MDEgenerates debating if we'd be better off if the Axis won WW2

53  2018-08-30 by LordKarmaWhore


Yes we've established that you aren't very bright, no need to tell me you also have trouble reading paragraphs, I assumed it was so already.


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Million Dollar Extreme (MDE) is an American sketch comedy troupe.

Yeah, look at all the cool Nintendo switch games, just ignore the funky taste in your water and the snapchat news being tattooed on your daughters’ mind. Having zero ancestral reverence and perpetually pouring money towards fighting Israel’s enemies or exploding Africa’s population until human-borne white nose syndrome wipes everywhere but Tel Aviv is awesome man, I’m so grateful!

Of course MDEgens have those people within their ranks, too.

Government is simultaneously incompetent/inefficient and expertly poisoning us with secret magic chemicals in a completely untraceable manner.

These are the same idiots who believe they're genetically superior ubermensch while simultaneously having a raging victim complex.

look the poison is actually, mostly, a result of incompetence together with intentionally ignoring the negative parts. you'll still get your bonus for making a good water system even if the water quality's shit because nobody will ever know

link to HuffPo opinion piece written by a known quack

2006 ''study'' that took place in bumfuck villages in China & Iran where none of the populations tested where exposed to drinking water that was artificially supplemented with fluoride as a public health measure, like in the civilized word

has been torn to shreds & called unreliable by every expert worth their salt under the sun, including its own authors

what is correlation/causation???

really fluorides your almonds

fyi thats not what i meant to post

Reducing IQ leads to happiness fam. It's the only intelligent choice.

yeah go lower your iq while I exploit your mindless labor for personal gain check out the new McQuintupleBypass!

I doubt you work for the company I'm employed by. And how would you know if happiness gained from ignorance is shit? 😂😂😂

oh i wasnt insulting u

also, that rebuttal isn't convincing. one would conclude from the fact that 4-8mg/L of fluoride causes harm to IQ, 1-4mg/L (acceptable in the US) will still cause moderate but lower harm relative to the usual 0 relatively.

If he was an oxy pill-chugging conspiratard, perhaps. Such conclusions are not being drawn by the vast majority of the scientific community.

found an association

That's not how any of this works.

Either link concerte citations that can stand up to scientific scrutiny or stfu and delete your account.

"found an assocation" what i'm quoting them how is that not how it works when i literally copy/pasted from the snopes article

the study itself that references is a good one that stands up to scrutiny, although it hasn't been replicated. additionally even if the majority of the metaanalyses and studies it references are low quality, some of the included studies are high quality as the snopes article mentions. it's enough to worry, although nothing for proof.

Just like how whites are superior in every way to Jews, but Jews are somehow also an all-powerful force treating whitey like a puppet.

ancestral reverence

Ah yes, mystic reverence for your long dead ancestors, a classic hallmark of East-Asi....uh I mean Western Society.

I watch anime bc the Japanese were the true aryans all along.

What do they mean about water? Like fluoride? Or is this some new tard conspiracy?

birth control residue that doesnt get absorbed gets pissed back into the water supply

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this is literally accurate

Haha! Good thing I only drink Mountain Dew. Dodged a bullet there.

pretty sure its about fluoride

there was a new large-scale chinese study that suggests minor decreases in IQ correlated with the installation of fluorinated water, at a scale of a million people - it's not even necessary, if you use fluorinated toothpaste you don't get anything from fluorinated water lol

Honey, the fluoride isn't what made you stupid. You were born that way.


also, check my comment higher up where i rebut someone else's criticism of that post/study thanks

the water part is what sticks out to you is it

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Lmao sorry you got bullied by black kids in high school

fucking lol i live in a good area there were no black people at my high school

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Good to see you're taking your role as the new Pizzashill seriously.

the gamergator is offended on the behalf of nazis

Really makes you think

There was a tap water skit on MDE: WP, so they naturally just ran with it like tards with a tard baton.

actually there's new evidence a lot of the shit in water is causing harm. almost like there's a steady trickle of new scientific information about shit in the water while corporations and the govt come up with new untested techniques that just add harmful shit that we'll discover in 50 years.........

