Cam girl is salty she isn’t getting higher rates

177  2018-08-29 by pinkmomal



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Yours respectfully, a logical person.


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Im pretty sure i haven’t

Haha, the DDF is downvoting even SnapShill now?

Mayocide, mayocide now. Starting with the mayoesses.

starting with mayoesses vs mayomanocide is the greatest question of our age

Porque no los dos?

This is what happens when everyone tells their kids they're "beautiful" and "special" 24/7. They grow up to be basic bitches.

she doesn’t think people are being honest when they give her low ratings

"I was looking for honesty, not trolls" , so tell me I am a 9

Oh boi, this looks like a one-way train down whoresville. Where can I buy a ticket? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Don’t listen to the trolls. A 4 isn’t a subjective rating for you it’s a insult. Your super cute with pretty eyes. Any more pics though? One pic is tough to go by.


Hey therer :)

Quite frankly that you replied to my comment in the first place make you a 9.5/10 for me, haha. I'm very lonely so when I get the chance to interact with such a beautiful create such as yourself, it just makes me full warm inside (and I get "tense" somewhere else ;) haha).

Don't listen to these haters. You are a real beauty and I would appricitate the hell out of you!

notices femorrhoid

OwO What are thoooose?

Wtf I physically recoiled reading this. You are a natural

hey, sorry I saw your profile and I just thought you looked cute in your picture, I really wanted to tell you that :smiley: It's really rare to see girls playing video games haha! I don't know why its a guy thing honestly im like really against misogyny and like ill be the one in the kitchen making sandwiches. We should really play csgo sometime its a really cool game with a lot of intense moments, but don't worry ill be there to protect you :wink: sorry that wasnt flirting I swear Im just trying to be friendly I really like your profile picture sorry was that too far? Really sorry i'm really shy I don't go out much haha add me on skype we should talk more you look really nice and fun xxx



Go commit die

This made my pussy dry and I don't even have one.

Jesus fuck, please tell me that's not a copypasta. I'd like to believe no-one ever posted that in earnest.

Lmao, give that thirsty man some water!

God, that was painful. I love it

ur just jealous of her! /s

Based black man COMPLETELY ANNIHILATES a thot with just single digit.

It was the truth that she isn't special that killed her inside

Don’t listen to the trolls. A 4 isn’t a subjective rating for you it’s a insult. Your super cute with pretty eyes. Any more pics though? One pic is tough to go by.

tips fedora

Lol go look at the girl he gives a six in his post history, this guy is top tier

You really don’t need to recreate this look ever. Seriously.

In reply to some bitch in pigtails. Can he be the the first human we clone?

100% Certified Thot-Confidence Destroyer.

Of course there's a white knight in that thread

Just one? If only.

When you use a fat girl angle and can’t even fool leddit

Lots of white knights against one black man. 🤔🤔🤔


Indeed, the KKK lives on, smh

The Black Knight fears no man

idk how to use imgur and then connect it to this its confusing.

Wow. Even my mum could probably figure that one out .

Right and its super easy if you just download the app

She's got like seven other pic posts to boot

It is a hassle though

What a fucking alpha, and that posting a picture of himself just sealed the deal. Nothing can beat a man so self-confident and assured of himself.

I'd do her tbh

i would too but im a fat ugly cunt who hasnt been laid in 10 years.

Maybe a 6, at least she isn't obese or overweight which is the average now.

Maybe by r/drama standards?

She has the expression of a waitress with 3 kids who lives in a trailer.

And is two steps away from a meth addiction.

I had it at one.

That's the onky transformation id pay her to see.

please dont kill her

Her resting bitch face is on point.

That guy is kinda handsome though.


He looks like a thumb... a sexy thumb.


The angle of the pic makes her look like a midget.

Hi! Few things to start off with =] 1. Yes I added you because you're a female gamer, 'tis and awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not like a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D

Needs more knight.

Anyone have a mirror of the pic? I just want to make my own opinion

That's a dude.

you're a dude

Cause we're all dudes.

Welcome to Good Burger, home of Good Burger! My name is Ed, can I take your order?

Even better

She is probably like a 6 at least though. Almost half if people are fat so by not being fat she is at minimum a 5 and she's not disfigured.

Sad but true

The issue with number ratings apart from that they're stupid because attractiveness is partly subjective and trying to assign it a single value seems pointless is that no one ever explains what their rating refers to, like a population percentile or is it more based on a Gaussian distribution or something.

