Thot wonders out loud why she keeps ending up with Chads, Redpiller dorks try to sell her on pseudo mumbo-jumbo.

61  2018-08-29 by ArlenBilldozer


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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I was once a feminist. Don't get me wrong, I still care very much about women's issues, but there's some nuance that needs to be understood when debating this. I think my awakening came when I got fucked hard by a total alpha male a couple weeks ago, his giant dick felt sooooo good inside me. I've since quit playing video games, there's a whole world out there just waiting to be discovered r/ChadsRiseUp

A good dick is a cure to many problems.

post bussy lmao

Not to get personal, but it's usually a result of a disfunction in parent child relationships. A narcissistic parent causes one to subconsciously be drawn towards continuing unhealthy power dynamics in personal relationships.

Calm down Freud

This is actually the most grounded psychological advice in the entire thread, imo. He completely bypasses the gender dynamic bullshit and alludes to real victims of narcissistic relationships. I feel that has a much larger impact on submissive personalities (male or female) than anything else.

That's pretty basic and true in lots of cases though.

Yea, its true. the energy is familiar, I'm def drawn to abusive/explosive partners. Of course they're fucked up as well BC I'm a lot to handle


And just like everything Freud, he was right, but he was too busy fantisizing about his mom, thinking cigarettes look like dicks then proceeding to gobble that shit, and then deny all of it.

if she breathes.....

she a thot?

she a queen, you misogynistic man-whore! πŸ™„

You don't have to like the messengers, but the message of hypergamy and the blackpill are 100% factual.


That’s not even hypergamy

TFW you can't even follow your own meme ideology

don't ask me to explain toxic feminity to you, this emotional labor ain't free, πŸ‘ educate πŸ‘ yourself πŸ‘


Sorry thot, this dick is not for you

Tay? Like the Microsoft AI that wanted to vote for Trump but was deleted aka murdered?

I sure wish I could do armchair psychology this confidently

she looks like a Thor too. better avoid

haha she's a single mom with a baby named "Radleigh"


Well that's unfortunate.