Automod pls


Ive noticed MDEfags harp on “zero ancestral relevance” like you’re just supposed to same on the same plot of land your ancestors 1000 years ago tilled. And yet despite this they never just move back to Europe. Really activates my almonds.

Europe doesn't want them anyway. We've already had an influx of inbred degenerates, we don't need another one.

Do these people watch Dr Strangelove and not get the joke?

They think that a bunch of white degenerates moving into giant basement harems while everyone else died was a happy ending.

A sub full of kids who would be thrown into a furnace for inferior genes XD

Umm, don't you know? They will be card carrying members of NSDAP!

lets do it xd

Don't these losers know that they would've been purged/"germanized" by the SS in case of a improbable German victory? Have they read any book on the matter?


Oy vey. The Third Reich wouldn't have survived 5 more years even if they had "won" (how the fuck would you even defined what constitutes a Nazi victory by 1945? Best they could have hoped for was an armistice), like most fascist regimes it was inherently unstable due to (among other things) infighting and constant scheming among Hitler's immediate underlings.

Hitler's drug use meant he was increasingly erratic and paranoid and it's practically guaranteed there would have been a coup attempt by Goring or Himmler (or both) eventually.

But above all else the German economy was built entirely on it's war machine. It wasn't like the US where government spending and the war effort boosted the economy, the German economy just plain didn't exist without the war. It was being propped up by tooth picks, was already at productive capacity and had been for years at that point (hence Generalplan Ost), if the war ended the whole thing collapsed period. And with it the Third Reich

The only way the Nazi regime survived was if they were actually able to successfully execute things like Generalplan Ost and maintain conquered territories.

If that's what German victory means to these dweebs then we're not talking about a slight change in history based on the existing conditions going differently, we're talking about a completely fictional alternate reality. Because that just wasn't possible. They didn't have the resources or manpower or infrastructure to maintain such massive occupation. You will never successfully occupy Russia.

Crazy Ruskies lost 20 goddamn million people and still every man woman and child would have picked up the closest rifle once they needed to. The Germans couldn't even break Leningrad for fucks sake. Starved them for 900 days and they just went from eating cabbage to eating grass. Despite popular misconception cannibalism was almost nonexistent. We have records of residents saying they'd rather starve to death.

Russians have been consistently oppressed and impoverished for a thousand years. Misery ain't shit to them and they despised the Germans

/rant. The only things worse than Wehraboos are historically illiterate Wehraboos and their fan fic


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Pick up a book and stop watching vines or whatever you goddamn adhd robot

There was a news story a few years ago about Russian special forces in Syria, this one soldier was the last surviving member of his unit and completely surrounded by ISIS fighters

So he called a fucking air strike on himself killing them all with him.

You can't fight that and win. Russia would have burnt their own country to the ground out of pure spite before they would have accepted a foreign occupier.

Oppression from within Russia is what they're cool with. But from a govenment of weird German incels? They'd have salted their own fields and burnt their own oil wells before tolerating them

Have you ever worked with Russians? They are the most stubborn people on the planet. They make Israelis friendly and reasonable.

The Russian version of happiness is that "Everyone else is just as miserable as me."

Russia would have burnt their own country to the ground out of pure spite before they would have accepted a foreign occupier.

They literally did this in both world wars. They attempted to destroy everything in their path as they were retreating from the Germans.

Also one of the benefits of having such a huge as fuck landmass.

The term “scorched earth” comes from Napoleon’s invasion of Russia where the Russians torched much of their farms in order to starve the French.

You can't fight that and win.

Except America cowed a nation of even less sane weirdos in that same war. You think that's hardcore? The japanese were having their civilian population murder their families to avoid them being captured. Yet the US still managed to bomb them hard enough to elicit an unconditional surrender.