Like intuitively I'd think it's based on a population of others with a similar age, so for her to be a 6 would mean she's a bit over average compared to other women around her age which seems okay.

Yeah, I tend to use a normal distribution that would put a 1 at horribly disfigured and a 10 at literally the most attractive person I've ever seen with a 5 being inoffensively plain. No other distribution really makes sense, what's the point of defining a curve where 6 is below average.

That's what I'd do too but it's also kind of pointless, since your number isn't referring to any actual value in the population you might as well just use a verbal description, e.g. if your idea of a 8 is very attractive, bordering on model you might as well say that and It'd be more helpful for the person asking than simply saying 8 which is very vague and will highly depend in it's meaning on who said that number.

Numeric rating systems in my opinion only make sense when they actually refer to a value in the population. For instance if youre an 8 you're top 20th percentile in terms of attractiveness so more attractive than 80% of other people around your age.

She looks like one of the white girls who attend community college

Britta, or just in general?

Britta isn’t the typical community college white girl. She’s the older white woman who realized her acting career would never really happen and nobody was going to marry an uneducated waitress.

4 seems accurate tbh. She actually looked fairly nice in the tiny preview on here but not in the full pic.

Yeah, she'd be cute if she didn't have that "I'm a raging bitch WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO WHAT'S HER NAME" look about her.

It's a terrible shot to start out with. A good photo could raise her score a lot. You can't even see her body, and the angle/light makes her look masculine

Yeah, this is posed terribly - when you do the "myspace angle" you're supposed to be standing up straight, not sitting down scrunched up and slouchy.

And it's a 28mm equivalent lens on a phone so you get a good amount of distortion towards the edges. When you're shooting with a wideangle, try to make sure the face is in the center of the frame, or it's going to get stretched out funny - and that's not even the perspective distortion stuff which also comes into play. The phone does what it can to compensate in the software, but there are limits there.

I actually love that focal length for portraits, but you have to approach it sort of deliberately, and there is a reason why most people consider it way too wide for this purpose.

Lmao it's deleted

Holy shit that whole subreddit is gold. How have I never seen it before?

And the ratings they give women are idiotically high. Present case in point is a 3-4. There’s another they dub a 8-9 AND “VS model territory”

Many thirsty nights defending m’lady.

Lol, that and r/amiugly are gold mines of insecure white girls getting salty that their average looks aren't praised as goddess-like beauty.

insecure white girls getting salty that their average looks aren't praised as goddess-like beauty.

That's pretty much any white girl under 30 these days.

And the ratings they give women are idiotically high.

This is the power of usernames

I don't know, I'm clicking on a few more and they approach roastme levels of telling people they are fat and need to lose weight asap.

A+ sub, would browse again

Yeah people usually post for advice on their looks and dont get salty about it

She's only worth a splenda daddy not a sugar daddy

She aint ugly but she aint hot.

describes most women. it's okay to be kinda plain though, not everyone can be a model

Now consider that personality

Seems like a shit personality which is what most plain looking woman have going for them.

I love that dude, platonically, although ... he does have nice eyes.

denies being a camgirl, then moves on to brag about how much money she makes being a camgirl

She's a solid 6

yea 6 out of 12

That was the picture she used? Seriously? 4/10, 7/10 if she put any effort into it

Why do insecure people go to that sub to post?

Because insecure people have only got their confidence from external sources like comments. Gotta Branch out, learn to become secure in just being a complete POS.

This thread has me in a philosophical mood. What is't that beturnst a female into thottery?

She's pretty but not anything very special. He looks like Shrek

They should call that sub what it really is; r/circlejerkoverme.

The mods remove most negative comments, so no one is really getting "rated".

toastie roastie

advertising on reddit only works if people don't know the post is an ad. "Come look at my profile, tee hee." is loweffort shit too. 4/10 ad.

User is u/CelesteG7393 check out her profile for more pics :)

What a slut.

She would be a solid 5 but that personality and being an internet whore reduce her to at most a 3.

The sadness does take away from your physical beauty. You are actually really pretty physically. I really hope you can work through what’s troubling you because with your inner beauty, you are easily an 8 🤗.

So he rated an 8 a 4 because she looks sad? Lmao I don't know who to shit on in this exchange bwahahaha.

if i'm honest i don't really care about this thing you linked but an A for effort.

I just found this thread and realized I was mentioned in it hehe


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