11 2018-08-29 by CMWAidanx
1 SnapshillBot 2018-08-29
This is why we need mayocide.
This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is
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1 CMWAidanx 2018-08-29
I second this.
1 spooksterdookster 2018-08-29
This is so retarded it’s borderline rape.
I second this
1 schoolboystirner 2018-08-29
It's about ethics in movie journalism.
The point was I'm being a spammy asshat. Idc about the original post.
1 HvinFunOnTheInternet 2018-08-29
And not one person called OP a retard. This sub has changed.
1 mcslibbin 2018-08-29
remod jewdank
1 XxMAGA1337xX 2018-08-29
OP is a retarded smh
1 mukumukum6 2018-08-29
User reports
1 IllustriousTooth 2018-08-29
This place isn't even really /r/drama anymore.
1 OnAllDAY 2018-08-29
Are they blaming the Solo movie flop on bad reviews?
1 SnapshillBot 2018-08-29
This is why we need mayocide.
This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is
https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comm... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 CMWAidanx 2018-08-29
I second this.
1 spooksterdookster 2018-08-29
This is so retarded it’s borderline rape.
1 CMWAidanx 2018-08-29
I second this
1 schoolboystirner 2018-08-29
It's about ethics in movie journalism.
1 CMWAidanx 2018-08-29
The point was I'm being a spammy asshat. Idc about the original post.
1 HvinFunOnTheInternet 2018-08-29
And not one person called OP a retard. This sub has changed.
1 mcslibbin 2018-08-29
remod jewdank
1 XxMAGA1337xX 2018-08-29
1 XxMAGA1337xX 2018-08-29
1 XxMAGA1337xX 2018-08-29
1 CMWAidanx 2018-08-29
OP is a retarded smh
1 mukumukum6 2018-08-29
User reports
1 IllustriousTooth 2018-08-29
This place isn't even really /r/drama anymore.
1 OnAllDAY 2018-08-29
Are they blaming the Solo movie flop on bad reviews?