Anime Youtuber makes 30+ minute essay defending pedophilia in Chinese cartoons. Laugh at it while it's still up.

74  2018-08-30 by MofuckaOfInvention


Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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uhh hello I need a adult now

UWU What's this? OWO A cutie little snacky wacky? Why, hellooooo little creature XOXO aren't you just a sweet little cuppa puddin'. Say, owo where'd you say mummy and papa ran off to? how long do they usually take when they're out? xoxoXOXO XXX

I am an adult

Is your name also Mitchell Robbins?

Kreia Fag is actually a pedo. Who would’ve guessed.

Lolicons are a plague and should be placed at the bottom barrel of society.

Controversial, saying they belong in society.

You just blew my fucking mind. I'll have to take some time off and go through a period of self reflection.

The audacity to consider lolicons belonging in any place in society will be heralded as one of my greatest personal failures. Lolicons are people who watch anime. Anime watchers also play games. The fact that I would consider gamers to be humans is fucking ridiculous.

I promise I will try to be better.

The fact that I would consider gamers to be humans is fucking ridiculous.

Can gamers just be reclassified as hardware parts at this point?

That would imply that at some point they'd be useful for something.

We are everywhere. We are like spiders. You can't kill us all, and another innocent bystander will always get stuck in our webs.

They should be at the back of the oven.

who's at the front

Mayos who root for the mayocide.

20 page doujin of a 10 yr old girl being pounded by an ugly, obese, hairy man.

Look at this art guys! Don't you appreciate its valid contribution to society! Remember, if this makes you uncomfortable, you are a prudish book-burning nazi!

20 page doujin of a 10 yr old girl being pounded by an ugly, obese, hairy man.


Look up "pomf" on Urban Dictionary.

But Light of Tsukimi Manor didn't feature an ugly bastard, just a bunch of young adult male pedos, I think they were in decent shape even.

The fact that you didn't have to look that up is pretty sad, tbh.

It's a pretty famous manga

Yes, there are a lot of sad things in the world. Do you want a sea horse pic ?

I do

What a wonderful creature

Fuck you post a real one


is the title

What about wholesome loli manga though? Fortunately not all loli manga is about an ugly bastard raping a loli

Hahaha! But what if the rapist is really polite?

What if it's shota x loli? Then there isn't even statutory rape (which isn't even real rape anyway)

what if the loli rapes the guy

Do you think drawinga depicting rape should be illegal?

I just said it wasn't art

I onyl read loli hentai where the loli's dick is at least 30 cm long.

If you wanna beat your junk to underage cartoons just do it dude, but don't record 30 minute videos of you defending beating your meat to it.

Bro it's not gay to jerk it to dudes fucking each other as long as it's anime

This but unironically.

It really is fucked up how many people are into lolis.

And a bunch of those people would be watching actual child porn if the two were equally illegal.


this is entirely false people who are introduced to loli porn are no more likely than the general population to be pedos.


an*me = child molestation

There isn't any good evidence to suggest that cartoon porn acts as a substitute for child porn.

It makes some degree of logical sense, but so does the claim that it's a stepping stone to normalising the feeling to the point of escalation.

If I were a betting man, I'd say the latter is more likely considering how many people escalate the severity and degeneracy of their porn use over time, and how many people try BDSM (poorly) after seeing it in porn.

not as fucked up as women who are into shota but no one cares.

I have yet to see someone defending that it's great, tho.

I figured the vast majority of shota fans were dudes with mommy complexes.

For me shota is self insert. I always wanted a hot girl fuck me when I was a little boy

Yeah that's what I said.

I'm into women who are into shota

me too and I kind of look like a shota as well so it's all good.

Why can't they be into incest like normal people

Implying they aren't. Most child abuse happens within families

Lucky guy, best of both worlds. East and west collide.

why can't they be into incest

Not everyone can be /u/pizzashill

RIP taken2soon 😭😭😂

About 1% of men are pedos that means 35 million pedo men exist in the world at 0.5% of women to the mix and your get another 17.5 million. You could start a large country with that

I've heard that some islands have pedophila problems because there's no law on it and it's been a thing for generations they don't see it as being immoral anymore.

Huh, that explains Australia.

One of the islands in question I've heard about was an Australian Island, I think it was called mcdonalds island or something.

The other that I can remember was the Faroe islands, I can't find the original thing though it was on freenet and it was several years ago.

they don't see it as being immoral anymore.

