28  2018-08-30 by dramasexual


And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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Also some great shit in sorted by controversial

Saying that criticizing Islam is racist is like saying that criticizing Nazism is bigoted against Germans.

krauts deserve to d*e anyway

(In minecraft)

Okay steamy hot, radical-centrist, seriousposting take;

Criticizing Islam is not racist, in any shape of form.

In the US there is a retard problem, proven by daddy defense forces. Retards exist in every nation obviously, but we know US is exceptional because it is the number 1 western nation at being anti-secular.

This is why while many intelligent people criticize Islam in the US, many retards do it as well. And the retards often confuse it with race. I saw this thread were some browny atheist was talking to a conservatard who basically said "I don't believe you're an atheist because muslims are allowed to lie to infidels in the name of jihad".

This is why other retards often say "critizing Islam is racist". It's not, but some people manage to make it racist.

Why is antisemitism racist, but islamophobia not?

Antisemitism is entirely based on race. You can be antisemitic towards an atheist Jew, because antisemitism is prejudice/discrimination against the Jewish people, not the believers of Judaism (it just happens that only Jews believe in Judaism). Even the word itself means "Against the semitic people", though it's never used to describe racism against Arabic peoples (nor Maltese people) for some reason.

Islamophobia on the other hand literally means "(Irrational) Fear of Islam". Now side point here; fuck the person who came up with this because if I'm gonna be scared of any religion at all it's going to be Islam and there's nothing wrong with that but whatever. Next time come up with something like "Antimuhammadianism" or someshit though that's even worse nevermind.

So anyway, Islamophobia is discrimination against faith. If you're assuming a brown person is a muslim and then discriminating against them, you're being Islamophobic and also racist.

They used to call muslims muhammedists but then (((they))) decided it was racist or something.

Saying that criticizing Judaism is racist is like saying that criticizing Nazism is bigoted against Germans.

You also would never get murdered by a Shi'a Muslim for depictions of Muhammad because that's not part of their religion. Let me apologize for even bringing something so outrageous as that up. Also it's pretty much just Wahabbis that are insanely iconoclastic, in Saudi Arabia they've closed off, and some want to destroy, the mosque that Muhammad was buried in because of the mere theoretical chance that someone going to it might pray to Muhammad instead of Allah. Praise Allah.

You also would never get murdered by a Shi'a Muslim for depictions of Muhammad

Great, only 87% of Muslims would kill me because of a depiction of Muhammad.

Shias here would lynch for blasphemy same as Sunnis, although idk whether they'd consider any depictions of the prophet to be such. Source: lives in Pakistan.

how is Pakistan?

Fucking awful, duh

Pretty good country although it sucks I have to keep my apostasy hidden in fear of lynching.

I love how when it comes to religion, it seems like everybody suddenly becomes the expert on scriptural interpretation, even atheists and people of other religions.

Mohammed Parrot literally can't even rn