Leave it to Canadian media to highlight not the man's overall craziness but the fact that he said that he's "involuntary celibate".

12  2018-08-30 by MozzerDozzer


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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to highlight not the man's overall craziness

"involuntary celibate".

They did. Anyone who calls them "involuntary celibate" is practically a brain dead retard.

Oh shush, you know full well what I mean. Instead of reporting it as yet another senseless murder by a lunatic, Edmonton Journal decided to cash in on the fresh memory of Toronto van attack.

Journos, smh.


Again, one and the same. There are no incels which aren't lunatics. So it doesn't matter if the media reports that he calls himself an incel. That alone implies that he's not mentally stable.

There are no incels which aren't lunatics.

Are you sure? Have you checked?


Yes and yes, you lunatic.

Name one that isn't. I'll wait

Your mom.



This term is reserved for when the parties are humans, not leafs

The CBC does have a PBeSque streak to it!

Op, incel and lunatic are usually synonyms

all incels should be named, shamed and ostracized tho, so the leafs may have actually done something right here.

Looking at the pictures, it seems like this was an incel-on-incel crime.

How can anyone be an incel when hookers exist?!?!?

Thats a shit load of social manuvering

when he landed a blow on Doucette, who was suffering from an alcohol addiction

suffering from an alcohol addiction


he was β€œworking poor,” living in the YMCA downtown and struggling with a job where he was sometimes attacked


When he was arrested, police found a pellet gun and nunchucks in a backpack he took to work with him,



is this a real life bumfight

God I had forgotten all about those "Bumfights" scumbags...