/r/publicfreakout has a post where a black man gets life sentence without parole for cold blooded murder, comments are what you would expect.

63  2018-08-30 by TheColdTurtle


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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My city, always makes me soooo proud...

Ayy 414 represent

Please don't shoot me

It's ok, I'm not from the north side.

It's okay, we'll all be equal under the rubber of the masses of drunken Harley riders

awww yeah

Boy was aidin the mayocide is all... his damn native informative UNCLE had to ruin his good run. SMDH. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yncXHhN28uQ

Based black man is based

Wow, Dayquanta X² Malik 2cos2(x)−3​cos(x)=0 Johnson sure cried like a bitch when he got sentenced. Why the fuck would you expect anything else when you threw your signs up at the victims family? In the Courtroom? What an idiot.

> murdering a Mayo

> deserving punishment for it

Another black man who will go into prison a felon and leave a muslim inshallah

life without parole

leave a Muslim

leave prison


He will leave the mental prison that the khaffir are all in

That black mans name...

The only way he'll leave is in a bodybag.

paging /r/SubredditDrama, this thread has turned into a place for racist people to vent and feel justified.

this thread has turned into a place for racist people

Did you miss all the mayocide threads?

Theres a difference between racism and justice.

gallowboob alt spotted. I'm going to crucify you mayo trash

Really the greatest extent of the no consequences, raised to believe everything is someone else’s fault. You have no responsibility and deserve anything you want.

The more they intentionally segregated themselves and act like this and white cucks coddle them to get votes (while their party collapses) the more people will realize their species is incapable of existing in any society. Rough road but a wonderful destination



I'm like 20 comments in and they literally are what I expect which is racially agnostic hatred for such a shitty human being.