/r/Drama user insults people who dye their hair green. This makes someone very angry, and walls of text ensue: "people like you inherently disrespect others because your life is sad therefore no one else's life has any value or merit in your pissant opinion."

16  2018-08-30 by dongas420


You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


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again, the type of person that really cares what individuals do with their bodies when no one is getting hurt

Wonder what this idiot's opinion on staring is. By the way, they just made a new thread on awful eyebrows yesterday.


Why does it bother me as an adult man in his mid thirties to see someone my age with hair dyed an off, unnatural color? I feel like at this age, haven't you had enough attention already? Aren't we past this?

For the same reason it bothers people to see others with facial piercings, stretched earlobes, tattoos everywhere and rompers. It makes you look like a freak lmao

downvoting lolcows

At least goths and emos had the decency to be self loathing.

^This guy gets it.

People: don't down vote lolcows. This is a live one. A gentle milking over weeks and months will do wonders.

Reminds me of a former co-worker.

We actually GOT an hour for lunch at that company and there were several fast food places in a 10 minute drive.

A lot of fast food lunches consumed, including sometimes McDonalds

This one tall blonde doofus worked there for a while whenever he saw someone eating McDonalds food, and it WAS unique to McDonalds, he would go up to them get RIGHT IN THEIR FACE and scream at the top of his lungs,"MC DONALDS??? DID YOU GET YOUR TASTE BUDS SHOT OFF IN A WAR???" and then start making all manner of snide remarks about McDonalds and their food!

Annoyed EVERYBODY! In fact on a really nice day some people ate al-fresco, and he even annoyed those who worked for other companies in the same industrial park with that same shit!!

The company eventually fired him for "poor peer relations"