.

Now the dude is off his fucking rocker. I suppose this is what happens when you snort your own cum enough.