White supremacists at Stormfront are having slight budgetary issues and asking Daddy for an increased allowance so they can continue shrieking like pregnant chimpanzees having miscarriages into the void.

68  2018-08-29 by DearthToUSA


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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Amazing, this is apparently the website that has brigaded and taken all of Reddit hostage. Seriously.

Its all slimy greasy virgins from the top to the bottom.

Absolutely nothing to take seriously here.

It's just amazing that a few thousand boomers and FBI agents who can't even keep the lights on were able to completely subvert one of the largest websites in the world. Truly amazing.

At least that's what I keep hearing on /r/politics

To be honest, its likely because only the really commited white supremacists actually even bother with that ancient trash website Stormfront.

Most of them prefer to hang out on Reddit or in the YouTube comments or maybe Twitter.

WNs have their own platforms now. Gab is... surprisingly populated, for instance.

Most of the brigade organizing happens in private discord chats anyway.

The combination of discord + reddit has to be one of the worst happenings I've seen.


They did their subverting years ago on both Reddit and 4chan. They mostly stopped, although every now and then I see a stormfag on /pol/ or Reddit.

Actual aryan vs "aryans".

This is my favorite gif. I can't stop watching it. Is she rapping before she starts drilling that chicken nugget or is she just shouting at the screen?

Neither. That video is...something...that is not quite spoken word and not quite singing.

Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit this is the best thing I've ever seen. How did I never dig through her videos before now?



It's not a good parody, but it's based on the lyrics to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-ORhEE9VVg

lmfao 100% unrecognizable. its a thing of true beauty.

And they can't afford a $3k expense. This is what Tim Burners-Lee has brought us.

Never underestimate stupid people. They've fucked shit up on earth for thousands of years at will.

That's more like /pol/, not Stormfront.

why should i care about this tranny?

That's no tranny. It's a space station!

it looks as big as one, or a moon, either or

That's Heather Heyer. Do you see the connection to this or do you need it spelled out?

that girl that died of a heart attack?

A heart attack brought on from almost getting run over?

run over by what?

This is why they made Secretes drink hemlock

By a car.

Yes, her unexplainable heart attack.

maybe it was her unhealthy weight?

But what could have stressed her heart physically enough to suddenly go into cardiac arrest?


I don't think it was supernatural. Keep going.

pulmonary embolism?

Dammit Hicks, I'm not a doctor! There was a larger mass traveling towards her at a faster speed.

But you are a retard, imagine blaming a car for someone's incredibly unhealthy lifestyle. The fatty would have died in the shower if the water tempers was too cold.

fattys would blame white supremacist for their clogged arteries


You'd know from experience, right? Post more bulking pix, Shrek.

this coming from a person who used a hulk filter to post a selfie and still looked like a land whale

A car parked on top of it? Bullshit. She should have done crossfit.

^ this is your brain on T_D 🍳

dial it back about 10% there, magic card nerd

Will I ever recover? Did hicks go too far? WATCH UNTIL THE END TO FIND OUT


Hahaha they should just ask SB.com how they did it.

shrieking like pregnant chimpanzees having miscarriages into the void.

You trying 2 hard fam.

I thought it was well done. It's Stormfront, they deserve even more mockery than TD and GC.

Shoulda been shrieking into the void like .... Ppl need to learn their grammar shit

You have to go back.

Get out

I think Don Black has more gambling debts to pay off.

Truly genetically superior

lol problems over $3000

Turn Flux off next time

It's really adorable how small these projects are, storefront is pretty known entity but they literally cant handle shit that having a single tech guy would cover. I could do all the shit they need.

Are they taking applications? Via Drama?

I've heard rumors...

Imagine the only thing connecting you to someone else is your whiteness. Like fuck do you not have a heritage? And even if you are mixed or you don't know what it is why the fuck would you reject your Americaness or Canadianess. Fucking idiots.

I find it weird to.

My skin color is not my identity.

I don't see people in Poland or Sweden as my family just because they are white.

I am a Canadian and I don't even really see other Anglophones like Australians or Americans as family. They are just as foreign as the Serbs as far as I am concerned.

Honestly I think a lot of it is 'white' people that grew up in bad environments. They don't have structure of what good families have. Even the educated ones. Maybe mom and dad left or maybe you didn't have something growing up. Like as an example, look at Italian Canadians. They are Italian but also Canadian. They have a heritage and their roots. The same goes for most minorities. The white people that belong to these groups don't have that or those connections. All they have is each other. It is pathetic, and the only good from it is I can say 'son don't grow up to be that dick head over there'.

It's because most white Americans have no real ethnic identity besides being "white," thus certain issues become a white vs black thing, rather than an ethnic thing, as we see in Europe.

Thats my point. Blacks I can get. Most are descended form slaves, with whites my guess is a lot are just from broken backgrounds that have no heritage. They really don't have a group or good family connections. All they have is their hate. Instead of improving themselves they act like apes. It is pitiful.

Wut? You're looking too deep into this stuff. Most white Americans have no living relatives that immigrated to America. As a result, an identity of being "white" has arisen. That's just what happens in mutt societies.

Not really. Every decent white I have met knows there heritage or is similar to me. Good family, and good upbringing. I can't speak for the altright because from what I have seen most are losers. I am sue not all though. Also if this was the case why would they not consider themselves American? Their own unique identity. Again it has to do with being trash. Pure and simple.

I'm just saying, that for most white Americans, and I assume most white people in any mixed country, there aren't any recent links to a specific European ethnicity that they could identify as. So white people are just "white." That is why we see "pan-white" retard movements like the alt-right originate in America.

Crackaz are the dominant race economically and culturally.

If you are a loser in a family of losers, all you have left is 'well I belong to the damned finest race god made.' So you invest your ego into that.

It's gotta be possible to do a better version than that - it just fails at humour and reads as propaganda.

BTW the countries of those peoples ancestors are worse than the USA. If you think white people are racist you are ... a racist.

Try emigrating to Israel as a goy. See if you can get a work visa to work in Indian IT.

These white people are poors.

335k users, can't rustle up 3 grand. Heh.

So if you paid off their bill, could you make it a condition that they have to switch focus over to the Chinaman?

Just asking for a friend.