That's actually a good point to bring up because it exemplifies the difference between Rusky stubbornness and Japanese obsession with pride

Because those are two different things and the difference is why the Nazis got within 20 miles of Moscow and still lost but the US never needed to reach the shores of the Japanese mainland and still won.

The Japanese conception of honor (honor as a concept in East Asia in general) is predicated heavily on a concern for what others think of you. It's not necessarily honor as the word is typically used so much as a fear of shame. You commit suicide when you lose because you embarrassed yourself and your family or country or whatever by losing. You surrender rather than face the shame of total annihilation

Russians live in some of the shittiest places on earth eating the shittiest food because it's all that'll grow and accept shittiness as a fact of life. Shame don't mean shit. They'd rather lose and just refuse to claim they're losing than give you the satisfaction of admitting they lost.

It's 2 different kind of bat shit crazy suicidal tendecies

Honestly what I find most surprising about the Japanese surrender is the calculated concern it showed for it's own people. Stalin would have tolerated 20 million more deaths before considering surrender and that shouldn't be surprising to anyone, but one thing imperial Japan was not known for was respect for human life even for their own as you said.

The big difference between the two, which can't be overstated, is that Japan had the option of surrender. Russian truly didn't and they knew it.

I think that makes their resistance all the more shocking, that they were willing to employ even more brutal tactics when faced with a threat that couldn't have been reasonably termed "Existential"

Oh I'm in no way arguing that the Japanese Empire didn't display probably the most shockingly and unnecessarily inhuman behavior of any nation in world war 2. Honestly I'm not sure they deserved the leniency the US occupation showed them. Every level of the Japanese military from the top brass to individual grunts featured wanton cruelty that would have made the SS blush

Its because the Japanese are really good at falling in line. When you have a top down authority saying "Military spending is bad, stick to 1% of the budget. Improve the economy", then that's what they'll do.

Notice how no one ever says, "jeez those japanese immigrants are so noisy and terrible at assimilating"? They're always going to be very sensitive to the norms and boundaries of the society in which they live, which is why I'm a fan of having Japanese people in western society, but wouldn't like to live in a society run by the japanese.

I've often wondered if the reason that Japan is such a relatively peaceful society, and the reason that when they do have crimes they're some of the most mindlessly horrifying and sadistic, are directly related if not one and the same.

Most crime is solvable by improving socioeconomic conditions, that's true in any country. Crime that's motivated by necessity or desperation, like theft and drug dealing and so on, and crime that's the indirect product of those things ie gang violence being the result of the profit of drug dealing as well as due to children simply being raised in violent environments with poor education and lack of familial support. Both of those are solved by socioeconomics.

Which is why Japan doesn't have them. It doesn't have a welfare state as expansive as Nordic countries but it's a cohesive society that makes policy decisions with the collective in mind. But the other reason it doesn't have them, which makes up for that lack of social democracy, is as you say it's overwhelming push for conformity and the acquiescence to authority that comes with it.

It's almost a totalitarian society that lacks a totalitarian government (though more so than they give the appearance of, Japanese police are KGB levels good at getting confessions) in terms of its repressive culture.

Which is why despite them mostly eradicating to types of crime associated with socioeconomics, they do still have a few major areas of crime they don't effectively combat, and I don't think it's a coincidence that one of the few major criminal issues they do have is sexual assault. Nor do I think it's a coincidence that they're the originators of some of the more creatively fucked up forms of porno.

Japanese grunts didn't just commit atrocities because they were told to and didn't question it, there was a real sadism at play and I think it has to do with how stressed out and repressed the population is.

Wonderful people, never gonna trust them with a military capable of offense again.

Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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Oy vey. The Third Reich wouldn't have survived 5 more years even if they had "won"

Communism survived another 40 years and that's a worse system.

