South Africa withdraws land expropriation bill

47  2018-08-29 by VoteActNZ


Well, the second dog was almost as big an emotional roller coaster as the first. I felt dirty for "cheating" on Max, who is now more of a "husband" in my heart than my ex ever was.


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You are another culturally programmed millenial internet dude with this weird bitterness towards women. One female accuses a guy of mansplaining incorrectly and you come here to “delight” in her downfall. The culture is sick and it makes me sad.


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The thrust of the bill, which had not been signed into law, has been overtaken by a proposal by the ANC to change the constitution to allow the expropriation of land without compensation.

The bill was meant to enable the state to pay for land at a value determined by a government adjudicator and then expropriate it for the “public interest”, ending the willing-buyer, willing-seller approach to land reform.

However, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced on Aug. 1 the ANC plans to change the constitution to allow the expropriation of land without compensation, as whites still own most of South Africa’s territory.

The meaning of this is literally the opposite of what the headline suggests LMAO

I hope Daddy will still try to take credit.

I know it's making the situation far worse but the headline makes it sound like it's a u turn by the RSA government. The difference is that instead of a compulsory purchase order, where the farmers get compensation. SA is changing the constitution to allow them to just take the land.


The US government did this to my grandfather, siting eminent domain, when he refused to sell they just took the land and gave him chump change for it. It was supposed to be for public use but they sold it to tastykake later and the tastykake factory still stands there to this day.

In the UK when we do a compulsory purchase order (CPO) an independent valuer comes in as a last resort and the owner gets 125% of the "market price". My uncle was a surveyor for a council in Northern England and has bought and sold the same road about two or three times. As there have been plans for a bypass there since the 1970s that has over the years been on, cancelled, restarted, cancelled, restarted......

There is talk of making some changes to the system. As if a farmer gets a CPO, the money that he gets given, is based what the land will be worth if the land is rezoned for industrial or housing use. The difference is HUGE. With the result there hasn't been a large build new town since the 1960s. And the land value is about 74% of a new house price. The idea being floated about is to pay a maximum of 200% of market value for agricultural land.

That's a better deal, but honestly not being able to keep YOUR land, any compulsory exchange is fucked up and I have never felt the same way.

We could be cultivating grape vines and a lot of produce on the stolen land, it would have been way more lucrative to keep it than to sell it even at 5x its worth.

The media i fairly consistently dishonest, and yet media types get very angry if you remember this from issue to issue.

The thrust of the bill, which had not been signed into law, has been overtaken by a proposal by the ANC to change the constitution to allow the expropriation of land without compensation.


You don't think that's enough, whitey? How about $0?!


Mayocide is good

That headline is misleading as fuck

What sane redditor reads anything besides a headline? Who's got time for this crap?

The Reuters headline makes it clear they're referring to a bill from 2016.

The headline is neutral and explains exactly what is happening. Rightists find lack of bias in their direction to be non-neutrality. That's why they want to take over google and force it to only present fascist and Russian propaganda.

they want to take over google because daddy figured out how it worked and got sad

Imagine actually believing this

Buried lede

in the most technical sense, the lede is actually pretty accurate in this story.

compulsory purchases OUT

expropriation of land without compensation IN

Nothing to see here, goys -Reuters

That headline is deceptive as fuck, no way is it an accident that the title implies the exact opposite of whats really happening.

Boooooo hissssssssss

The time has come. A fact's a fact. It belongs to them. And they're taking it back.

I was mad thinking they were not going to mayocide. But they did it so they can mayocide without paying mayos, which is even more mayocide.

Great! Maybe next time they can really mayocide and legalize murdering whites.

This reminds me of a mayo joke.

So, the mayocide proceeds at full steam, and there's this mayo cowardly fleeing from a lost battle. Suddenly he sees another, apparently mortally wounded mayo lying in a bomb crater.

"Kill me, friend, the pain is too much" - begs the wounded mayo.

"Sorry buddy, I'm all out of ammo" - apologizes the other.

"... I can sell you some, friend" - offers the wounded one.

I swear, Africa has a starving fetish.

I thought that was a Soviet thing

The Mayocide will not be televised.

The starvation sure will be though. I bet they get a whole celebrity concert to raise aid.