Which means they dont have a pedophilia problem. Others have a problem with people not subscribing to their morals.

so much worse than rape porn tbh

It's fucked up how many are not.

i watched the whole thing ama

How do you have so much free time?

i cultivate a perception of being a heavy sleeper by coming in to work late with bedhead and then I ignore requests to come in on my day off and say i was asleep

The video isn't actually wrong though

Change my mind

You have an interesting post history.

Anyways, tbh fictional drawn porn in private should be kept legal, but being somehow proud of being a lolicon, or public stances that lolicon fetishization is somehow acceptable, like much of japanese and weeb culture, borders on enabling the real life act.

Compare this to rape fantasies. Getting off to rape in public, that's fine. Permissiveness and encouraging the kink in public (like some fraternities have done), is enabling the real life act.

I'm open about my degeneracy, not proud, just shameless in the hope that it helps anyone to know that people like me do exist. I'll link this post here, but it's kind of a pain to dig around in a suspended account's post history.

I try to avoid talking about anything personally identifiable on this account for obvious reasons, so this is the account I default to for anything tangentially related to my mental health or lack thereof, because it's nothing anyone knows about me in real life except people with confidentiality policies.

Interesting situation. I've never been in your situation, and wouldn't know, but have you ever had the notion that wrestling with the issue or identifying with the label is just further entrenching yourself into the thought process?

Like, is there a pedo version of keep calm and carry on, like, treating pedo-ism as a non-possibility and a non-issue.

Pedophilia isn't a sexual orientation because it isn't related to gender, but it is very similar to a sexual orientation in other ways. Basically, I am what I am, so I try to represent the "virtuous" pedophile point of view. The only real medical intervention is chemical castration, which is usually reserved for the actual sex offenders who prioritize their own sexual needs over morality.

Attraction to people you shouldn't have sex with isn't strictly a pedophile problem, it's anyone with a hot married friend, or a hot friend who just isn't into you, or a hot significant other who happens to be asleep right now.

Not adding incest when it fits so well smh

Supposedly, normal people get some kind of deep, visceral disgust when they're reminded of that one smoking-hot cousin that everyone has.

it's more of a fetish


Yep, this one's going in my mayocide compilation.

That's the comment that got to you? Really?

Lol weeb

When you don't have an argument

Imagine being so bussy-blasted by a week old comment that you feel the need to respond to it lmao. The absolute state of weebs.


being unironically into little girls

posts in r/anime and r/fragileblackredditor

I made that subreddit idioto

Lmao you unironically care if someone scrolls through your profile

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Shit, half the comments I make are specifically to fuck with people who look through my post history.

I can fuck with people even more just by being honest. I have to lie about myself to seem remotely normal.

Wanna trade?

this is more or less my take tbh. degeneracy is fine so long as you keep it private and realize its degeneracy. im kind of hesitant to think having a fantasy translates to emulating the real life equivalent, at least based off my own experiences. im not a lolicon, but there are other weird fetishes that i have that have remained and will forever remain in the fantasy realm for me personally, so when a lolicon says they aren’t attracted to real kids and/or would never touch a real one, i am inclined to believe them (unless they say or do something else that makes me suspect otherwise).

the two aren't related. people who like loli porn, in my experience, are not at ALL interested in kids. seriously talk to them. nobody likes kids actually, even if they like lolis lul

like in much of japanese and weeb culture, borders on enabling the real life act

I agree with most of what you said but Japan has a low rate of sexual child abuse

but being somehow proud of being a lolicon, or public stances that lolicon fetishization is somehow acceptable, like in much of japanese and weeb culture, borders on enabling the real life act.

But you're wrong and no empirical study indicates you're right

putting your hand on the stove burns your shit

What a fucking idiot


>Believing in causality

Do you even Hume?

Permissiveness and encouraging the kink in public (like some fraternities have done), is enabling the real life act.

Lol, no.

Rape is rape because it's illegal. People don't rape just because society tells them it's ok. If society really did enable rape, then it wouldn't be illegal and also wouldn't be rape any more. People rape for the same reason they steal, or they fight. Because people are people.

Just because cartoon kiddos don't have rights doesn't make jerking off to them isn't disgusting you degenerates

Opened video, expected Digibro.

Yes officer, this post over here

[Coming September 30th]

Didn't know /u/yameteoniichanitai had a YouTube channel

wow what a fucking degenerate

What the fuck is up with his retarded ass accent? Sounds like some netherlands idiot

I need to see what this human looks like before I can finish my judgement

this post is correct lul

very simple analogy: would you rather people watch wholesome loli porn and go on to live standard lives or watch (((normal))) porn where an emotionless guy fucks a crying girl and go on to not be interested in women other than sex as a result lol