The West should have just stayed out of it and let Hitler take Russia. Would have been better for everyone.

Stalinist flair communism unironically is better, more stable system

sure, most people work 16 hours a day six a days week, you share a room with two other families, have barely enough food to sustain and can't talk casually in public or in your house because somebody might snitch you out and get your ass killed (don't worry though, you also have a high chance of being send to gulag even if you do everything to appease the state) and also you are the lucky one because are not on country side which is somehow even worse, but hey it's incredibly stable system, just look at North Korea!


Hitler attacked Britain and France before Russia. And Japan attacked the US. How would the West have stayed out of it? Let Hitler enslave them?

That was preemptive because they were provoking him. Could have easily stayed out, his beef was with the East.

battle of france doesn't real

Despite popular misconception cannibalism was almost nonexistent. We have records of residents saying they'd rather starve to death.

I think that's a tiny bit misleading. I remember watching a documentary that showed NKVD record books on those incidents. It wasn't like a night of the living dead situation, but they did have dozens of recorded incidents.

Right but we're talking about a city that had 3.5 million people. I'm not saying it didn't happen, it obviously happened enough for there to be such a persistent myth.

My point was that given the city went from 3.5 million to 700k you'd think it'd be happening a hell of a lot more than the few recorded incidents we have.

Instead they were doing crazy shit like musicians stubbornly practicing Shostakovich's symphony No. 7 "Leningrad" whilst literally passing out from famine while playing, just so they could blast it over the air raid sirens to piss off the nazis.

Yeah, look at all the cool Nintendo switch games, just ignore the funky taste in your water and the snapchat news being tattooed on your daughters’ mind. Having zero ancestral reverence and perpetually pouring money towards fighting Israel’s enemies or exploding Africa’s population until human-borne white nose syndrome wipes everywhere but Tel Aviv is awesome man, I’m so grateful!

Funky taste in your water

Do people still care about the whole flouride thing?

Yes, it keeps my tooth enamel hard.

Real Americans brush their teeth with Mountain Dew

Depends which side of the fence you fall on the "IQQ" (IQ Question).Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride Reduces Children’s IQ

The studies in that meta study are almost entirely Chinese villages that have naturally occurring extremely high levels of fluoride in their water supplies, not fluoride added municipal water.

no. "PHS now recommends an optimal fluoride concentration of 0.7 milligrams/liter (mg/L)." FROM THE HARVARD STUDY ON CHINESE CHILDREN: Serum-fluoride concentrations associated with high intakes from drinking-water may exceed 1 mg/L, or 50 Smol/L, thus more than 1000-times the levels of some other neurotoxicants that cause neurodevelopmental damage. Supporting the plausibility of our findings, rats exposed to 1 ppm (50 Smol/L) of water-fluoride for one year showed morphological alterations in the brain and increased levels of aluminum in brain tissue compared with controls ...

yes is the answer to that

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To the gas chamber with you

no itd be all the people i dont like and id be promoted to general, just like all the chapo guys would be in charge under communism

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They gassed retarded people so it wouldn't have worked out too well for you

lol your rl feelings toward me

but fr everyone loved eugenics back then america was mad into it too

hitler was influenced by american objectivists at the time

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Too bad you pussies lost lmao. If Hitler was so good why did he die?

lmao Hitler didn't even have the balls to die gracefully and took the easy way out. 😂

lol imagine thinking this upsets me in response to a throwaway shitpost

some of you guys are too easy nowadays i swear

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It's hilarious when a bunch of teenagers talk about men defending stuff

well, there would be no MDE, so...

The axis definitely wouldn't have allowed furries to ever become a thing and I personally blame Japan getting bitchslapped for the creation of anime. So I acually agree with them on this.

MDE: "We're not Nazis, the Nazis were LEFTIST SOCIALISTS!"

Also MDE: this

Ironically, the Nazis would have gassed MDEgenerates for being retarded.

well we would have